
Review Detail of Mister_Generic in Marvel's Mutant Gamer (Being rewritten)

Review detail


Tried to have a critical look and give as much of a review and helpful feedback to the author as I can. I am no writer by any stretch of the imagination, so take any criticism of mine with a grain of salt. All around rated a 5/5 since compared to other works this is really pleasant and fun to read through. I'll go through each of the point in order to reflect each category: Writing Quality: Story is written well, few minor grammar mistakes here and there, which is negligible. Characters are expressive, however descriptions, events or emotions could be more detailed or expressive which would construct a more vivid story-telling. All in all, written chapters are pleasant to read and I have no doubt they will improve as the author continues to write more chapters. Stability of Updates: As of now, author releases between 1-2 chapters daily which, in my opinion, is very fast. However, this kind of speedy release schedule might hinder the quality of the story that the author wants to portray since there might not be enough time to proof-read or add more details to make the story more immersive from Will's (the protagonist's) perspective. Story Development: Story became a bit too fast-paced after Jean's corruption into a Dark Phoenix has stopped and Will became the Pheonix's champion. Again, this might be a result from the speedy release schedule, but the past few chapters feel like there is a much larger time skip in the story telling, e.g. compare the first time Will, Kurt and Jean went to the arcade to chapter 28. Because of this kind of quick mentioning of events from Will's perspective, it's harder for the reader to see how the character's and their relationships develop. Character Design: Currently the story is being developed from three points (there are more, like his high-school life and romantic relationship, but to me these feel like the main ones): 1.Will and the Supernatural (events with Mordo, the Ancient one, the missions to tackle mystical events, etc.) 2.Will and superheroes (Will and Spiderman, small encounter with the Fantastic Four, Emma Frost, encounters with the X-Men) 3.Will and his Gamer abilities (the training periods, development of passives and skills, etc.) In my honest opinion, as of the latest few chapters, it feels like too many things are being developed too quickly. World Background: Setting is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Good chance that the reader is already familiar with that world and doesn't need that much information. Tough I feel like it is a missed chance to have a detailed world-view from a first-person perspective.

Marvel's Mutant Gamer (Being rewritten)


Liked by 2 people




Whoops, no idea why the end cut-off. Wanted to say that it's a missed chance not having the world described from the eyes of William in detail. Anyways, like I said, good story and keep up the good work. Kudos.