
Review Detail of ChaosZ in Omega Summoner

Review detail


I really like this novel as I have read up till chapter 931 to this point, but there are few key point with the story that irks me to no end. One such thing is how the author focuses almost too much on side characters in certain parts or drags out parts of the story without the MC imo. Like the Pandelympics were like 100 chaoters long with little to no content from MC when everything could’ve just been paraphrased and everyone would’ve still enjoyed it, as it was not that interesting for me. Another thing is how author at the start really focused on the summons and the MC progressing, but now it just seems like he’s except for some random bs way to give him new abilities. The third thing that annoys to me is how there is a sorry excuse for information in the novel, like the readers will have no idea about 90% of what the characters are taling about but somehow Adrian just knows everything because the author just focuses on these long drawn out quests for 10s of chapters and no true exploration or level grinding or interactions. Thats it for my rant and I still like the story just author could’ve antop tier novel but because of things listed above it doesn’t ge as much recognition and it stays as a mid tier novel for me and probably many others


Omega Summoner


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