
Review Detail of NirvanaPenguin in Only I Am a Necromancer

Review detail


we need more Korean novels, this ^$;$6$&$* of webnovel already destroyed Gravity Tales, fucking all of us up, at least give us korean webnovels, Chinese one are always too nationalist and racist, always when there's a foreigner in Chinese novels its there to make cun of him, instead on Korean novels like Overgeared there's people from all over the world all collaborating, also in Chinese novels they lack a lot of common sense, like starting an electric car and it sounds like a combustion car, reading those kind of things makes you feel like slapping them to death, electric cars it doesnt make sound, its the same as turning on your phone, thats it, or in "The City Of Terror", the author is super racist against foreigners, saying all foreign women over 30 are fat and have "big pores" on the skin, so please, give us Korean novels. where we dont have to endure so much bull****.

Only I Am a Necromancer


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Pal, have you ever been to China? I assure you, the censorship wall is not that bad, I mean if it was, wouldn't there be no immigration out of China? I mean, also, with the large amounts of chinese seeking university degrees outside, surely they could not have bashed the West that much? Honestly this kind of opinion is really retarded, basically a word to word account of what the typical media source states. Sure, America would NEVER spy on its citizens. They would NEVER use brainwashing methods (*cough, red scare, cough), they would NEVER allow corporations to gain private data. They would NEVER promote American nationalism (Trump..., literally the entirety of the cold war). Basically, stop hating randomly. Do you really think you can bullshit to 1 billion people without anyone thinking that it's weird? Just because Western nations cover up all their stuff, since no one is there to expose them, doesn't mean they don't do it.

NirvanaPenguin:yeah, the same as they will never lift the censorship wall, they want their people ignorant and in their own little world, with their own intercepted social medial and no foreign information, i cant see a country as a proper country if it needs to keep its citizens mentally jailed, this is a sign of weakness, are they afraid if they open the wall the chinese government would instantly collapse, and its quite sad since if China was a normal country like for example South Korea, with lots of foreigners and free trade then it could be waaaaaayyyyy more powerful, China would be the total center of the world if they had an open trade policy and no censorship barriers.

Don't read modern novel because it's sh*. Also, I've read 'In overgeared everybody collaborates' you actually read it or something? It's clear it's got something against chinese and 'Hao' isn't a good argument about how it isn't because it's just that author doesn't have the balls to go fully into it and added a character that ain't a d o u c h e to be 'heey one of then isn't bad so I'm not against them' or maybe it's just so that when he put Hao into a subordinate of the Korean MC it can be a metaphor about even if China is strong, it shall still concede in front of Korea.. Maybe I'm thinking too much into it but when you see the Orc arc and the author bs'ing aboht millions of Chinese changing race to become the subordinate of MC, you do see that something is going on


Saying only Chinese novels are racist is kinda ironic.... Anyway, this isn't a Chinese only problem. Korean novels do this too, I had my fair share of Korean novels bashing the US/China/Japan. Japanese do it too but it's really subtle, and I have only seen they do it with America. Novels all have nationalism that shouldn't be there, Chinese novels just go overboard with it.


overgeard is highly racist man, though racism aside its a good novel. urban chinese novels are almost guaranteed to be racist. koreans are less racist, or atleast are less vocal about it, but they are still racist, and theyre novels are usually of better quality, so yeh, i prefer if webnovel added more korean novels.


Just go read non transmigation cultivation/fantasy novels :3


Wow that is an ignorant and blatantly racist comment, irony. If racism in a story offends you just don't read it. Also nationalism is simply patriotism, and if you expect any author to not be proud of their country and have it enter their story then I'd reccomend novels like chrysalis which dont take place on earth and there ya go your problems solved. Fannybaws.


there some Korean novelis here. you just need to search and a lor of coin FP to read because Korean novel get premium early, around only for early 40-60 free chps. and about racist, no nationality are safe, it on all. gravity tales go down is part of qidian/webnovel fault. at that time they take a monopoly on Chinese webnovel autorithy to post on public. this put much pressure on GT, which at that time have lost of Chinese web novels. so either they put it down or they got put down.




nationalist* not racist

lollygagging:overgeard is highly racist man, though racism aside its a good novel. urban chinese novels are almost guaranteed to be racist. koreans are less racist, or atleast are less vocal about it, but they are still racist, and theyre novels are usually of better quality, so yeh, i prefer if webnovel added more korean novels.

Japanese novels dont have that much of racism in their work. At the very least, In my share of experience, I only saw few which can be counted in one hand or less (maybe around 3). Even if they do it, they don't make it obvious. They maintain a neutral stance. Unlike chinese novels, where authors thrashed japan or Korea very badly, as if they killed his/her parents in front of him. Now author is walking on the path of Sasuke to avenge their families. Lmao

RichBoyWinston:Saying only Chinese novels are racist is kinda ironic.... Anyway, this isn't a Chinese only problem. Korean novels do this too, I had my fair share of Korean novels bashing the US/China/Japan. Japanese do it too but it's really subtle, and I have only seen they do it with America. Novels all have nationalism that shouldn't be there, Chinese novels just go overboard with it.

Nicely said.

Max255:Japanese novels dont have that much of racism in their work. At the very least, In my share of experience, I only saw few which can be counted in one hand or less (maybe around 3). Even if they do it, they don't make it obvious. They maintain a neutral stance. Unlike chinese novels, where authors thrashed japan or Korea very badly, as if they killed his/her parents in front of him. Now author is walking on the path of Sasuke to avenge their families. Lmao





Ooh i really like the city of terror


honestly... we're tired of all these cliche novels, we want something a little more original and a little more interesting, at this point i rarely read chinese novels unless it has a nice premise, the worst part is that they frequently drop novels here.. quite sad really


I am so sorry to see many Chinese don't know the difference between nationalism and Patriotism. Being proud of your country and loving it is Patriotism. Looking down on all countries but one's own is nationalism and it is often offensive. I have started many novels which were good at the start and then suddenly took turn for worse because of brainless nationalism. A noteworthy Chinese novel which promotes Patriotism instead of nationalism is Losing Money to be a Tycoon. I have read till 1047 and it promotes Patriotism in very subtle way... It doesn't disgusts you. On the other hand 'I'll add points to everything' has America arc at around ch500. It was disgusting how vulgar author was. That's when I dropped the novel too.


Yep, in "The City of Terror" the author made the mc say that in europe we all ate Turkey (we dont, we eat chicken, Turkey is American), and that we didnt know the good taste of chicken, then made a chicken soup and chinese dishes for a copy of the mountain from 'Game Of Thrones', that was super excited at tasting chicken... it was super ridiculous...

WuxiFan:I am so sorry to see many Chinese don't know the difference between nationalism and Patriotism. Being proud of your country and loving it is Patriotism. Looking down on all countries but one's own is nationalism and it is often offensive. I have started many novels which were good at the start and then suddenly took turn for worse because of brainless nationalism. A noteworthy Chinese novel which promotes Patriotism instead of nationalism is Losing Money to be a Tycoon. I have read till 1047 and it promotes Patriotism in very subtle way... It doesn't disgusts you. On the other hand 'I'll add points to everything' has America arc at around ch500. It was disgusting how vulgar author was. That's when I dropped the novel too.

you will also see that the guild members are from all over the world, and chinese just have what they are, and americans too are seen as a bit arrogant but he's friends with them and a lot in the guild are american and vice leader beeing american, then theres also europeans like an Spanish knight (my favourite), and also a south american archer and many more, so i find it okey even they erase chinese from the story even, they can't legally play videogames freely anyways as it decreases your citizen points playing videogames and if they get too low you can loose your house and everything, a way to get more citizen points in China is praising the government and diligently work to death like a good slave, or lick the proper ( Y ) anyways... its a mess, so yeah, read "The City of Terror" and see that any foreigner that appears is always treated as a clown....

XinYuhao:Don't read modern novel because it's sh*. Also, I've read 'In overgeared everybody collaborates' you actually read it or something? It's clear it's got something against chinese and 'Hao' isn't a good argument about how it isn't because it's just that author doesn't have the balls to go fully into it and added a character that ain't a d o u c h e to be 'heey one of then isn't bad so I'm not against them' or maybe it's just so that when he put Hao into a subordinate of the Korean MC it can be a metaphor about even if China is strong, it shall still concede in front of Korea.. Maybe I'm thinking too much into it but when you see the Orc arc and the author bs'ing aboht millions of Chinese changing race to become the subordinate of MC, you do see that something is going on



I find it more annoying that some authors are super ignorant and write like they never left their countries, will it kill you to do some research?


Nationalism and patriotism are very different. Patriots are people who.love their country and want to better it. Nationalism is a practice of blind adoration or faith in one's country. The difference may not be so clear at first glance, but there are good examples and comparisons in history. For example, nationalism in Europe, among other things, fueled WWII. Basically, imagine all the military parades in North Korea and then add xenophobia to the mix. That's what nationalism is. For an example of patriotism, think of the Civil Rights Movement. Those were people who wanted to better the country. Think about the kids during the Vietnam War who got tired of the war and were killed at Kent State. Nationalism is harmful whereas patriotism is virtuous.

Druzilla:Wow that is an ignorant and blatantly racist comment, irony. If racism in a story offends you just don't read it. Also nationalism is simply patriotism, and if you expect any author to not be proud of their country and have it enter their story then I'd reccomend novels like chrysalis which dont take place on earth and there ya go your problems solved. Fannybaws.