
Review Detail of Levianeus in GATE: Rise of the Kaiserin

Review detail


Osterreich joined in before the Franco-Prussian war. This is horribly insulting. Austria would NEVER join a unified Germany with Prussia at its head (Unless they were totally humiliated and defeated). Austria under the Catholic Hapsburg monarchy, had MUCH more prestige than the Hohenzollern (Prior to the Austro-Prussian and German Unification Wars). If Austria did not have Hungary and its other territories, it would have unified Germany or divided it. Unless Prussia offered Austria significant autonomy and religious/social/economic freedoms, Austria would not join. This isn't Austria after WWl, this is an Austria that is not buckling under the weight of its ethnic nationalist minorities. It is an Empire with too much dignity to subject itself to Prussia. Unless a marriage alliance happened, and significant concessions with autonomy is given, this is not possible.

GATE: Rise of the Kaiserin


Liked by 1 people




Another thing, France never had a Queen/Empress regnant. Salic law was empirical in France, as it excluded foreigners and their offspring from the throne. This also applied to Prussia, a heavily militarist nation. Austria had a Queen Regnant, and she had to fight half the continent to keep it. If you wanted to have a female monarch unify Germania, an Austrian would have been a better choice.


Augel, I humbly thank you for your reply with very detail review comments. I apologize that my story concept let you have an aggressive opposition due to the fact of Austria during the "Unification of Germany" in my storyline, however, your comments enlighten my view on past political history. To be honest, I would like to hear more from you, so that my story can be more understandable in the future. Therefore I would like to invite you to my discord channel so you are able to share your ideas freely. If you would like to volunteer to be my concept supporter, I am very welcome anytime. Once again, thank you very much for such comment.


Also to refer your question, according to the timeline, Osterreich is given massive freedom along with an independent government.


Yes, of course. I do not like Austria being excluded, that is all. That is one of the things I never liked about Youjo Senki (and the author making the abomination that is the USSR in WWl). The Hapsburgs we're prestigious monarchs who had been ruling their territories for over 650 years. To be ruled by upstart protestant militant heretics, it would have been a loss of face unimaginable to their eyes.