
Review Detail of js323 in I Have A Super USB Drive

Review detail


This story has an interesting idea unfortunately it's ruined by the authors extreme nationalism. He badmouths everything non Chinese. Its clear by the statements he makes that hes an ignorant person who has never left China and has no actual knowledge of what he writing about foreign places and cultures. He also insists that all non Chinese have blonde hair and occupy "mud huts". What is even more ironic is that the premise of the story is a usb drive that he uses to acquire things from non Chinese movies.

I Have A Super USB Drive

Darkness Black Bear

Liked by 105 people




Nah its just because u not read enough and don't have enough quantitative data to compare so far I read author make many variable and later on he also download some local movie. More u read more u see, I can't understand how can u conclude a hundreds or thousands chapter story with just this 60 tester chapter? Even the plot not warming up yet


Your english just completely destroyed my brain cells

Stylistwordl:Nah its just because u not read enough and don't have enough quantitative data to compare so far I read author make many variable and later on he also download some local movie. More u read more u see, I can't understand how can u conclude a hundreds or thousands chapter story with just this 60 tester chapter? Even the plot not warming up yet

Typical Chinese authors gotta suck up to their government


Your english just completely destroyed my brain cells

Stylistwordl:Nah its just because u not read enough and don't have enough quantitative data to compare so far I read author make many variable and later on he also download some local movie. More u read more u see, I can't understand how can u conclude a hundreds or thousands chapter story with just this 60 tester chapter? Even the plot not warming up yet

I do not understand why you’re twisting the author’s words in such an absurd way. No, he did not “badmouth anything non Chinese”, otherwise the premise of this novel wouldn’t be built upon western movies. No, he did not insist that “all non Chinese have blond hair”, he only used a group of friends with blond hair to depict foreigners from Switzerland. However inaccurate this is, in no way did it suggest “all non Chinese have blond hair” Rather, it suggested that they’re not chinese. And that’s all you needed to take away from that scenario. And finally, no, the author did not insist that all foreigners were in anyway associated with “...mud houses...” He only described the almost run-down state of a company the main character bought. You can twist someone’s words to fit your own narrative however you want, but just be prepared for people shut you down


Not true an the story is good so fk off


If author is just favoring his country then it's nothing wrong but just because he likes his country, it does'nt means that all other are some cheap beggars. Also i have'nt read this novel but i can predict that he will expand his company he will righteously fight with America, Japan, South Korea...well this is future trend of this type of novels. Anyway the concept sounds good if executed perfectly(don't know what is perfect but this ain't perfect). Well all i know is this ain't my preference where author can't even respect any culture just because of his bullshit nationalism.


It is a Chinese novel and the author will portray his culture as superior how every western movie dose the same thing...


same chinese novel brain they copy and steal tech from other then call it there's


What can i say?this novel's MC is not even nationalism and racism,he is only Psychopath(or Villain)


True, most stories do tend to favor their home country, but when Chinese ones do it, they do it much more openly. As an example, I'm reading 'Solo Leveling' (the manhwa). In the story, the Americans steal talents from SK and most of the Japanese are killed off. The implication being that Americans are greedy/thieving and that the Japanese are weak/incompetent. Despite the subtext though, I can still enjoy the manhwa. The difference between that and most Chinese literature is that you at least need to read between the lines to see the underlying prejudice. In every Chinese novel I've read set in the modern world, or a variation thereof, the author goes out of their way to explain how China & it's citizens are the best, the strongest, or the most morally upright, and every other country can't possibly compare.

Xoul:It is a Chinese novel and the author will portray his culture as superior how every western movie dose the same thing...

Well, that is where the skill of the author comes into play. And the level of tolerance readers have also play a part.

UltimumEques:True, most stories do tend to favor their home country, but when Chinese ones do it, they do it much more openly. As an example, I'm reading 'Solo Leveling' (the manhwa). In the story, the Americans steal talents from SK and most of the Japanese are killed off. The implication being that Americans are greedy/thieving and that the Japanese are weak/incompetent. Despite the subtext though, I can still enjoy the manhwa. The difference between that and most Chinese literature is that you at least need to read between the lines to see the underlying prejudice. In every Chinese novel I've read set in the modern world, or a variation thereof, the author goes out of their way to explain how China & it's citizens are the best, the strongest, or the most morally upright, and every other country can't possibly compare.

I just turn a blind eye to such..


Yup.. what does this people expect reading a novel in a modern setting

Jerry_Kamei:I just turn a blind eye to such..

Such A biased sad lying review


and i quote “I heard them say that the Mainland was a land with no disputes, no poverty, no disease. If I had a say in it, I’d like to be born there in my next life.” chapter 98, you cant make this shit up the novel has pretty good potential but i just cringe so hard at these random "china the greatest" bs Americans are bad enough but this is even worse

JKingSniper:Such A biased sad lying review

ya, no disputes because the citizens die if they argue against the govt. so that statement is absolutely correct!

8Eight:and i quote “I heard them say that the Mainland was a land with no disputes, no poverty, no disease. If I had a say in it, I’d like to be born there in my next life.” chapter 98, you cant make this shit up the novel has pretty good potential but i just cringe so hard at these random "china the greatest" bs Americans are bad enough but this is even worse

mm... 2 stars becuz u think this book is racist...? hmm.. gotta try it out, might be good


why are people so biased before even reading? Like the guy who did that quote saying the mainland is like paradise. Well, since it came from an african from namibia, a lot of countries would be like paradise, ok? Don't give quotes without context, stop trying to manipulate people. Also, he doesn't go up against any country in particular, he basically fights the world government, so all countries. There's simply a primary focus on America because they're the hegemonic force. Honestly, just because the protagonist is chinese doesn't mean it's going to be racist. I really enjoyed all the interesting twists and turns, almost seems like scp to be honest. Keep up the good work!


try getting past chapter 60-100ish you will get hooked the book gets so much better later on. it steers away from china completely