
Review Detail of SundayFisherman in My Pick Up Artist System

Review detail


*note: When review was written, I was only like 170 chapters~ish in Relative to other novels on this platform this novel really stands out as a polished, high quality piece that isn't riddled with grammatical errors and could be called a "good" novel... I think this novel is very enjoyable, but it definitely has its faults. First I want to summarize the good parts real quick- The plot progresses in interesting ways and is paced well, always giving off a feeling that it’s progressing pretty quickly and not lingering too long or dragging out the story. Grammatical errors are few and far between which is always nice. Bullshit plot convenience and occasional deus ex machina is a rarity in the story, but when pulled, a majority of the time is reasonable. Now the bad- The humour. To be frank- It ain’t funny. To elaborate, the jokes in this novel aren’t really jokes. The jokes in this novel can be boiled down to: MC saying or doing something stupid and/or outrageous A *** pun Over exaggerated reactions It's something a fifth grader might find hilarious but not anyone older than 12. To be fair though, every once in a while something does make me laugh, but it’s way too rare to call it intentional. The characters are forgettable and two-dimensional, not much time is spent on developing or exploring them so you don’t grow an attachment to them. Then again you could say that for a story like this, as long as the MC is likeable the other characters don’t really matter, but I’d still like it if we get to know them a bit more, instead of three conversations and a *** scene. My last real issue is with Ben, the protagonist. You just can’t root for this guy. He’s a shallow, childish asshole. Pretty scummy too. He has some morals but they’re way below a normal person’s, he lacks empathy and sees women as objects. With the way the system is set up, the way he treats women is understandable, but wasn’t he a normal dude before? Anyways, can’t really get behind a guy like this. His fatal flaw is pretty stupid as well. “He becomes a dumbass under pressure”. No, let me rephrase that. The flaw in it of itself is fine, but the way it’s used isn’t handled all that well. It’s played for cheap laughs occasionally and then forgotten. It would be fine if that was it, but it isn't. First off, it ain’t even funny. Second, it's really damn annoying because we know he isn’t a dumbass normally (Although sometimes he is? The novel isn’t that consistent with Ben’s level of intelligence or competency) and the author says it’s ok because it’s Ben’s fatal flaw, but that doesn’t really matter if it never trips him up. If you’ve read the novel and thought about it, if you removed his “fatal flaw” nothing would change. For example, the interview with the Paul guy for his internship. Under pressure, Ben wrote a bunch of system achievements (so basically a bunch of *** puns) on his resume as his accomplishments and skills. Now it would be understandable if they dismissed him immediately- but he was hired anyway because of some plot convenience bullshit! So his fatal flaw is frustrating and pointless. Still all in all it's a fun read so check it out anyways.

My Pick Up Artist System


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Comedy being subjective is true, I’ve never thought puns were funny so not my cup of tea and ive never liked jokes where the MC does something embarrassing cause i get second hand embarrassement super easily. To explain the high rating, I think that the book would be way less fun if the jokes weren’t in it at all. I dont think its funny, but i like the vibe, it makes reading it more enjoyable. For character development and how realistic it is for women to open up to men they’re seeing, Katie is pretty head over heels for Ben so I think her opening up wouldnt be weird, but then again that kind of stuff isnt relevant to the plot so its understandable that its not explored too much. Im evaluating the novel on the same level as proper published novels which i know isnt really fair cause they got a whole team dedicated to making it better

SamsaraWithWords:First, thanks for the review. Sense of humor is subjective. Tens of thousands of people seem to find the novel funny enough to read every day so I can only apologize if it isn’t your cup of tea. I’m actually impressed you still rate it so high since this is a comedy novel that you’re saying you don’t find funny, so thanks for that. I can’t agree with side characters being two dimensional. I can only ask: what are the dimensions of character for you? The characters develop slowly so keep reading volume two and by the end you should see more development. This is meant to mirror dating in real life. Women don’t tell you their deepest fears and desires when you first meet them. I’m also curious which original you have read on this site with better character development. I’d love to know if one exists, but personally, I think you’re anchored too much on volume 1 which focused on the MC. The other points I’ve addressed in comments and author’s notes, so I’m not going to do that again here. Thanks again for the detailed review.

Re submitted it cause of spelling errors


First, thanks for the review. Sense of humor is subjective. Tens of thousands of people seem to find the novel funny enough to read every day so I can only apologize if it isn’t your cup of tea. I’m actually impressed you still rate it so high since this is a comedy novel that you’re saying you don’t find funny, so thanks for that. I can’t agree with side characters being two dimensional. I can only ask: what are the dimensions of character for you? The characters develop slowly so keep reading volume two and by the end you should see more development. This is meant to mirror dating in real life. Women don’t tell you their deepest fears and desires when you first meet them. I’m also curious which original you have read on this site with better character development. I’d love to know if one exists, but personally, I think you’re anchored too much on volume 1 which focused on the MC. The other points I’ve addressed in comments and author’s notes, so I’m not going to do that again here. Thanks again for the detailed review.