
Review Detail of Drip in The Great Demon System

Review detail


IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO NEW READERS! PLEASE READ! My first few chapters' writing quality is very bad and lacklustre, as I was still a newbie at the time, but gets much better as the novel progresses! Also, the first 5 chaps can be frustrating (For a reason that is greatly hinted at) and are kinda similar to vamp system but the story and settings differentiate after that into their own thing past that point! I know my story isn't 100% perfect but there are at least some things to like about it! Hope you stick around! ❤️ No Harem too! I am part of anti-harem gang :D Harems add too much filler, something I absolutely don't want! I want substance in every chapter! Expect a little bit of romance but that will by no means be the main focus of the story. IF YOU ARE A VERY SENSITIVE PERSON THIS NOVEL IS NOT FOR YOU! The novel is also really gorry, the MC is a ruthless person who is not your generic protagonist and more of a gray anti-hero. He is really dumb at first but evolves into someone much smarter and more cunning! He is not world-breakingly OP and uses his brain to try to come out on top of any predicament he finds himself in. Sometimes the gore is harsh and other times it's funny so do expect that! I try to add comedy whenever I can in ways you may not expect or see coming! Thank you for reading this review! I hope you enjoy my novel! 😄

The Great Demon System


Liked by 513 people






Thanks for the honest review! I have added this to Library and will catch up with it when done with work. Keep going author 💐


you'll love it

Daofriend1:Thanks for the honest review! I have added this to Library and will catch up with it when done with work. Keep going author 💐

Anti-harem gang


please change his name


Sorry... it's too late to do now... I am sure you can get used to it, sorry if it's determine you from my novel 💔😭

LaurentCross:please change his name

if you know that your first few chapters aren't that good, then why aren't you rewriting them? rewriting of parts of the book is one of the biggest work after writing the first version of the story. even editing comes after rewriting because you are automatically editing while rewriting stuff

Drip:Sorry... it's too late to do now... I am sure you can get used to it, sorry if it's determine you from my novel 💔😭

If I currently don't have the time to rewrite my novel while pumping out chapters every day but I will definitely do it whenever I can. I also can't change the narrative of my first few chapters as they all lead into many plot points in the future. Thank you so much for your suggestion! I really do appreciate it! 😊

Dovos:if you know that your first few chapters aren't that good, then why aren't you rewriting them? rewriting of parts of the book is one of the biggest work after writing the first version of the story. even editing comes after rewriting because you are automatically editing while rewriting stuff

that is one of the biggest issue that I have with wn... almost no author has time to rewrite and edit the existing chapters and they often have to dump out chapters every day or they get way less money for their work... big authors like Stephen king are completely rewriting their entire book multiple times after they wrote their first version of it... that takes at least 2/3 of the time that they need until they publish it and here on wn gets the first version of an unfinished storyline dumped out with no time to redo anything afterwards if the author has a normal work life too.

Drip:If I currently don't have the time to rewrite my novel while pumping out chapters every day but I will definitely do it whenever I can. I also can't change the narrative of my first few chapters as they all lead into many plot points in the future. Thank you so much for your suggestion! I really do appreciate it! 😊

in late to the party, i started to read tho, just wondering if romance a thing, like a good old 1 on 1 romance, maybe even a harem of 2 to 3


so far 1 on 1, I have no plans of harem, I also plan to develop romance in the side characters too, not just the MC. 😊

lonesomeReader:in late to the party, i started to read tho, just wondering if romance a thing, like a good old 1 on 1 romance, maybe even a harem of 2 to 3

thanks for the warning and clarification, I saw "demon" and read tags too see they don't match do I was confused


author, if u estimate it, how many chaps do u think your story will have??


Probably more than 500, as long as I can make an interesting, engaging story with dragging it out with filler for no reason I will continue to write this novel! I want my chapters to have meaning and not just empty words! 😊😄

Chaos127:author, if u estimate it, how many chaps do u think your story will have??

Whoops! I meant without not with 🤣🤣🤣

Drip:Probably more than 500, as long as I can make an interesting, engaging story with dragging it out with filler for no reason I will continue to write this novel! I want my chapters to have meaning and not just empty words! 😊😄

Quick note! many people in the world are cruel and almost psychotic but there is a good narrative reason for that, it will be explained later on in the novel I promise! :D


why not just rewrite those 5?


Time crunch because of school and because I can't change the narrative at the start because it will lead into many things in the future 😅😔

BenjiP:why not just rewrite those 5?

Will there be romance for the MC tho 🙃 :@ :) 😋😀😶😀⛄️

Drip:so far 1 on 1, I have no plans of harem, I also plan to develop romance in the side characters too, not just the MC. 😊

Of course! 😊

LazyCloudBC:Will there be romance for the MC tho 🙃 :@ :) 😋😀😶😀⛄️

first couple of chapters are that bad, almost feels like you should rewrite them?