
Review Detail of TheTrueGilgamesh in The Dark Blood Age

Review detail


The MC drifts from place to place falling into trap after trap like someone constantly slipping on banana peels. New plot lines keep opening up whilst old ones are left hanging. New questions continually pop up while previous questions go unanswered. MC was given the task to find the 5 pieces of the map from the first few chapters, after 500 chapters of not minding his own business he still hasn't found the 4th piece and decided to concentrate on revenge instead. Most of the setting (99%+) is wasted as the MC keeps going to new mysterious places and f*cking about while everyone he cares about gets murdered. You could say the author is just making sh*t up as he goes along. And you'd be right. The author's exact thoughts at the time of writing the MC: "How can I write someone to be as miserable and helpless as possible?" Here's the story in a nutshell: OMG I NEED TO FIND THE 5 PIECES OF THE MAP BEFORE THE OUTER SPACE DEMONS ARRIVE Oh look here is a random village that I don't need to enter but I will do so for the lulz Oh noes random people are getting chased by monsters I must protect them even though I've repeatedly said that I'm a selfish bastard but actually I'm a nice guy SUDDENLY MONSTERS OUT OF f*ckING NOWHERE AND NOW I AM GETTING CHASED BY MONSTERS FOR 20 CHAPTERS WHAT! HOW DARE RANDOM STRANGERS THAT I DO NOT KNOW BETRAY ME! I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED! VERY SAD!! Oh look, a power struggle between random strangers. Must... not... get... involved [gets involved anyways] [100 chapters later] Wow I just found about the existence of aliens maybe I should keep my book a secret [reveals he has the book to all the aliens] f*ck WHY ARE ALIENS CHASING ME [LITERALLY 400 chapters later] OMG I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND THE MAP BUT ALL MY FAMILY IS DEAD AND I DONT CARE ANYMORE! I HAVE TO KILL ALL THE ALIENS WHO KILLED MY FAMILY!! [1000 chapters later the aliens are stronger than ever and he is still a weak shit] So the premise of the story is that the MC has a magical book that NOBODY knows exists because it's f*cking thousands of years old and everybody thinks it's a pile of junk. Also nobody could read it. Otherwise they would've taken it away from him already. The magical book contains magical spells and cultivation methods and deadly strong fighting techniques that can destroy entire armies with a single attack. The book tells the MC that the world will plunge into darkness in 2012 and a new age will begin that lets him use magic. Of course the MC is a blabbering idiot and tells everyone about 2012 by POSTING IT ON PUBLIC INTERNET FORUMS. The problem with this is that the MC states that he's incredibly selfish and cold and will place his own interests over other people's, and yet his actions show the exact opposite. Let's think about this. If it's true and NOBODY ELSE on the internet predicted the darkness then it means it's either: 1. Top secret information that the government does not want anybody to know or 2. Information that even the government does not know Regardless of whether if it's 1 or 2, the government as described in the story would obviously arrest and torture the MC and everyone who has ever had the misfortune of being in contact with him to find out how he came across the information. The MC's actions do not make any sense. Even Jesus reincarnate wouldn't go blabbering on about the darkness since NOBODY would believe it, and it would bring trouble to him later on because he would get arrested. Thus posting about it on the internet forums is the worst decision in every possible situation. There are a few more really dumb things that the MC does, like creating and wearing flashy looking armor that is instantly recognizable from miles away that NOBODY ELSE is wearing, using flashy fire and ice spells to kill bugs IN FRONT OF EVERYONE and so on. I'm actually surprised that the MC does not get found out by the aliens sooner. There are more shiit to this novel DON'T READ IT FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR SANITY JUST DON'T!!!!!!

The Dark Blood Age

Tian Xia Piao Huo

Liked by 54 people




You don’t see a main character like this very often on this site and it really is quite fresh in comparison to the popular books.

Risean_Sidney:yep... and I kinda like it.. compared to other stories it's kinda... refreshing?

So are you “Keklel” from novelupdates, Or did you just copy paste it? 🧐


Copy-paste it got from the most honest and brutal rating website

Shadowdracul:So are you “Keklel” from novelupdates, Or did you just copy paste it? 🧐

It took me 487 chapters before I realized that the Author refuses to give the MC a happy ending. At this rate I wouldn't even be surprised if the MC finally builds a happy life only to find out in the last 10 seconds he needs to sacrifice himself to stop the Demons. I thought this would be an adventure novel with how the Earth has changed due to Dark Energy and how humans must adapt. But no, the strange new world is pretty much a backdrop for how many times the Author thinks he can get away with killing the MC's loved ones.


yep... and I kinda like it.. compared to other stories it's kinda... refreshing?

Havoc76:It took me 487 chapters before I realized that the Author refuses to give the MC a happy ending. At this rate I wouldn't even be surprised if the MC finally builds a happy life only to find out in the last 10 seconds he needs to sacrifice himself to stop the Demons. I thought this would be an adventure novel with how the Earth has changed due to Dark Energy and how humans must adapt. But no, the strange new world is pretty much a backdrop for how many times the Author thinks he can get away with killing the MC's loved ones.

The problem is that reading 500 chapters of this dark misery, where even the mc barely upgrades, it becomes kind of tiresome. A good story that's long needs different spicy moments from time to time to kill the monotony.

10016:You don’t see a main character like this very often on this site and it really is quite fresh in comparison to the popular books.

A honest review from an idiot is still just an idiotic review in the end though, let alone I could not find it honest at all.

TheTrueGilgamesh:Copy-paste it got from the most honest and brutal rating website

Thank you for the heads up. I would be frustrated about those types of stupid actions and stopped reading it. Now I don't have to read something to find out that it is stupid.