
Review Detail of FNU_LNU in The Dean Has Arrived

Review detail


i have read ahead and have gotten to some ~200 chapters. from the title you would expect that MC is actually some kind of teacher creating his academy and teaching numerous students etc. if you are expecting this you will be disappointed. MC is just using academy to gather his harem of lolis and academy system is just cover for him to get OP. all of the support characters are young females that are mostly in love with MC. cause of reviews i was constantly expecting for it to suddenly get good like some other similar novels, cause so many ppl did 5 star reviews and were comparing it to them, but that moment never came. there is no comedy and it is rather similar to other system novels. grind, action and nonsensical storyline that is riddled with plot holes and ofcourse deus ex machinas.

The Dean Has Arrived

Bat Onigiri

Liked by 10 people




Gosh I'm surprised this is written by a Japanese author ( onigiri as author i guess he is Japanese...), i hate these pedophile novels should be forbidden this is just their sick wish fullfilment.


Yeah. Though I stopped after 10 chapters, was way too disappointed after those 'great' reviews. Was basically wash and rinse.