
Review Detail of DanialJ in Lightning Is the Only Way

Review detail


As a warning before you read this review: this is the first time I am writing and posting a review on any webnovel, so my rating will be based off of what I feel is a good score compared to other novels on this site. Let us start with ”writing quality”. There is not much to say about the quality of the writing except for the fact that it’s much better than some other novels on this site. Of course there is the occasional misspelling and such, but I still feel like it deserves a 5/5 in this category. Next up is ”update stability”. I have not been following this novel since it was first released, but it should have been about half a year since I caught up. From what I remember, this novel has had a consistent release of 2 chapter at exactly (from my calculations) 5:00 am GMT plus minus a few minutes. Solid 5/5. Third is ”story developement”. If I could rate this without limit, this category would be a 10/5. If you are caught up you know exactly what I mean, especially with the most recent non-premium chapter. The story is smooth like butter and also drags you in easily. Since one of the main character’s traits are ”no plot armor” the story does not seem to be custom made for him. You can clearky see that the flow of the story is made, not to be concenient, but to make sense. So far I have found no plot holes and everything just falls together when explained afterwards. I would want to say that this would be impossible without the identity of the main antagonist, but that in itself also makes sense to why it is that way. All the characters have a reason for what they are doing, and the way they act feels natural in those scenarios. Without a doubt, 5/5. Now we have ”character design”. I would be lying if I said this was perfect, because I feel like it isn’t. The problem is surprisingly not part of the main cast; it’s not even an important character. My problem with the character design is the less important side characters. It’s not even that they are poorly made, it’s just subjective. The main cast and the side characters are all great. Even the random vendor att the side of the street is amazingly made. My problem is how the theme of the novel affects some of the more important characters. Since it is a spoiler I will just mention how it just feels wrong to use the characters as tokens for drama. On another note: although the main character might seem childish in the beginning, he does develope a lot when he starts experiencing the world the internal conflict also makes it so much better. In all honesty I want to give this category a 4.5/5, but since that is not possible I have rounded it up to a 5/5. ”World background”, or how I interpreted it, ”world building” is a no brainer for this novel. Because of the theme and the main character’s background, this category is a make or break for me (and probably a lot of other people). We first get to know how the system of this novel works, and then get to experience it first hand. It’s unique, but also familiar. It’s weird, but also simple. Seeing is believing, and I am now a believer. Strong 5/5. Overall: a great novel. Easy to read and follow, consistent releases and a constant suspence between the main character and the Heavens. Highly recommended to read at least 50 chapters before deciding if you like it or not. Thank you author for this amazing piece of art!

Lightning Is the Only Way


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Might want to add this here. When I said misspelling, I meant it as in typos and not because of poor English.


Big thank you for the big and in depth review. This is the longest review I had yet. I'm glad you enjoy the story, and again, really thanks for the long review. I appreciate it.