
Review Detail of JKaiya in Super Pet Nursery

Review detail


Summary of chapter1 *After surviving a disaster where 700,000 people died including his father and him getting injured* MC: "Hey mom," the MC said seriously, "I have a system, lets spend our entire fortune with no backup plans to buy a monster pet shop." Mom: Seeing the serious eyes the mother believed him instantly no questions asked. -Boom! Shop bought, but their circumstances are too poor that they dont even have enough for blankets and utilities. But its ok, we spend everything for our MC because we r side characters. But... its ok! System is magical and gave them some stuff so u can do thinga like potty!- Their Family: Our dad died. We have no feelings. We got compensation so lets add that to the store. Bye dad. Maybe we'll use u 4 some filler later. Plot Armor: After a surviving a few cringe moments, Plot Armor is here to save the day! Dont worry cause every1 has a system, lets just explain it right before they go in the store/house and after everything else so u can get ba-ba-bam-ba-bamboozled. But its okay, I am mighty Plot Armor! U r MC so I award u with magical system that can talk and do more as u saved people and got hurt! Me: Wait u were hurt? It described him pefectly fine though... Sister: Wow! More Sister: Wow! *Start next chapter?* 'Erm...' =Side note pretty sure author deletes reviews as there's only 3 reviews for a novel with 73ish chapters which is unbelievable. So I'll be back if u delete me since I hate authora who abuse. :)= If your author and bother to listen and not be tilted then try to explain things more like with putting more details for example emotions. Also try to think on how people would actually act. The charcters felt flat/illogica to me. Other than that its prob better to put every human getting a system before u went into the other stuff as it seriously made it hard for me to get into the story after spotting a plot hole than a super obvious big filler half way into the chapter a few paragraphs later. Also this is obviously too late but naming the country (I think it was) Petrika made me face palm more as theres literally pet in the name. It felt cringey to me since I read a lot. Overall the story had a fast update speed for originals while the quality solely basing it off the first chapter was little below average. Youll get better overtime though, guessing author was a newbie

Super Pet Nursery


Liked by 21 people




Just believe what you want. When I say I am not then I am not. It is up to you to believe whatever you want. Also, I delete those comments because I feel it is inappropriate. I lose my temper and play right in your finger at that time. So, I delete those comments. You can believe whatever you want.

JKaiya:I mean u spammed 5 different replies in a short time before u settled on 1... so yeah pretty sure your the same guy. Btw, for future reference, WN shows a user whenever theyre replied to / liked. They can still read the replies even if its deleted, though others wont be able to so u dont have to worry about that. Also its strange how that account did the same exact thing you did. Even the grammar / writing style is the same. It was even spammed and deleted, which seems oddly familiar... Hm... Cant put my mind to it. Very weird. Anyways, I see y u deleted as I myself dont get it, but why would I get a hacker..? Also why would you even ask to get hacked... I'm guessing you're not an *****, but you should know getting hacked is illegal and bad... Not to mention your inkstone account can transfer your income and WN cant probably do much about it till its too late assuming they are smart enough to time it. I just dont get it... Also hacking for the most part doesnt work like that. In the future though, please take longer before you reply, as honestly you're just further proving you are the same person. Grammar, hate, spam, deleting. Plus why did it take you so long to notice a direct reply and respond to the alt but pretty much instantaniously spam me when I didnt even reply to you on accident :/ Think about decisions before u act please

It was apparently 25ish chaps not 75 I think I got chap count mixed up with last thing I was thinking of reading


Did you read the wrong novel?? There are only 25 chapters... 73 chapters???? Also, I never delete reviews. No one wants to review what I write so including you, there are like 3 to 4 reviews? I am a newbie writer and I admit there is a lot of nonsense happen in what I write BUT I NEVER EVER DELETE REVIEWS AND BAD COMMENTS BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO LEAVE A REVIEW FOR WHAT I WRITE! Seriously, the first long review I get is someone accusing me of deleting the reviews.


ik I noticed after I out this that I got chapter list mixed up with another book I was thinking of reading, and wn doesnt let u edit for whatever reason so I put reply thingy. Also Im just used to getting deleted since lots of authors abuse, plus Im honest and harsh so more so to me. I wuv u though if u really dont delete 👍

RoadBlock92:Did you read the wrong novel?? There are only 25 chapters... 73 chapters???? Also, I never delete reviews. No one wants to review what I write so including you, there are like 3 to 4 reviews? I am a newbie writer and I admit there is a lot of nonsense happen in what I write BUT I NEVER EVER DELETE REVIEWS AND BAD COMMENTS BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO LEAVE A REVIEW FOR WHAT I WRITE! Seriously, the first long review I get is someone accusing me of deleting the reviews.

Every thing have the same explanation "Cause I'm a cheat system" If you're taking inspiration from other Beast taming/Shop novels's concept, then also take the inspiration from their writing style....This novel till now full of cringe Plot


'This novel is full of cringe plot' Thank you

HC17:Every thing have the same explanation "Cause I'm a cheat system" If you're taking inspiration from other Beast taming/Shop novels's concept, then also take the inspiration from their writing style....This novel till now full of cringe Plot

Lol i just read the synopsis and this review confirms it


Mr. Perfectionist spotted.. This novel is good but still needs improvement regarding the characters development. This novel have a great potential so if you dont like the story with your saying plot armor then dont read it.All i can say every story has a plot armor and ofcourse specially like this one which there is so called "system" also plot armor is also one of thereason why the novel is fun to read. So if dont like stories with this kind of plot armor then go read Drama novels..Which have a minor plot armor that you are talking about not like this that have so called "system" in his genre so ita obvious this will have a very strong plot armor.


And also you dont have a novel on your own but ofcourse your review is your opinion but it will stay as "opinion" not a facts.


lol author, guessing u dont read much if you really think only dramas have no to minpr plot armor. Ive read good system novels before, yeah a system is cliche, same as many other things, it just depends on how you write it. Also if your going to make a new acc just to reply to this review, at least not only show activity on this novel so it looks real...

DreamyFatCat:Mr. Perfectionist spotted.. This novel is good but still needs improvement regarding the characters development. This novel have a great potential so if you dont like the story with your saying plot armor then dont read it.All i can say every story has a plot armor and ofcourse specially like this one which there is so called "system" also plot armor is also one of thereason why the novel is fun to read. So if dont like stories with this kind of plot armor then go read Drama novels..Which have a minor plot armor that you are talking about not like this that have so called "system" in his genre so ita obvious this will have a very strong plot armor.

Lol i am not the author , it just the way you review the novel is liked does dumb pampered young reader that judge the stories with his narrow minded idea and even you hiatus novel is a bad as a shit so you dont have a qualification to say the author that his novel are bad.You are just a wanna be reader that is forcing his dead pit idea to the story. So if you dont want to read the so called strong plot armor then dont.

JKaiya:lol author, guessing u dont read much if you really think only dramas have no to minpr plot armor. Ive read good system novels before, yeah a system is cliche, same as many other things, it just depends on how you write it. Also if your going to make a new acc just to reply to this review, at least not only show activity on this novel so it looks real...

And also you dont a novel on your own so we cant judge your works so clearly as of now those author that have their own novel wheter good or bad their better than you interms of skill and professionalism about novels.So about your review its just a OPINION does not mean its 'fact" it just simply and childiah bla.bla bla ...a nonesense.

JKaiya:lol author, guessing u dont read much if you really think only dramas have no to minpr plot armor. Ive read good system novels before, yeah a system is cliche, same as many other things, it just depends on how you write it. Also if your going to make a new acc just to reply to this review, at least not only show activity on this novel so it looks real...

And you also didnt read my review i said all novel have plot armor .And about how many novels that i have read are clearly many more times than you, i have been reading novels since 2010 every day and its more than a thousand books compare to you and also you dont measure the skill of the author about how many novels he had read, ita about how he had learn and apply to develop his own work and for me to whoever the author of this novel is thousand times more skilled than you who only know to bark at the novels he had read.

JKaiya:lol author, guessing u dont read much if you really think only dramas have no to minpr plot armor. Ive read good system novels before, yeah a system is cliche, same as many other things, it just depends on how you write it. Also if your going to make a new acc just to reply to this review, at least not only show activity on this novel so it looks real...

Alright bud. No need to yap like a child. At least take your time to load off your hate all in one comment instead of spamming. Try not to self contradict yourself either or I dont know what to read or reply :/ Also there's no need to lie... Even as a newbie writer, you'd be able to write (and even if its assumed your not the author... youd at least be able to judge...) with better quality if youve read thousands of books. Even I havent read that much, though I did if it isnt considering "finishing" the books. Can you conduct yourself more properly? It's one to thing make an alt to support your novel, but it's another thing to make an acc just to attack some1 who didnt give 5 stars and threatened to come back if it is deleted, which is likely the only reason this review is still here seeing how u keep posting. If you dont care about your image, then just argue with your main acc. No1 would care if you do this with your main, but it's low to do this.

DreamyFatCat:And you also didnt read my review i said all novel have plot armor .And about how many novels that i have read are clearly many more times than you, i have been reading novels since 2010 every day and its more than a thousand books compare to you and also you dont measure the skill of the author about how many novels he had read, ita about how he had learn and apply to develop his own work and for me to whoever the author of this novel is thousand times more skilled than you who only know to bark at the novels he had read.

As i said i am not the author and also regarding this creating account to review someones novel then why dont you tell your self?.You created many accounts just to review your own hiatus garbage novel and as far as commenting contact this email bla bla if you want to write the novel ,your such a self centered hypocrite.

JKaiya:Alright bud. No need to yap like a child. At least take your time to load off your hate all in one comment instead of spamming. Try not to self contradict yourself either or I dont know what to read or reply :/ Also there's no need to lie... Even as a newbie writer, you'd be able to write (and even if its assumed your not the author... youd at least be able to judge...) with better quality if youve read thousands of books. Even I havent read that much, though I did if it isnt considering "finishing" the books. Can you conduct yourself more properly? It's one to thing make an alt to support your novel, but it's another thing to make an acc just to attack some1 who didnt give 5 stars and threatened to come back if it is deleted, which is likely the only reason this review is still here seeing how u keep posting. If you dont care about your image, then just argue with your main acc. No1 would care if you do this with your main, but it's low to do this.

What accounts? lol Other than your new 1 star rev and 2 bot posts, its weird how they are all high levels. Man I mustve spent hundreds of hours and dollars to support those accs... Also no1 other than the author would make a new acc, only have activity on your novel, somehow read many chapters into a story when there is probably a paywall but know the plot, and constantly attack me. It's only a 3 star review, chill out dude 😂

DreamyFatCat:As i said i am not the author and also regarding this creating account to review someones novel then why dont you tell your self?.You created many accounts just to review your own hiatus garbage novel and as far as commenting contact this email bla bla if you want to write the novel ,your such a self centered hypocrite.

As i said i am not the author you just cant take it to yourself that he is better than you.I am just trying to protect the novels with great potential from the self centered person like you who cant accept there is something better than you.Poor people if you somehow write a novel, it will definitely have racism genre and the MC attitude will be all lame boasting just like you because aside from your works , all novels you will review will be below 5 star while the novel you create Top Idol(super lame) and the immortal bla.bla is given a 5 star.If theres a negative score i will surely give it.I didnt care what star you will give to other novels aside from your works it just your way of mock ing the story like you know what will really happen bla bla when your novel is not that good because several times the characters of the story reflects the attitude and the way of life of the author.

JKaiya:Alright bud. No need to yap like a child. At least take your time to load off your hate all in one comment instead of spamming. Try not to self contradict yourself either or I dont know what to read or reply :/ Also there's no need to lie... Even as a newbie writer, you'd be able to write (and even if its assumed your not the author... youd at least be able to judge...) with better quality if youve read thousands of books. Even I havent read that much, though I did if it isnt considering "finishing" the books. Can you conduct yourself more properly? It's one to thing make an alt to support your novel, but it's another thing to make an acc just to attack some1 who didnt give 5 stars and threatened to come back if it is deleted, which is likely the only reason this review is still here seeing how u keep posting. If you dont care about your image, then just argue with your main acc. No1 would care if you do this with your main, but it's low to do this.

Your novel is great just dont mind people like him , there are many people like him who will bash someones work aside from his work who he will pnly deem as super good even its not.Continue your work , someday many people will appreciate your novel.Also please make Lucas more mature specially after such a tragedy ,he also need to be strong minded in that world full of dangers.

RoadBlock92:Did you read the wrong novel?? There are only 25 chapters... 73 chapters???? Also, I never delete reviews. No one wants to review what I write so including you, there are like 3 to 4 reviews? I am a newbie writer and I admit there is a lot of nonsense happen in what I write BUT I NEVER EVER DELETE REVIEWS AND BAD COMMENTS BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO LEAVE A REVIEW FOR WHAT I WRITE! Seriously, the first long review I get is someone accusing me of deleting the reviews.

@Rjay_Rey Thank you~ I didn't know you were accused as me. I just find out now. Thank you for your support. I guess I am now painted as someone who makes alternates account to boost my novel. This happens a while ago and I already did not mind it much. I do am angry being accused of deleting comments. I am also angry being accuse with alt accounts and such too but no matter what I say, if he believes it like that, he will never trust another thing I say. Whatever. I don't mind hate comments anymore.

DreamyFatCat:Your novel is great just dont mind people like him , there are many people like him who will bash someones work aside from his work who he will pnly deem as super good even its not.Continue your work , someday many people will appreciate your novel.Also please make Lucas more mature specially after such a tragedy ,he also need to be strong minded in that world full of dangers.

my summary after reading all the replies under this- wtf did i just read?


the guy also 1starred all my novels lol, also thanks for replying or I wouldve never known this guy would reply to himself with his main acc 😂

Meat_Heaven:my summary after reading all the replies under this- wtf did i just read?