
Review Detail of Steelrod_Immortal in Knowledge is Power

Review detail


by no means your novel is bad. its good to a certain extend, but it seems the writter is still on him/her **** or maybe not yet matured. the converstaion and interaction between character seems too straight foward to me. like , its practically impossible for an underworld family head to straight up explain their background to their daughter friend that they barely know for 48 hours and explain about having *** and stuff. it just, childish if i may say. but, the theme of the story itself is intresting. and the last problems. the usage of ( , ? . ) sign on the paragraph. it was really confusing but still readable. at least for me. So, good luck.


Knowledge is Power


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I am an a.dult just make up the chapters right on the spot i only have a base outline on how the story will go. The *** part is just for fun honestly and won’t be that important. All the characters are growing up becoming a.dults and hormonal, I also like straight forward and frank characters which most important people are in this story. I know that life isn’t really like that but I didn’t write my story for realism just for fun but thank you for your opinion