
Review Detail of Elder in Physics The Greatest Magic

Review detail


The mc is extremely stupid guy who survives only because of plot armor. Never fight seriously. Trying to not hurt his enemies. And to learn a little he needs near death experiences his or his girls. (By the way he's denser than Japan protagonists) Simply put he disappointing you again and again. I read a few chapters more in hopes it goes better.

Physics The Greatest Magic


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Can you guy's give some advice on a novel i just started working it's published here. It's called the Infinity tower. I uploaded the first chapter and planning to add more. Some help will be really grand, as i am second language, and may need a third party to see it from their eye's.


Is this harem? I 🤔


He is trying to act cool by giving spell names in different languages


He is trying to act cool by giving spell names in different languages


Also make some stages that someone can understand how strong mc is. There is no mention of how to cultivate mana or mana pool. Make it so that reader will understand difference between every person in novel!!

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i've till chap 2, abd after reading some reviews I knew, this isn't my cup of tea, I love isekai, but not the Shounen one


Not really, it's not intentional

Lightning_user:He is trying to act cool by giving spell names in different languages

Shoujo is good :)

Might_Cho:i've till chap 2, abd after reading some reviews I knew, this isn't my cup of tea, I love isekai, but not the Shounen one

Yo, don’t doom your story with a harem. Every novel I’ve read with a harem has devolved into trash. Almost entirely due to the harem. Don’t go down that path dude

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mad facts, through some(by some i mean few and by few i mean 3 or 4 that i can't remember) novels that have harem don't end up as trash but well done

Blwaxen:Yo, don’t doom your story with a harem. Every novel I’ve read with a harem has devolved into trash. Almost entirely due to the harem. Don’t go down that path dude

i don’t think you have any right to judge that. a character is only as intelligent as the one who creates them. and frankly some authors are straight up retards and then to add insult to injury they make the character dumber than them which means they literally don’t remember anything not within the current chapter and just to put the authors intelligence out there so you have a good idea of it, the author in question would literally rename a character every few chapters because he forgot their name. so you can imagine the sheer stupidity the author implemented just so he could put a character growth label on his novel. and just so you know that author also did a shameless review praising their own novel and every other review on it was a 5 star paid review because those who actually read it immediately closed the tab and moved on with life.

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YES! I have seen so many stories that were godly until a harem was involved. this usually is with because of the author being pressured by the overwhelming large amount of degenerates on this site who don't know their place, or by the author being a degenerate themselves.

superlazymagicgod:mad facts, through some(by some i mean few and by few i mean 3 or 4 that i can't remember) novels that have harem don't end up as trash but well done

A Will Eternal by Er gen survived the harem troupe, right? I didnt find any problem with girls in that novel. Most feng ling tian xia novels like Oem, lolt also were good even though they had harem. The problem with harem is that the female leads become less n less relevant with thier increase in no. and thier only purpose will be to make the mc do the damsel in distress move again n agian. I am looking at u Ast, atg, mga, etc

Blwaxen:Yo, don’t doom your story with a harem. Every novel I’ve read with a harem has devolved into trash. Almost entirely due to the harem. Don’t go down that path dude

Man harem's don't ruin story's. I've read perfectly good novels that started out awesome without a harem, then run out of steam like midway then turn uninteresting. Also single romance's aren't as perfect too some don't work out. I've also read well executed harem stories where we can see the people in the relationship interact with each other which was pretty interesting, not the trash where the dude's go out and collect women like Pokemon.

Blwaxen:Yo, don’t doom your story with a harem. Every novel I’ve read with a harem has devolved into trash. Almost entirely due to the harem. Don’t go down that path dude

Do you expect to see a Good Harem if the Author is Pressured to add Harem? Harem doesnt Ruin a Novel, a hurried added harem or a badly made Harem CAN and Often DOES Ruin a Novel. I have seen Novel with Harem only as Background, where they Harem only gets 5 Chapter of 100, if lucky, and when part of Harem will they became only a Afterword. Or a Harem where they get to be part of more Chapters, but only to be Puppets of MC, without a real Personality and background, only to follow him and nothing else. If you compare Harem with those things, then it is like Comparing a Action Novel, where the Characters dont even can deffend or evade, and simple get hit by a Attack, even if they see it a Mile away, with a Action novel where the Characters use every part of their Weapon, even a Sword hilt, use kicks, punches and headbutts, target Vital Points, like Eyes, Ears, crotch, feet or Hand to lower the Strenght of a Enemy. The Fighter can block, guard, parry and counterattack.

CGV_5264:YES! I have seen so many stories that were godly until a harem was involved. this usually is with because of the author being pressured by the overwhelming large amount of degenerates on this site who don't know their place, or by the author being a degenerate themselves.

i’d just like to say, a harem tag is a more accuracte indicator of a bad novel than both a typo and a grammar error in the title itself and without a picture on the website. there ARE good novels out there with the harem tag, but incredibly few. and if you don’t wanna let your readers know if there is a harem and there IS a harem, your novels rating is gonna drop faster than my great grandma down a spiral staircase.

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Ikr, I can't stand even the beginning-learning-the-ropes confusion. If this novel's MC is denser than Jap MC's then this is not for me.

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That's harsh. What you said is true but only for some novels. Not all the novels are that bad. If someone can write a readable novel then he is not a retard if IQ is considered. The novel written might not be to your liking but this will only be due to either Author's or yours 'retardness' and that too in terms of EQ not IQ.

Unknown_Variable:i don’t think you have any right to judge that. a character is only as intelligent as the one who creates them. and frankly some authors are straight up retards and then to add insult to injury they make the character dumber than them which means they literally don’t remember anything not within the current chapter and just to put the authors intelligence out there so you have a good idea of it, the author in question would literally rename a character every few chapters because he forgot their name. so you can imagine the sheer stupidity the author implemented just so he could put a character growth label on his novel. and just so you know that author also did a shameless review praising their own novel and every other review on it was a 5 star paid review because those who actually read it immediately closed the tab and moved on with life.

thank you


my friend , he lived a very ordinary life . An honest white collar worker . What did you accepted from him .