
Review Detail of DreamyFatCat in Fortune Divination (Hiatus)

Review detail


Elementary writings dont even read this. Waste of time if i were you.The author is hypocrite and self centered and trying to make his name the MC to all his garbage novel even MGA boasting old dude discussion is better than this novel .So dont read this even the character development will make elementary student better than the MC.

Fortune Divination (Hiatus)


Liked by 1 people




energy stone rank is translations btw. Also only the author would keep replying and attacking since the start of this morning all the way to night on a brand new acc to boost their novel, nevermind, Im not gonna bother explaining that anymore since I keep putting it. Anyways Im going to sleep, Ill argue with u later on this acc of yours till u r satisfied, gn

DreamyFatCat:Here we go again i am not the author, also you saying that its easy to get power and energy stone without evidence.In reality its easy to say " I AM SUPER MAN" just like your claimed but its hard to believe without evidence.a ls this is the last time i will reply to your nonsense comment, your no worthy of my time specially scumbug and self centered people like you. Super pee System Vs. Top Idol( your novel) Power stone 400+ > your novel 0 So super pee system is better Energy stone rank 200> your novel dont even mention it So super pee system its better Therfore super pee is better...finish...no arguement Overall super pee system had "Pee" on you novel.

Yes my 0 word story was full of grammatical mistakes. You can tell by the blank page that the grammatical mistakes are from the moon to pluto. Please support my hater, the author of Super Pee Novel! 😂


Lol not only grammar but your the whole novel is mistake and he keep saying i am the author hahaha you just cant accept that is someone is better than you.And also atleast the novel of the author that your bashing have more power and energystone than your piece of grabage novel so its clear that your writing is below than what you so called not good novel.

JKaiya:Yes my 0 word story was full of grammatical mistakes. You can tell by the blank page that the grammatical mistakes are from the moon to pluto. Please support my hater, the author of Super Pee Novel! 😂

Guessing you arent reading my replies anymore as most of what you put isnt making sense anymore. If you had read and used your brain, of course there are people better than me, you're Super Pet Shop thing is just not one of them. And an author putting 5 stars on their book has been a tradition on WN even before originals were out. The translators are those who had started the tradition lol

DreamyFatCat:Lol not only grammar but your the whole novel is mistake and he keep saying i am the author hahaha you just cant accept that is someone is better than you.And also atleast the novel of the author that your bashing have more power and energystone than your piece of grabage novel so its clear that your writing is below than what you so called not good novel.

Yeah your 0 word novel and yet you give it a 5 star so its clearly hyprocite author so whether 0 words or not it will surely became lame because of your personality.Just boasting around chu.chu chu. and accept that is someone is better than you.Also for the 10th time i am not the author, i only defended the author from scumbug people like you.


My god as i said i am not the author.And you saying the super pee system that your talking about is below your novel when its clearly have more power and energystone vote than your garbage novel which have 0 vote.It means people like the super pee system that you are talking about than your 0 energy and powerstone novel.Its only your opinion that your novel and you as author is better than the super pee system that you are bashing but the fact is its have more people supporting it whether in power stone or energystone so its better... Finish.We are basing the judgement on which have more power and energy stone votes who people see it worthy so cleary for people your novel is below than his/her novel your are talking about and your claimed that your novel and as an author is better is simply an opinion without basis to justify that its a "fact".

JKaiya:Guessing you arent reading my replies anymore as most of what you put isnt making sense anymore. If you had read and used your brain, of course there are people better than me, you're Super Pet Shop thing is just not one of them. And an author putting 5 stars on their book has been a tradition on WN even before originals were out. The translators are those who had started the tradition lol

Its easy to get powerstones if u post a chap every day consistently, although I never completed a book on WN, From writing for 2-3weeks with about 1 chap a day I got more than a 100 powerstones for the next 2 weeks till I dropped it. That1 isnt on this acc, and normally I would tell u as proof, but thos novels I actually care about and deleting 1 star revs everyday will get annoying. Also I love how you are not replying your novel anymore so people dont see this 😂

DreamyFatCat:My god as i said i am not the author.And you saying the super pee system that your talking about is below your novel when its clearly have more power and energystone vote than your garbage novel which have 0 vote.It means people like the super pee system that you are talking about than your 0 energy and powerstone novel.Its only your opinion that your novel and you as author is better than the super pee system that you are bashing but the fact is its have more people supporting it whether in power stone or energystone so its better... Finish.We are basing the judgement on which have more power and energy stone votes who people see it worthy so cleary for people your novel is below than his/her novel your are talking about and your claimed that your novel and as an author is better is simply an opinion without basis to justify that its a "fact".

Btw I forgot to put this, but u cant get on powerstones ranks till u get 15k words, so novels like this just means the author archived or dropped deleted the chaps.

DreamyFatCat:Yeah your 0 word novel and yet you give it a 5 star so its clearly hyprocite author so whether 0 words or not it will surely became lame because of your personality.Just boasting around chu.chu chu. and accept that is someone is better than you.Also for the 10th time i am not the author, i only defended the author from scumbug people like you.

Here we go again i am not the author, also you saying that its easy to get power and energy stone without evidence.In reality its easy to say " I AM SUPER MAN" just like your claimed but its hard to believe without evidence.a ls this is the last time i will reply to your nonsense comment, your no worthy of my time specially scumbug and self centered people like you. Super pee System Vs. Top Idol( your novel) Power stone 400+ > your novel 0 So super pee system is better Energy stone rank 200> your novel dont even mention it So super pee system its better Therfore super pee is better...finish...no arguement Overall super pee system had "Pee" on you novel.

JKaiya:Its easy to get powerstones if u post a chap every day consistently, although I never completed a book on WN, From writing for 2-3weeks with about 1 chap a day I got more than a 100 powerstones for the next 2 weeks till I dropped it. That1 isnt on this acc, and normally I would tell u as proof, but thos novels I actually care about and deleting 1 star revs everyday will get annoying. Also I love how you are not replying your novel anymore so people dont see this 😂