
Review Detail of Syphiinz in The Demon Monarch System

Review detail


An in-depth breakdown of the novel after 100 chapters. Allow me to help you determine whether or not this novel is for you. This will not be a harem novel. However, it may imitate real life where you can have different partners at different stages in life. Hence, relationships may start and they may end if he deems them to not be the "one". It depends on the flow of the stories. After all, this isn't just one book but rather a series under one grand title. The beginning isn't extremely fast-paced, but it sets the momentum. The MC—Apollo Kaiser is rash, lashes out, and has a rather immature mindset in the beginning but again—he begins a child. So this behavior is to be expected. When I write, I like to emulate to the best of my ability. In doing so, I expect some type of emotional invocation from my readers. Both the MC's journey and others are filled with growth. The pace at which he acquires power is neither slow nor fast but it can be both. To sum it up, if you get past his infuriating past (Chapter 2-16), a world of intrigue awaits. Moreover, all questions that arise will most likely be answered throughout the novel.

The Demon Monarch System


Liked by 73 people




Up until now I've read some Cultivation System novels and I was not thrilled with the genre but when I saw this one I thought to give it a shot and I don't regret it, but author if you're reading this please don't make him depend too much on the system for cultivation have him do it in the traditional way also up until now I believe you've done a great job. All in all I recommend it to anyone who wants to read sth new.


I find it beautiful yet I feel some how sad even for you as a writer your whole being is put into what you write so this hate this intent you must have gone thru alot


To all those interested, this is the book discord: https://discord.gg/EX63KcUWjG


Story is a real hidden jem the way youve gone about this has intrigued and enraptured me thisnovel is borderline gold in my eYes hope you continue on with this TO its end godsPeed and merry christmas


Finally became priviliged


Any romance

Syphiinz:To all those interested, this is the book discord: https://discord.gg/EX63KcUWjG

Nope, not yet.

Matt_pike:Any romance

No harem please.


He said not harem so think of it like supreme magus. he get a girlfriend at the school and they break up because of what their plans are for after school and then he gets together with another girl in the military when he gets sent out. basically dont expect the first girl mc meets to be his girlfriend/wife for the rest of the novel.

DeVoided:No harem please.

Knowing that there will be a lot of failed relationships in this novel bums me out. 1 I guess would aight but more than that Is just, for the lack of a better word “eh”. which also made me feel hesitant in reading it. But from what I hear the story seems great


Their assumptions are only partly correct, I never said "when" the romance begins. But, when it does, it won't be relationship hopping. Unless a viable reason takes place, don't expect a shift in the MC's spouse. With what I have in my mind for the MC, this isn't his focus right now. However, I can say again—probably for the last time—the story isn't a harem. So guys, no moreeeeeee.

Scripture02:Knowing that there will be a lot of failed relationships in this novel bums me out. 1 I guess would aight but more than that Is just, for the lack of a better word “eh”. which also made me feel hesitant in reading it. But from what I hear the story seems great

Aye Im all in for late romance and Im more of a guy who likes nonharem novel (doesnt mean I dont love harem novels). It just feels sad when the breakup happens and we’ve grown attatched to the waifu

Syphiinz:Their assumptions are only partly correct, I never said "when" the romance begins. But, when it does, it won't be relationship hopping. Unless a viable reason takes place, don't expect a shift in the MC's spouse. With what I have in my mind for the MC, this isn't his focus right now. However, I can say again—probably for the last time—the story isn't a harem. So guys, no moreeeeeee.

I have yet to read the book, so I don't even know if I'll like it yet or if it's been well executed...But you know what? regardless I can tell from your comment here that your vision and intent is that of someone whose potential I admire and am excited by. I believe you could be a career writer one day, as long as you don't give up and take every new book you work on as an opportunity to only get better, more refined, and more complex! I look forward to exploring your book after I finish my studies for the day!


Hey, if you need tips and writing material, check my comment here, I will leave about 2~4 comment draft there that i made in the past, should be helpful for you (take it at your own pace though, because it a bit long, and you can check anytime anyway. It fine to only take some and not use the rest if they not suit your novel): *If you need advice and material to research, check this website of "Limyaael's Rants" below, it have over 400 topics for you to learn advice to write those topic there (take a grain of salt since some more like a rule rather than advice/tips, which isn't alway good) https://curiosityquills.com/limyaael/ then you can check the youtuber "terrible writing advice", it will show you how "not" to write those topic, idea about tropes and way to handle them https://youtube.com/watch?v=TTZEFGvMH0k You can also check my main thread for any material you need here, also there are a list of good novel you can check there in my post for idea https://royalroadl.com/forums/thread/98657 (google "Forum And Writing Directory for Authors" on royalroad if you can't find my post)


_ How to hold a government/faction together (in direct response to the video "The Rules for Rulers" from author of 'Enlightent empire', though some other part he didn't mention below are still valid there) : || 1) Distribute things of value among the people who guarantee you power, including generals, priests, businessmen (that's the content of the video) 2) However, besides money, there is a good number of other valuables which can be distributed by a ruler. Those can include, but are not limited to: prestige, land (as in european feudalism), education and political power (as in much of ancient china). 3) If you distribute among your entire population, or most of your population, evenly, it means that the ruler won't be dependent on the support from a few individuals. That's the reason for the original creation of bureaucracy and leads to either absolute monarchies or democracies. Both systems are fantastically stable and let the rulers work without outside interference, but only so long as the people of the countries are doing well. As soon as there is some economic trouble you might risk a coup. This isn't a response to the video directly, but here is a more general way to keep a country stable/avoid revolutions: There is two basic factors to guarantee a country's stability: 1) Common Goods: A common good is something which costs money to provide and benefits everyone in the country. At the most basic level, that includes external and internal security (army, police and courts) as well as roads and other infrastructure. If a government fails to provide these basic common goods which were provided before, the government is in trouble. 2) Wealth: If people lose hope, they will start a revolt to improve their lives. This happens if too many people in a population fall below a level of wealth where they can support their basic needs (food, clothes, shelter) and in systems where most people see no hope for an improved life in the future. The second point is more nebulous, so I'll give two examples: In 91 BC, the roman empire fought a war on the italian peninsula against other italian cities (called the Social War). The reason: The Italians outside of Rome were barely allowed to take part in the spoils from roman conquest. They also wanted to be Roman citizens with the same rights, to get the chance to become senator for example. At the end of the war, Rome allowed their italian cities roman citizenship and there were no other uprisings like this. This sort of practice actually had a great impact on roman policy, even slaves, or their children, could become free citizens under certain circumstances within the system. It is one of the reasons the gian roman empire stayed so stable for so long despite all the different cultures unified in it. Maybe a bit controversial, but the american dream looks very much like this sort of strategy to stabilize a country, especially the repeated assertion that anyone can become rich in america so long as they work hard enough. (credit: Sociable Hermit) || Here is some video name on youtube for more idea about ruling and politic: _ How To Do Politics _ The Problem with Foreign Aid ( Note: a solution near the end, but one factor prevent it) _ Alexander the Great: Logistics (Note: a lot of people underestimate the logistics thing here, no army can fight/conquering while they are starving, especially in medieval time, and the video show some good medieval solution for this, some fact still relevant to today) _ The Art of War - Sun Tzu - An Animated Book Summary (read some comments for more advice, and one good modern strategy comment) || There is a lot that can be done militarily before nukes are used Drone assassination, freezing of assets, using tanks and infantry, blocking trade routes with a navy, placing trade embargoes on countries, training and supplying resistance organizations, using soft power to influence the citizens to stop supporting their government. ||

ArashiTenebris:Hey, if you need tips and writing material, check my comment here, I will leave about 2~4 comment draft there that i made in the past, should be helpful for you (take it at your own pace though, because it a bit long, and you can check anytime anyway. It fine to only take some and not use the rest if they not suit your novel): *If you need advice and material to research, check this website of "Limyaael's Rants" below, it have over 400 topics for you to learn advice to write those topic there (take a grain of salt since some more like a rule rather than advice/tips, which isn't alway good) https://curiosityquills.com/limyaael/ then you can check the youtuber "terrible writing advice", it will show you how "not" to write those topic, idea about tropes and way to handle them https://youtube.com/watch?v=TTZEFGvMH0k You can also check my main thread for any material you need here, also there are a list of good novel you can check there in my post for idea https://royalroadl.com/forums/thread/98657 (google "Forum And Writing Directory for Authors" on royalroad if you can't find my post)

* In case you need more idea for social/psycholophy stuff and romance thing, I suggest you check this from my old draft (nothing personal, it was for other author at that time): (Most of the channel 'Psych2Go' video are for get better idea in diagnosis mental illness, and aware about social/how they behavior, so take a grain of salt since even if you have 1 sign of toxic of all 10 doesn't mean you are fully toxic, and the opposite are also true, this depend from case to case), and since this site don't allow link so I post youtube video name instead: _ '10 Things "Nice Guys" Always Do WRONG' (10:50 long, from topthink channel) _ '7 Signs You May Not Be Ready for a Relationship' (6:03 long, especially number 3 and 4, where it more like you consider her a 'project' to be rescued/fixed the emotion damage instead of someone you want to be in a relationship with, as friend or lover. If That the case when you try to 'ship' the mc with her.) _ '12 Signs You're in an Unhealthy Relationship' (5:16 long, especially number 5, because relationship is about invest and sharing burden from both side, not one sided way, which a lot of those who have no idea about how relationship work think that way, because if it just one sided way, even if it man or woman, that is take advance of someone. Don't forget that there are more than just 'lover/wife' for 'relationship', there are still relationship as friend, family, brother and sister, even if blood or not blood related) _ '12 Signs You're in a Healthy Relationship' (5:15 long. Now that how to have a good relationship, also note, if you note this and the video above do mention about 'Argue' part, try to listen the video fully, because the above is for case where you argue all the time, even meaniless/small thing, while other is for trying to understand each other, try to express their own feeling and their own view, and to prevent from bottling up your feeling too much that it turn to resentment) _ 10 BEST TIPS FOR WRITING WOMEN ( Jenna Moreci channel have lot of good advice, especially abour romance, woman and chemistry between character, If you want to get more future idea for some character relation then this can help)

ArashiTenebris:_ How to hold a government/faction together (in direct response to the video "The Rules for Rulers" from author of 'Enlightent empire', though some other part he didn't mention below are still valid there) : || 1) Distribute things of value among the people who guarantee you power, including generals, priests, businessmen (that's the content of the video) 2) However, besides money, there is a good number of other valuables which can be distributed by a ruler. Those can include, but are not limited to: prestige, land (as in european feudalism), education and political power (as in much of ancient china). 3) If you distribute among your entire population, or most of your population, evenly, it means that the ruler won't be dependent on the support from a few individuals. That's the reason for the original creation of bureaucracy and leads to either absolute monarchies or democracies. Both systems are fantastically stable and let the rulers work without outside interference, but only so long as the people of the countries are doing well. As soon as there is some economic trouble you might risk a coup. This isn't a response to the video directly, but here is a more general way to keep a country stable/avoid revolutions: There is two basic factors to guarantee a country's stability: 1) Common Goods: A common good is something which costs money to provide and benefits everyone in the country. At the most basic level, that includes external and internal security (army, police and courts) as well as roads and other infrastructure. If a government fails to provide these basic common goods which were provided before, the government is in trouble. 2) Wealth: If people lose hope, they will start a revolt to improve their lives. This happens if too many people in a population fall below a level of wealth where they can support their basic needs (food, clothes, shelter) and in systems where most people see no hope for an improved life in the future. The second point is more nebulous, so I'll give two examples: In 91 BC, the roman empire fought a war on the italian peninsula against other italian cities (called the Social War). The reason: The Italians outside of Rome were barely allowed to take part in the spoils from roman conquest. They also wanted to be Roman citizens with the same rights, to get the chance to become senator for example. At the end of the war, Rome allowed their italian cities roman citizenship and there were no other uprisings like this. This sort of practice actually had a great impact on roman policy, even slaves, or their children, could become free citizens under certain circumstances within the system. It is one of the reasons the gian roman empire stayed so stable for so long despite all the different cultures unified in it. Maybe a bit controversial, but the american dream looks very much like this sort of strategy to stabilize a country, especially the repeated assertion that anyone can become rich in america so long as they work hard enough. (credit: Sociable Hermit) || Here is some video name on youtube for more idea about ruling and politic: _ How To Do Politics _ The Problem with Foreign Aid ( Note: a solution near the end, but one factor prevent it) _ Alexander the Great: Logistics (Note: a lot of people underestimate the logistics thing here, no army can fight/conquering while they are starving, especially in medieval time, and the video show some good medieval solution for this, some fact still relevant to today) _ The Art of War - Sun Tzu - An Animated Book Summary (read some comments for more advice, and one good modern strategy comment) || There is a lot that can be done militarily before nukes are used Drone assassination, freezing of assets, using tanks and infantry, blocking trade routes with a navy, placing trade embargoes on countries, training and supplying resistance organizations, using soft power to influence the citizens to stop supporting their government. ||



I found this novel recently and it got me so hooked that I caught up with the released chapters in 3 days. The story is good although there are some minor grammatical errors here and there it's a good read nonetheless. The only feeling left in me after each chapter is a feeling of not having read enough. So I thank the author for making this novel and hope it develops even better along its journey and gain more following. [img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update]


Aside from material and tips I shared previously, do this novel have any kingdom/base/faction building ?, do the mc make/invent some techology/technique from earth (of course at most the concept of it since the mc isn't engineer), just curious, and what this system in your novel like ? (quite busy so can't sure if this novel suit my taste or not)


Anything pertaining to that comes later. Inside Astarat, there is no reason to do those things. As for the system, it's not really a deus ex machina type, he must work for what he desires.

ArashiTenebris:Aside from material and tips I shared previously, do this novel have any kingdom/base/faction building ?, do the mc make/invent some techology/technique from earth (of course at most the concept of it since the mc isn't engineer), just curious, and what this system in your novel like ? (quite busy so can't sure if this novel suit my taste or not)