
Review Detail of Jason_Walder in Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Review detail


First, this is the most underrated story on webnovel. Second, its not premium. Third, its just amazing. Ill give a TLDR because this will get long. TLDR: Read it. While the pace can be slow in some areas, and there really doesnt seem to be a real threat to the mc at the current time, every chapter is still interesting and fun to read. It keeps you reading, has great quality, and isnt nearly as cliche as most novels. Now for the real review (contains spoilers): Writing Quality - if I could give 4.5 I would, but i couldnt figure out how. it deserves a five over a four though. Great grammar, good structure, varied sentence length, no gender mistakes, nothing. I would give a 4.5 because every now and then a word is spelled wrong or is replaced with a wors that is spelled similarly but has a different meaning. This happens to perhaps one word every 2-3 chapters. The grammar is phenomonal. Update stability - It updates at around the same time day in and day out. I dont mind daily releases because the quality stays consistent and the chapters arent too short. Story Development - Four stars, would have gave 3.5 if I could have. As much as im addicted to the story, its plot is just not something i find...unique? Fresh? Interesting? While the book is not very cliche, the plot is not what I would call revolutionary. Its the typical worlds are merging save the earth story of many video game web novels. Of course, it is done far better than 99 percent of any other story on this site. Also, i never feel a sense of urgency for the mc. Yes, the worlds will merge, yes, humanity is in danger, but the mc will be fine. He grows so quickly that it feels like all problems will just be frozen in ice by his power. I feel nothing for the side characters impending doom because none of the side characters are prevalent enough to make me care. overall the plot just kinda seems like “man goes to VR, Man is OP, man travels around getting more OP, but wait, the big bad is in the background doing....something? Who cares! Fancy armour awaits! All that said, its a general and slightly boring overall plot that is fed to us in a very engaging and interesting way. the plot is not anything great, but its delivery is phenomonal. Character Design - Also a bit flat. The mc is great! He has morals, he has character, he has desires. Everyone else.....Ive read every chapter as it has come out and i can remeber three actual names beyond the generic “mom.” We have Neith, awesome pet spider whose personality i still dont really know. Thalia, stuck out because she was a princess and was a unique character. And King Slayer, only because he is the basically the ***ond in command. Everyone else is just kinda off to the side in “remember if I see them, but dont care about them at all.” While this is due to the mc being alone with Neith most of the time, it not only detracts from the world but also from the plot, as stated earlier. Of course, I love alone time with Adam, its why I read the book, but if im being objective, the lack of character interaction and personality beyond Adam is hurting the story overall. World Development - This is well done. We have gods and stuff in the background we know a bit about, the world has history, it has factions, power struggles, and every nation is unique in its own way. they have thwir own cultures, and the world is well explored through Adams travels. overall, i would say world development is a strong point of the novel. Closing remarks - probably the best book on webnovel. Room for improvement in characters and a bit in plot development (they are linked in this case), but overall, a great story if your looking for something hou wont have to decipher, gives you great fights, and really draws you into the world.

Epoch: A Berserker's Rise


Liked by 2 people




It really wouldnt. for example, that fight he had to test the guild mates...i didnt even know who they were. Just names being thrown everywhere. I dont really mind side characters being sidelined (personal preference, which i tried to leave out of the review), so i dont really mind, but from a real standpoint, it hurts the story overall especially since it seems the guild is supposed to be important.

LycanBlood:I agree full-heartedly with your review. I just started this book yesterday on a whim and was greatly impressed by this novel! It's pacing kinda jumped around from fast to slow but it not that bad either. The only thing that bugs me is the lack of character development as you mentioned. I've been eagerly waiting to see what happened with the dragon that joined his guild. Like I feel like people should have freaked over that. Like it seems like the story wouldn't be that different if he didn't even have a guild at all rn.

I agree full-heartedly with your review. I just started this book yesterday on a whim and was greatly impressed by this novel! It's pacing kinda jumped around from fast to slow but it not that bad either. The only thing that bugs me is the lack of character development as you mentioned. I've been eagerly waiting to see what happened with the dragon that joined his guild. Like I feel like people should have freaked over that. Like it seems like the story wouldn't be that different if he didn't even have a guild at all rn.


Wow, thanks a lot, that's the best review I had, not because you said you liked the story, but because you fleshed out what needed to be improved, so thanks a lot. For the character development, I do agree it is lacking, and that's why I intend on improving that in the near future. Before I couldn't really say anything because that would have been spoiling, but now that we are arriving near the end of the second volume, I can tell you some of my plans for this story. The first volume was an introduction to the world of Epoch, I gave the readers some information here and there, and I introduced some of the major characters of this story, but it was only a slight presentation. The second volume was an in depth discovery of Epoch, I tried to make Adam visit every Racial Power, made him learn about the various religions, cultures and ways of life for different races. However, I focused a little too much on that as, just like you said, Adam was more often than not alone with Neith. But now that Adam has basically visited every place he needed to visit, except from a few, I will be able to mostly discard the discovery part, and focus on what he already has. This is what the Third Volume will be. There will be all the political consequences of what he did to get his armor and be promoted, especially the dragons' reaction. And for the last point, the lack of danger Adam faces... I wholeheartedly agree. This is my worst point as an author, I find it very hard to make my character struggle. This is a problem I have come across in all my stories, and my character always feels above the world, as if nothing can hit them. Also, I always give him more and more rewards, making him just so powerful... Anyway, I intend on changing that in the next volume, do what I can do best. Little spoiler, something will happen soon that will change a lot of things, and I will try to make Adam really endangered. He has the Demon Cult and the Dragon Clan as mortal enemies already, and some people will just want to kill him before he grows too strong. That's why, in the next volume, he will have to face them, and at the same time take more care of his mates. Last point, I'm not making any promise for the future, what I wrote just above are objectives for the next volume, now it remains to be seen whether I'll succeed or not. Once again, thanks for the rewiew, it was great.


I mean, personally, im perfectly fine sith how things have gone. I love OP mc’s, rven if they detract frim the story. However, when I review a story I try to take out my stronger biases and just write objectively. If you are gonna make him struggle, make sure you do it right. From what we know, only Hero rank and Legend rank can face him, especially after he gets out of the tower. Those havent been shown to grow on trees, so please, please dont pull the cultivation novel trope of high ranking individuals becoming common for the sake of conflict. IMO, the best way to have conflict for an OP person is to put weaker people they love in danger. However, due to the lack of extra character development in this novel, it may be difficult to make the readers care about who could potentially die without laying some groundwork first. Thanks for the great story.

SlyOW:Wow, thanks a lot, that's the best review I had, not because you said you liked the story, but because you fleshed out what needed to be improved, so thanks a lot. For the character development, I do agree it is lacking, and that's why I intend on improving that in the near future. Before I couldn't really say anything because that would have been spoiling, but now that we are arriving near the end of the second volume, I can tell you some of my plans for this story. The first volume was an introduction to the world of Epoch, I gave the readers some information here and there, and I introduced some of the major characters of this story, but it was only a slight presentation. The second volume was an in depth discovery of Epoch, I tried to make Adam visit every Racial Power, made him learn about the various religions, cultures and ways of life for different races. However, I focused a little too much on that as, just like you said, Adam was more often than not alone with Neith. But now that Adam has basically visited every place he needed to visit, except from a few, I will be able to mostly discard the discovery part, and focus on what he already has. This is what the Third Volume will be. There will be all the political consequences of what he did to get his armor and be promoted, especially the dragons' reaction. And for the last point, the lack of danger Adam faces... I wholeheartedly agree. This is my worst point as an author, I find it very hard to make my character struggle. This is a problem I have come across in all my stories, and my character always feels above the world, as if nothing can hit them. Also, I always give him more and more rewards, making him just so powerful... Anyway, I intend on changing that in the next volume, do what I can do best. Little spoiler, something will happen soon that will change a lot of things, and I will try to make Adam really endangered. He has the Demon Cult and the Dragon Clan as mortal enemies already, and some people will just want to kill him before he grows too strong. That's why, in the next volume, he will have to face them, and at the same time take more care of his mates. Last point, I'm not making any promise for the future, what I wrote just above are objectives for the next volume, now it remains to be seen whether I'll succeed or not. Once again, thanks for the rewiew, it was great.

Don't worry, I find it extremely annoying when strong people become common place too. And with what he went through in the 60th Floor, to pass something like this, he just can't find someone stronger than him while at the same level. To even threaten him a little, the opponent either has to be a Gold Ranked Sovereign or a Hero, no. fucking. exception. And once again, thanks for the review.

Jason_Walder:I mean, personally, im perfectly fine sith how things have gone. I love OP mc’s, rven if they detract frim the story. However, when I review a story I try to take out my stronger biases and just write objectively. If you are gonna make him struggle, make sure you do it right. From what we know, only Hero rank and Legend rank can face him, especially after he gets out of the tower. Those havent been shown to grow on trees, so please, please dont pull the cultivation novel trope of high ranking individuals becoming common for the sake of conflict. IMO, the best way to have conflict for an OP person is to put weaker people they love in danger. However, due to the lack of extra character development in this novel, it may be difficult to make the readers care about who could potentially die without laying some groundwork first. Thanks for the great story.