
Review Detail of Dark_Fantazy in Paragon of Sin

Review detail


I liked the part where Wei Wuyin says, "It's Wei Wuyin' time!" and Wei Wuyins all over the place.....

Paragon of Sin


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On a more serious note, this novel is a very good read. The first couple hundred chapters were excellent with their plot and character development and the pacing. -----------------------------------------------------------Although, after that it suffers from filler words and paragraphs this expanding what would be 1 normal chapter to at least 2 or even 3 chapters. If you can get over that then you have quite a good read. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, in terms of the novel's strengths, they are it's world building. It's excellent. This is what a Power Fantasy's world building/background should be like. It feels like something substantial, each wave that MC makes with his actions make an impact in this solid powerful world filled with beings who are at only at the 4th stage of the cultivation system, yet could destroy planets, create stars, live tens of thousands of years. They might put the power of Immortals from other Xianxias to shame.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cultivation System - This is another one of the biggest strength of this novel. Each Smaller realm in one of many major cultivation realms, feels substantial and different. Each small realm has something to offer, has hidden secrets and much more. The cultivation system and progression of this novel is very unique in comparison to most weak to strong novels.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, Character and Plot design/development - The MC of this novel is quite unique. His character development and intelligence is amazing to read about. He learns from every single mistake he makes and takes measures to turn his weaknesses into strengths. ___________________________________________ The other characters you will see in this novel have their own personalities and are not very 2 dimensional. For eg, the harem members and subordinates have their own unique presence and ambitions which they strive towards and have issues to deal with that are not always surrounding the MC. But the sheer amount of them seems to weigh a lot on author because it shows in the writing. It's not like those characters are forgotten, no, they are always brought back into the picture no matter how minor especially MC's harem but the problem is it's after hundreds of chapters. As an average reader even if you somehow remember them, you might not care much about them. Another thing is as the story moves forward more new characters are introduced but then the existing characters appear less on screen since the plot has to develop. This is one the major weaknesses of this novel with how it struggles to handle the vast amount of characters it introduces.________________________________________________As for plot development - It is good. Good because I feel it could be better, excellent even. Most of you won't be disappointed don't worry, but at some points I felt like some good kingdom/army building could be used or just a chill side story/ a chapter more focused on one of the many main characters personalities and ambitions etc could be introduced the story just sort of skims/rushes through it. I guess it could be because many readers just want to see our MC do his thing more but I feel like it takes away from the story. It is MC's journey but other main characters should also be given much attention and rather than filler chapters, chapters focusing on the WW's subordinates and harem etc, could be introduced. Although I understand that's just me. Except the army building part because the organisations made my MC and his harem and the subordinates that we recruited should have been given more attention and screentime as we see their development. We dunno know much about them except 3-4 members who appeared recently but last time appear 600+ chapters ago for 2-3 chaps I think. The kingdom/Army building could be worked on more hopefully.------------------------------------------------------------+--As for writing, it's good. The author dumps a lot of info from time to time cuz he gotta fill the word quota but those info many a times contain clues. If you read carefully you'll find many clues, hints and fore shadowing. The writing is good minus the filler part.--------------------------------------------------------------In conclusion this is a good novel. I'd give it a solid 3/5. Something worth checking out and investing your time in. If it didn't have so much filler and had the same level of writing and pace as the first couple hundred chapters, I would have considered it an excellent novel worth a solid 4/5. Anyways, thanks for reading till this point. Have a good day!