
Review Detail of TomRiffle101 in Virtual Sword God!

Review detail


Not a professional breakdown of anything but here is what I think. So boring. Granted I didn’t read much, and maybe it gets better, but what I did read started to bore me quickly. The start of a story should be the good but with it getting stale towards the end, but this was just tedious to read. The idea is cool, and if it was done well it could of been good, but it wasn’t. The MC was pathetic, and there were at least two plot holes. Arthur was supposedly amazing, yet he wasn’t even that good. Supposedly 80% of households watch people play, yet the MC didn’t even know the basic rules of the game. Didn’t make sense to me, I’ve never played some games yet I know how to play them. Another thing, who would just allow a spirit to control your body. It would be horrifying, imagine it. Not being able to control what you do, just being a passenger in your own body. It’d scare he **** out of me. Last thing I’ll mention is that Arthur wanted to create an unbeatable sword art, yet didn’t immediately try and teach his sword art to the MC. That didn’t make sense to me. Having another person well versed in your sword art would allow you to see flaws in it. Just my opinion, and I’ve only read about 20 similarly themed novels.

Virtual Sword God!


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I'm curious why there's literally little bad reviews, when the novel is really so bad that's my IQ going down everytime I try to give it a chance. Just the part of Missing and Gank the author said they're having difficulty about those terms HHAHAAHAH If you havr even the tiniest common sense in you, missing is missing. And that's difficult? So much for saying they're genius in studying HHAHAHAAHAHA