
Review Detail of Feliprins1 in A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Review detail


It's quite interesting world, full of potential that makes you want to keep with the book till the end to see what it will show you along the way, The backstory of the MC seems epic, the world is vibrant and alive, there is the feeling of expectation for the start of this new journey... But then the story as it unravels seems to lose steam, characters that were very detailed start to have contradictions with their previous attitudes without much explanation, the pacing starts to slow down to the point where there are more insignificant details about actions like walking through a room or getting down from a carriage then from more relevant details (The issue is not the existence of such moments just the frequency of such descriptions affecting the narrative), the history starts to be a struggle to read after seeing the MC be near helpless at anything even if the whole premise, (Title of the novel) which is, him being borderline impossible to surprise because of his experience, having a way to do things that other normies would not be able to do or all that being almost completely inexistent for as far as I read so far. There is not a semblance of Kingdom Building so far, there is only the characters doing stupid decisions, villains being villainous while the rest cry, the helplessness in the face of challenges makes it so frustrating to read, it's like MC is a scared little child who is used as a punching bag just for sake of trying to not exaggerate his abilities (Which sounds counterproductive considering the title of the novel). It pains to say that it becomes gruelling to read endless struggle without the gratification or pleasure of seeing something going right due to MCs actions, seeing every moment being one of torment and anxiety is not good for my heart... My patience has been wore thin by the fact that most side characters have had a bigger spotlight then the MC and that their decisions are also mirred with endless inconsistencies, sudden weaknesses that didn't exist or simple illogical behavior that does not correspond with what was shown previously.


A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)


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