
Review Detail of Berger_Chew in Swallowing The Spider

Review detail


I saw another version of this, not sure if this is you re-write but i feel like you need to rework this. I understand this is your story but I think there are things you can improve. 1. Why AT/BT? Its more of a stylized choice and many people commented on this but I think you should've wrote 2 different stories MCU/DCU. or have an chronological order (finish BT then go for AT) or have bits of BT flashbacks while AT is happening. Its really hard to read one chapter after another when they are both different stories. 2. Figure out ur MC more, flesh him out. I know you have this whole backstory for him in MCU and DCU but even near the end of the most recent chapters, I still don't know what he wants. He had powers in Marvel and he didn't want to be a hero, he was just obsessed with DC. You wrote him in Marvel so he can get certain items and skills for him but he could've just been in DC in the first place and still have all those things. Which leads to 3 3. Marvel is unneeded, honestly I mostly read AT and mostly BT because well DC is where it's at, the meat and I felt like all those things happening in Marvel made no differences to his character at all. *SPOILER* If he was going to be "dark" (artificially) as in hey the memory of this MC is him doing bad shit why not make him do it in real time in DC in the beginning. He can have moral dilemma or your "black spirit" while he's doing his sorta Spiderman thing. Generally I felt like if you kept going with AT, splash a few BT then it would've been more completed. 4. Lastly, honestly your doing a great Job, I criticize cause its good and its worth it to be better. Its your story, feel free to do whatever you want. But if you to make a more coherent and engaging story i recommend just narrow it down and hone in on what's good so far. I get you night have a big thing for marvel and DC together and there's this epic story, maybe I'm not seeing it or I feel like tis too big of a project. But I hope you keep up the good work and maybe think about reformatting it.

Swallowing The Spider


Liked by 3 people




I see, I might re-read to see on the foreshadowing then, good luck finishing the rest. Can't wait!

DragonField:Thanks for the input, I’m glad that you read through all of the available chapters before reviewing. The other version of this story is linear with the marvel story first for those who didnt like how the chapters are laid out. In my head this story makes perfect sense as i know everything that happens and i suppose that until the bt chapters finish this story might not make too much sense but i assure you that your questions do have answers but unfortunately they can only be revealed when new chapters come out until then though it might get a bit blurry but i hope you wait till all the reveals happen. I have actually put some subtle foreshadowing in the chapters which should give some indication to what happened in the marvel world. The Marvel world is not uneeded and still has a big role in the future, after all the past always comes back to bite.

Thanks for the input, I’m glad that you read through all of the available chapters before reviewing. The other version of this story is linear with the marvel story first for those who didnt like how the chapters are laid out. In my head this story makes perfect sense as i know everything that happens and i suppose that until the bt chapters finish this story might not make too much sense but i assure you that your questions do have answers but unfortunately they can only be revealed when new chapters come out until then though it might get a bit blurry but i hope you wait till all the reveals happen. I have actually put some subtle foreshadowing in the chapters which should give some indication to what happened in the marvel world. The Marvel world is not uneeded and still has a big role in the future, after all the past always comes back to bite.