
Review Detail of Ruxc in In the world of TDG as a Pokemon Master

Review detail


Its my first time writing and dont expect anything pro stuff, and also those who dont like the Mc building the strength of his friends and trusted people and sharing his knowledge, please get lost for i dont know what kind of knowledge that is, a single player? you guys really think the world is easy without help, you never know what team and good friends are worth in the life, so please get lost and dont read my novel if you want that kind of idiot Mc.

In the world of TDG as a Pokemon Master


Liked by 16 people




I am just starting to read, but what means Pokemon Trainer? He will ger pokeballs and other stuff?




I hope that MC will not be a cupid and help my friends find love?


I don't understand why you have to be such an a****** there's plenty of worlds that you can become powerful without help from other people I haven't even read the book but all I did is read some reviews to see if the book is good and you're basically telling me to piss off if I don't agree with what MC is doing


There are uncountable of words for you to phrase something nicer, but I gotta say, you're totally wrong. Sure, having friends makes life most of the time easier, but ever heard of betrayal? Backstabbing? All those sort of things, never felt that if you talk it like that? Being solo bring many conveniences, you only trust yourself. Being solo doesn't mean you can't have acquaintances, though they aren't friends, as long they are to be trusted you can barter with them and trade with them. Sharing knowledge? Do you know if you're so 'called' friends got enticed by someone they can reveal everything you told them? True friendship can even break after being together for 10 years (Low chance, I mean, 10 years is quite long and if you are really good friends then the chance of betrayal is quite low) And, just for you know, I didn't read anything, so with the above, I don't think 10 or even 1 year passed by in your novel and MC already have friends where he will reveal some secrets for free? PFfft, piss off. Ok, I'm done criticing (<- totally spelled that word wrong) you. Don't call people to piss off, just say it's not their cup of tea or something else, don't be direct, it gains negative views for you because the author's personality is part of the novel. (1% I guess?)


I cant review for some reason. I dropped at chapter 4. At least capitalise words. The sentences just blurred together and made my head hurt. You don't have to be a pro to do that. Also already seemed like it was a harem story. I'm sick and tired of them. Ends up MC just thinking with their dick and each chapter ends up being about sex..


I cant review for some reason. I dropped at chapter 4. At least capitalise words. The sentences just blurred together and made my head hurt. You don't have to be a pro to do that. Also already seemed like it was a harem story. I'm sick and tired of them. Ends up MC just thinking with their dick and each chapter ends up being about sex..


Damn bro I was gonna give it a try but the way your comment came out was kinda offensive like what happened to you


Woah woah woah! Calm your tits there miss author.


I was going to read and I will leave it just for this, thanks for speaking the truth.


Bad move Author. To be honest sharing power with harem is what I approve. Sharing little power with friends so that they can protect him I approve. But sharing same level of power as himself with someone other than harem now that is stupid. Plus I had given you a 4star review and now I am going to delete that. Because you personally just burried your fan base