
Review Detail of rick_james_7213 in My Vampire System

Review detail


Overall a great book. I enjoy the characters. Author does a great job of keeping things simple. Which is hard to do in a litrpg. The MC skills remain the same from the first chapter up to the latest with only a few additions which is great. The supporting characters are good enough and unpredictable in a way. The romance feels forced my God author please I hate the chapters with forced romantic scenes that don't make sense. Other than that this is actually one of the best webnovels that gave me hope that there are good writers on webnovel. I do have 1 regret though. Reading this book first before my dragon system which was a major mistake. I wasnt as interested in those characters as i was in this book which speaks of the improvements author has made. Though he sucks at romance.


My Vampire System


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Hi there Nic, you wrote a review on Royal road and just wanted to say that is me posting on Royal Road its the real me. My account is now banned on Royal road. I know you just wanted to be a good supporter. if you can in the future reach out to me first to see if its me.


Sorry about that. My bad. I really thought it was one of those people on royal road who were stealing your story. I'm sorry😞😞😞