
Review Detail of alex_tommie in Annihilation Maker DXD

Review detail


This novel was a rather promising novel, The first few arcs are great but the later arcs are lackluster. The Fate arc was lackluster -the combat is a dbz fight powerups and blasts of energy and sometimes close combats THATS IT, nothing like the whitebeard fight that in my opinion pretty great with MC creative use of his powers but with the fate arcs fights its....bad. 2/5 dbz fights cool but boring -the comedy aint bad tho its mainly inside jokes not bad 3/5 -the story is meh its nothing interesting pretty much MC messing about with the characters 3/5 Overall:3/5 The Konosuba side story (sigh) -funny...but repetitive, too drawn out for its own good especially with the authors updates being slow, like the author is trying too put as little effort into it as possible, Besides the comedy that gets repetitive there is nothing else good about it, no character development or at least very little the archetype for the side characters and MC are pretty much set and stone Overall:2/5 Some thoughts: first few arcs are pretty great but then it goes down hill Combat: MC got too OP and its combat went to dbz levels . Character development: There's little to none MC and side characters included. World Building: its based upon already existing worlds and there are almost no change or interactions that are indepth i.e: character interactions but no major changes you would expect having a lose being that is stronger than great red that there would be HUGE changes to the eniviroment within DxD Characters : Best descripted as one dimesional with no depth or change in archetype Whitebeard :old man Kazuma: NEET comic relief Kagya: NEET comic relief #2 with time powers Saitama : doesnt appear for half of the novel forgoten character Misaka : comic relief/love interest thats a tsundere MC : unremarkable NEET tsundere Overall: 2.5/5 Started good ended up bland one of the main parts that i got honk into this fanfic is its action and clever use of powers but from the latest arcs the combat is dbz and MC underutilizing his Cheat we havent seen much originality in the creation just mainly anime powers. I see it turning to the slice of life comic relief that is konsuba without much of the original humour of it , the fanfic has ALOT OF inside jokes that most people wont know.

Annihilation Maker DXD


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You say everything correctly, I completely agree.