
Review Detail of Breuno in A New World, an immersive game experience

Review detail


Hello. The author here. Going to give myself full 5 just because I can't truly judge myself correctly, as what I am posting is my current best. So just want to give a bit about myself. I am currently, at the time of this review still a university student. And studying is hard, surprisingly writing too. But I really like writing, or sop far I do. In any case i hope you enjoy the story as it goes. BTW I am a discovery writer, so I will always try to be a minimum of 15 chapters ahead of what has been released, to help me in making a nice sensible story.

A New World, an immersive game experience


Liked by 31 people




Ok good to know no ntr, as for tragedy maybe too broad a stroke but seemed most likely tag that would pop for the event [something like family or well connected people to the mc that you actually get to know (not just part of backstory) getting killed or a quite popular character being offed]

Breuno:Oh, I forgot to reply. Sorry about the delay. NTR, none and certainly none planned. (Heck, the romance isn't even really a developed thing. More just background most of the time.) Tragedy, some - the world is harsh to its natives. (Would depend on when you classify something as a tragedy, as the prologue of my story can be considered one already - entire city killed) There are certainly sad points, but I won't really say myself that it is a tragedy per say.

is there romance?


Let me put it like this. There isn't romance but their will likely be relationships. If that makes sense. Romance won't be the focus, but will exist since it's weird to not let it be. It will come later and hopefully naturally and not forced. The start is a bit weird as I just started writing and didn't have a direction yet.

Shamir_Rimal:is there romance?

hey there i will give your novel a read but if he ends up finding some bunny chick 10 chaps in then i will be sad

Breuno:Let me put it like this. There isn't romance but their will likely be relationships. If that makes sense. Romance won't be the focus, but will exist since it's weird to not let it be. It will come later and hopefully naturally and not forced. The start is a bit weird as I just started writing and didn't have a direction yet.

Thanks for the laugh No bunny chick,

BloodyDaoist_:hey there i will give your novel a read but if he ends up finding some bunny chick 10 chaps in then i will be sad

sounds kinda like real life. one a person moves past the friendship phase, then even if they separate for whatever reason and "say" they are only friends - they really aren't, since they'll forever be in a relationship from that point on - no matter how delayed or avoided. just sorta human nature, and denial won't change it...for good or ill. 😕

Breuno:Let me put it like this. There isn't romance but their will likely be relationships. If that makes sense. Romance won't be the focus, but will exist since it's weird to not let it be. It will come later and hopefully naturally and not forced. The start is a bit weird as I just started writing and didn't have a direction yet.

Ah, so wild shameless author-sama and his 5/5 review has appeared. Just as webnovel tradition dictates :)


kr th didtvd


when are you going to release the rewritten chapters? Thought I would wait with reading until you did.


Can't remember that I said I was rewriting it. I don't really have time currently to do it. My days have been messed up with things at home. Leaving only nights to myself and my writing. Maybe Jan or Feb I will look at it, but I doubt I will do a full rewrite since I am still writing the story. Does not make sense to do both, at least to me. As such I will likely only do the first ten or so chapters if I do rewrite the start. Again I can't fully rewrite since I am still busy. And as such I can't edit (Remove and add) things as I feel will be better. This would ruin it for my current reader. Hope this makes it clearer to you. Also I am only now getting into a comfortable writing style. Having found my voice, not even long ago. Thus I would like to wait until that is more sound.

Abendfeuer:when are you going to release the rewritten chapters? Thought I would wait with reading until you did.

ok I understand. It says you are rewriting it in the synopsis of the book so maybe change that.

Breuno:Can't remember that I said I was rewriting it. I don't really have time currently to do it. My days have been messed up with things at home. Leaving only nights to myself and my writing. Maybe Jan or Feb I will look at it, but I doubt I will do a full rewrite since I am still writing the story. Does not make sense to do both, at least to me. As such I will likely only do the first ten or so chapters if I do rewrite the start. Again I can't fully rewrite since I am still busy. And as such I can't edit (Remove and add) things as I feel will be better. This would ruin it for my current reader. Hope this makes it clearer to you. Also I am only now getting into a comfortable writing style. Having found my voice, not even long ago. Thus I would like to wait until that is more sound.

Oh, that is a misunderstanding. I just read it and realized it stated it weirdly. I meant I rewrote my synopsis. Will fix it now

Abendfeuer:ok I understand. It says you are rewriting it in the synopsis of the book so maybe change that.

Hmmmm. I would say, reverse that. When people start out as friends, then if there is a romance later, they might have a chance at a continued relationship of friendship. Without that, once the romance is done, the chances are high that they'll either have an acrimonious relationship or just never speak to each other again.

PonjuPonju:sounds kinda like real life. one a person moves past the friendship phase, then even if they separate for whatever reason and "say" they are only friends - they really aren't, since they'll forever be in a relationship from that point on - no matter how delayed or avoided. just sorta human nature, and denial won't change it...for good or ill. 😕

I hope the love interest isnt useless, always protected by the ML, Whiny and always cuasiNg problems (kidnapped or used against the ML). i want her to be funny, playful, but mature and serouis when the Situation calls for it. i jsut want them to have a chill and cool personality😅 Im just putting this out there, this is not my book and i respect that😁


I have no idea how she come over by the later chapters, but I am trying to make her strong. Just not really sure how to write romance

CAPACHI:I hope the love interest isnt useless, always protected by the ML, Whiny and always cuasiNg problems (kidnapped or used against the ML). i want her to be funny, playful, but mature and serouis when the Situation calls for it. i jsut want them to have a chill and cool personality😅 Im just putting this out there, this is not my book and i respect that😁

will it be harem



Stuffedcrow:will it be harem

so my main concern is if it's like only one relationship or is he gonna have multiple over time. think that makes sense.


I honestly don't know. Up to now, chapter 200, there is no true romance. Still only hints at it. So that should explain that it really isn't the focus of the story, rather only a small part that exists but isn't explored much

CrimsonPhoenix:so my main concern is if it's like only one relationship or is he gonna have multiple over time. think that makes sense.

yeah just wanted to know if he is only with one girl through out the story or he break up with one then dates some1 else later

Breuno:I honestly don't know. Up to now, chapter 200, there is no true romance. Still only hints at it. So that should explain that it really isn't the focus of the story, rather only a small part that exists but isn't explored much

dear there is way too much details reading these details want me to fall asleep so please do something