
Review Detail of Mepha in Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

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So far, this is The best game of Thrones fan fiction, with op mc. Bobby B uses his cheats properly. He doesn't act like an anime fool, doesn't fall in love at first sight. He doesn't teach his peasants that all people are equal, or any other nonsense. He is not a nice and kind person from the 21st century, he does not forgive potential enemies. That's why I like him, he's not a hypocrite! He Fucks girls because he wants to. The author does not justify the actions of mc as in other fanfiction. Type: She was promised to mc or mc saved her from robbers, now her heart and body belongs only to mc. Women who have slept with the main character do not become great warriors or strategy geniuses in a month. They were just beautiful girls, or even whores. Nothing else! And admit it, you would have done the same if you were in the place of Bobby B with such cheats! I've read a lot of fan fiction about ASOIAF and GOT. And it's just funny when people from our time try to teach the morals of medieval people.. About friendship and that all peoples are equal and do not need to fight with their neighbors, when their relatives literally died in the war with their neighbors. It's even more absurd that all this fan fiction turns into a melodrama, instead of game of thrones, you read who got married with whom, who had new children, who wants to get married, who loves whom... I don't even say anything about how they start bringing out technology when they don't even have a way to protect their creation. And then complains that his technology was stolen lol! Well you understand my pain))

Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI


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