
Review Detail of ThyUnknownSaint in Universe's Ultimate BOSS

Review detail


I’m caught with Translations. It’s a hilarious story and it has plot. But there’s much to be desired from the Characters. The Author has already set up a good cast like “Daily Life Of Immortal King.” If they get discarded along the way, then this Novel will be ruined. It feels like this story will stray at any moment and become milked like any CN now. So i hope the Author focuses on his Characters, like his 4 lovers. For once I really like this Polygamy. But if it grows too big and we no longer get to see them, it’ll be disheartening. They all provide hilarious duos with the MC. I mean Meimei has already been discarded, so it’s kinda disappointing. Hopefully, his relationship with his lovers is established soon as I want to see them together more. I wonder how they’ll react if MC dies? Please no disappearing every hundred chapters sh*t, that will ruin this novel.

Universe's Ultimate BOSS


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The point about Meimei sould be classified as a spoiler


Well she didn't really disappear at that time of 60 chapters but it's still weird how her character went silent. I have yet to read this since it got picked up. Did this get drop? I've been waiting for chapters to pile up so. I'll be sad if it got drop.

Nurofae:The point about Meimei sould be classified as a spoiler