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Hi, the author here!! I know that this place isn't for me, but I decided that I will place my author's thought here, because this will take a little long. Take time to read this thank you! 1. I just want to clarify that the names, events, in this story are from the author's imagination (my imagination) any resemblance in real life is purely coincidental. 2. I am going to be honest here, I am having a hard time updating daily because I have lots of works to do (shool stuffs) so I will try my best to update MINIMUM of 2 chaps a week. 3. Every volume is consisting of 10 Chaps. Except for volume 1 because the prologue is included. Volume 2 is starting to Chapter 11 up to Chapter 20. Volume 3 is Chapter 21 and so on. (I am not sure on how long this story will be or how volume am I going to create so just stay reading hehe) Have you noticed that I am using "CHAPTER NUMBERS" instead of using "CHAPTER TITLES"? well here's the answer. I am not comfortable in using chapter titles so I'm just going to use the "Volume Titles" For the Volume one, the title will be: "Meeting you" - The volume one is alredy done so I hope you guys already know why does the volume one entitled "Meeting you" I don't want to give spoilers so if you're still not reading my story and go to this section first, you better read it now. For volume 2: ”Be with you" you're going to find out why I entitled it that way when you read my story hehe. My volume 3 is still undecided yet, I'm just going to place an additional Author's thought / note once I'm sure. Thank you for sparing some time reading this and my story, I am not a good writer and I know that so thank you for my readers who appreciate my work. I promise to do well. Hoping for more readers hehe Salamat!!



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