
Review Detail of AsianLadyBoy in Hollywood RE:CODED

Review detail


I was really enjoying this at the start. The Hollywood stuff was good, the business management stuff was good and even the slow romance start was good. Unfortunately for some reason, the author decided to take a hard left turn with his story and start focusing on other things than what people want to read about. The MC starts to hang out with friends more and it just turns into a slice of life with sprinkles of information of his business dealings and showbiz work. The author even decided to throw in some supernatural stuff into the story. By that point, you start to wonder whether or not you are even reading the same story you started with. I found myself skimming a lot trying to find the showbiz/business stuff because everything else is not interesting at all. When it comes to the romance stuff. In enjoyed the development with the first girl to confess to him but he rejected her. And his first girl he loses his V-card to is some random 17yold wanna-be actress from Europe. But she also rejects him. And he gets all mad and screams at her, then quickly apologizes. It just does not feel good at all. You just don't care about the characters he adds in to the story. It's not interesting and he forces a lot of things that just don't fit and makes you just want to skip all of those parts. If the Author kept it 80% showbiz/business management and 20%romance than this story for me would have been a 4+* book all day. And that's how it was at the start it really had me readying every chapter and not skipping or skimming any of them because it was interesting reading on how he was becoming the best in showbiz and in business. But it eventually stops being that, and the pace of the story slows down. It starts to make you think that it's a slice of life now with some showbiz stuff in it. The character design and story development as well as the world background building takes a huge nose dive as soon as the story starts to go all over the place. I was really enjoying it, and it sucks that I stopped enjoying it. But for me now this novel has lost its "Fun" factor. I no longer enjoyed reading it, it felt like a chore having to do so. And for that, I give this story a 2.8*.


Hollywood RE:CODED


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