
Review Detail of DNaCat_R in Primordial Darkness Heretic Art

Review detail


A quick summary of the review: It is a very good novel with a good chance to become a "great novel", the plot is unpredictable, the world is very wide, it's readable and the characters are interesting ( Just think about the lich and the puppeteer...) I know that there are a lot of people that know how to write a review better than me but since there are only around 20 reviews on this novel I will try to write an accurate review for new readers... Let's start with the best and more interesting parts of the novel... World background and Story development! I must admit that this novel surprised me far more than I expected after reading the first chapters, besides, those surprises aren't something impossible to predict but at the same time, you won't be able to predict anything without understanding the characters' mindset. The world background is also unique, the author was surely inspired by other novels but it is also clear that the result is surprisingly great, I must say that I don't like post-apocalypse yet I enjoy this one a lot, if you like fantasy novels and you are searching for something new, then this one is the novel you are searching! There are a lot of sentients races like demons, elves, strange talking trees, beastmen, liches, and a lot more... I don't know yet if there are other groups of races like the dark race that contains every creature capable to use dark essence, ( like demons, liches, cursed moon cats, etc..) but if there are, it would be even more interesting since our MC's faction have something like "limitless potential"? Well, not that I care about balance, our MC must defy the heavens with something OP after all. Now, let's go on with the almost serious review! The character design is good with some little flows due to the inexperience of the author, but don't think that this is so bad! have you ever tried to write a novel? Well, if the answer is not then let me tell you something, it's hard, very hard... It's rare to find a new author that can fluently change the character's behavior. Well, our dear author failed a bit since it was a little forced but look at the bright side, he tried and I am confident that he will improve! After all, everyone learns from his own mistakes, for this reason, if you find some actions a little forced, don't drop the novel right away, give it a chance to impress you. Ok now, the main character isn't a mindless machine nor he is an honorable man with a normal mindset yet he is quite funny, I like his character, I don't know what other readers think about it but I can't help but smile and sometimes laugh more than usual while reading. And here we are... at the bottom of the review and the nemesis of our almighty author-sama... The writing quality... I know that there are a lot of novels with far more grammatical mistakes and I must admit that this one isn't too far from my bottom-line for grammatical mistakes yet it is readable and grammatical mistakes can always be fixed in the future, so don't lose hope, just pray that the author will somehow find some trustworthy proofreaders and everything will be perfect. Or that is what I always say to myself every time I find something that shouldn't exist... Well, if someone is reading my review until this point, congratulations! You have surpassed my expectations since usually no one read my reviews... Okay, now that you learned everything about the novel, go, spread your wings and read this novel! I hope you will enjoy it~

Primordial Darkness Heretic Art


Liked by 94 people




Thanks bro and sorry I'm using this as my assignment for a review for a book I have recently read. XP


Thank you!!☺


Great review. It's reviews like this which help prospective readers decide whether to invest time into the novel or not! It's rather odd why you rated this novel 5 stars though, especially seeing as majority of your review was (subtly) condemnatory towards the novel. Anyway thanks, keep up the great reviews!


I guess you are right, I was probably too focused on describing the criticisms rather than why I liked it... 4,5 stars because overall it's very immersive and the mistakes don't stop the reader from reading... Yes, they are a little annoying but you can simply ignore them and enjoy the novel I write criticisms to help the author to improve... more I like a novel, the more I feel it's due to help the author as a reader, and suggest how to improve his novel is the only thing I can do😅

InHisName:Great review. It's reviews like this which help prospective readers decide whether to invest time into the novel or not! It's rather odd why you rated this novel 5 stars though, especially seeing as majority of your review was (subtly) condemnatory towards the novel. Anyway thanks, keep up the great reviews!

Thank you for the elaboration!

DNaCat_R:I guess you are right, I was probably too focused on describing the criticisms rather than why I liked it... 4,5 stars because overall it's very immersive and the mistakes don't stop the reader from reading... Yes, they are a little annoying but you can simply ignore them and enjoy the novel I write criticisms to help the author to improve... more I like a novel, the more I feel it's due to help the author as a reader, and suggest how to improve his novel is the only thing I can do😅

great review


This is trash lol..fake reviews..nice



AimanFaroqq:This is trash lol..fake reviews..nice

Thank you man, I honestly don't read reviews that much since I just go and read but this review is quite interesting since not a lot of people put a review like this one.


I'm glad to be helpful

LouZhen:Thank you man, I honestly don't read reviews that much since I just go and read but this review is quite interesting since not a lot of people put a review like this one.

holy s***, a really well written review on a novel with so few chapters. why cant every novel on webtoon have reviews made so well, then I wouldnt need to spend ages going through the reviews to piece together information about the stories pros and cons.


Dose this have romance tho?


Great Review!!! Because this Review I decided to read this novel!! thankd


Thank you for the review. Reviews like this i'd like to see more often on novels tbh.