
Review Detail of HotRedFlaming in THE LAST ASSASSIN(Rinleigh's Legend)

Review detail


I don't know where to start. But if you are into gore, ruthless female lead, and killing villains then this may be a good novel for you. I never expected that this was how the novel would turn out since I never see this on female leads. The FL reminds me of ruthless chinese protagonists that is decisive in killing her enemies. The second hlf of the chapter would let you know which route this will take. Now the grammar needs some work and some misspellings could be found. Now as a guy what made me uncomfortable in this novel that Rinleigh's friends get butt****ed by gays to earn money. I'm not into that, but some readers might. Im curious where this story will lead since the mc isnt just a normal girl. But continue author and may you find your readers...


THE LAST ASSASSIN(Rinleigh's Legend)


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i really can't stop from laughing when i read about the gay and such. thank you so much for appreciating my work😊 hope to have you until the very end of Rinleigh's journey. And about the wrong spelling and wrong grammar, im sorry for that, i haven't edit my story yet, because of lock of time. hihihi. but thank you so much😊