
Review Detail of DaoOfDao in The hypnotizer

Review detail


AWARENESS!! I don’t know why people are into these types of “fantasies”. Fantasies lead to desire which could lead to action. This novel basically revolves around the idea of rape. Doing it without their consent is rape. Doing it when they are under influence is rape. And drugging them or consciously acting upon the decision to make someone do what you will by force or underhanded tactics is rape. Even when people say “yes” when they are drunk, they don’t have the capability to think properly at that moment and is not an actual consent. It’s still considered rape. You all probably thought of women when I was talking about rape in the previous comments, but know that men do get raped too. You read the previous comments and immediately thought, “gay”. You’re wrong, it is not only the men who do the raping, but also women. Men could also be the victim of rape especially when they are under influence, and it is done almost always by women. And they might not even know it because they wouldn’t even be able to feel the sensation from their peenis in the morning. They’ll just find out that some girl is pregnant with their child. They could even be blackmailed into being the father of their “family” by saying that he would be sued for rape if he doesn’t accept. It’s different for the women victims as people would even look down upon them and call them derogatory terms. They would even be hated because they want to or got an abortion of the rapist’s invasive gene cell. They are hated and pressured into becoming the “mother” of their rapist because it’s their blood child. If you don’t see nothing wrong with that, why don’t you eat with the knife that stabbed you in the eye? It’s okay, it’s your blood anyways (Also prove me wrong but a lump of cells isn’t a child. It’s like comparing a newly laid egg to a chick. I understand that chicks may be brought forth from it as time passes, but that is no chick when it is just a yolk. If you still try to save those lump of cells, you might as well try to save the semens that couldn’t reach the eggs) Anyways, rape is something that people should stay away from doing as it is one of the most inhumane thing that could happen to a person which I personally consider as even worse than death because they would have to live through it.

The hypnotizer


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Relative privation. R*pe isn’t murder. R*pe is WAY more common than murder. R*pe sometimes even lead to murder. Why try to stray away from the topic? It’s like you felt targetted at the mention of it. Calm down. You’re giving yourself away.

Heath_Judge:Killing is not good right? So there are many books in webnovel that includes murder and genocide. Go and write in all those books about why those books even exists. It'll influence people to do murder in real life right? RIGHT??? Why don't we just ban all kinds of webnovels cuz they are OBVIOUSLY A BAD INFLUENCE.

I understand your point of view in real life, but this is a fictional story for people to enjoy, dont enjoy, like it only because there is rape, go somewhere else. People want to enjoy this kind of novels and things that you dont like because they want to release some stress because of ****ty boring life in this ****ty world feeling numb of it or whatever else reason. What you talked about here is people who cant distinguish reality from fiction, poorly educated about morals, principles, cant distinguish whats right and whats wrong - retarded, but there is not many here because people like that who do ''rape'', didnt read a book in their life.


I think it's very human and it's a fact that R had existed from long ago so it have a good chance to be in a part of it's nature, and if we look at animals it's rarely consensual and often quite aggressive. In no case I defend rape because it's quite twisted in our society and go against any good mental health culture we have and finally the influence it have on both personality. Now for having child I don't think there is a good ''solution'' to kill an embryo and it go directly to our moral code there is no much difference for me between a child and a mass of cells because of their potential, I don't consider a child as inferior to me because he know less, but I should consider an embryo so because he didn't have the time to develop? Now the real problem is with the parents and the results if they have a child and how they will educate him etc, and don't forget that many of those who abort keep some deep scare. (could have been worse with a child but we (or I at least) don't know). As for why you could read this well it could be of use to define yourself and see how to react on this ( often someone who denies completely something can fail in even easier because of naivety to quote one) but it can go in the two sense (for me it's only for top to bottom movement) and to search of the mores, how the deep and dark desire come to the surface in our era etc. And to discuss with some self righteous people on the comment for the fun of it. Systematics and cultural thinking are often flawed to be of use to a minority.


I applaud you for actually responding to most of my claims unlike the previous commenter that responded with evident bias and prejudice. I mean, look at his profile picture and look at his “support”. He quoted “rape” as if it was a made up word, and his description of a rapist is the same you use to describe a young child. What I got from his rebuttal is that rapists are that of a child so that means children are rapists. So I saw no point in responding. Your comment, however, was more thought provoking. And I do have some question: (First paragraph) First, you said it was “very human”? What is very human? Rape? Or were you thinking of something else? Because with the topic we’re discussing, I concluded that that was what you were referring to. Second, why would you compare “very human” to animals? I know that some people describe others as animals, but what is your point in justifying people’s thoughts on rape because when you look at animals “it’s rarely consensual and quite aggressive”? Third, I have doubts on the reasons why you don’t defend rape. So, what you’re saying is that if rape is not “twisted in our society” and that if it didn’t “go against any good mental health culture”, then you’re fine with it? (Second paragraph) First, you said that for you there is no difference between an embryo and a child because of its potential. I understand your logic for I too don’t consider children inferior to myself because they have yet to grow. But, I don’t think it is proper to compare a living child to mass of cells that is yet alive. To “kill” in this scenario is inapplicable. Your reason of potential when comparing a baby to a mass of cell is like deciding whether to save a drowning Albert Einstein versus a drowning baby. One is very distinguished and have accumulated vast achievements and have the potential to gain more while the other has the potential of growing into another Albert Einstein or a possible Hitler. One is alive and has an identity, while the other non-living with too many gray areas. Embryos start to feel pain “as early as 12 weeks”, that is when I consider them as alive. Second, you have considered their potential, but have you considered their environment? What makes you sure that the children won’t be abandoned, abused, or killed after they are born because of their parent’s financial or emotional situation. You do know that some babies are killed after they are birthed because their parents can’t afford to raise them right? Or that they were forced/pressured to birthed the baby so they feel no bond towards them leading to abuse and abandonment? It’s fortunate if someone were to adopt the babies but there are reasons why orphanages exist. If we’re going by morals, I would rather stop the child from being birthed into a life full of abuse and possible murder without them knowing than to actually have them experience it personally and live out their life scarred or dead, not living a full life. (Third paragraph) I have no qualms with your first claim but your second is just, shallow. Please take into account why people abort. People that are forced to an abortion would have a deeper scar/e than those who chose to have them. I just don’t understand how people with no business at all to tell those women to and not to abort when they aren’t the ones carrying. I know that the same could be said to myself and how I am telling people to stop reading these types of books but first look at the degree of the situations. One is pressuring/forcing women to give birth to an unwanted baby, a situation that involves more than one life when it is not theirs to worry about unless they planned to adopt the baby. And the other, my case, is telling people to stop reading fantasies that revolves around the idea of rape. And look where we are, others are still against it because they need to let off some “stress because of this ****ty life in this ****ty world.” And this is the way to do it? I never said

Dechet:I think it's very human and it's a fact that R had existed from long ago so it have a good chance to be in a part of it's nature, and if we look at animals it's rarely consensual and often quite aggressive. In no case I defend rape because it's quite twisted in our society and go against any good mental health culture we have and finally the influence it have on both personality. Now for having child I don't think there is a good ''solution'' to kill an embryo and it go directly to our moral code there is no much difference for me between a child and a mass of cells because of their potential, I don't consider a child as inferior to me because he know less, but I should consider an embryo so because he didn't have the time to develop? Now the real problem is with the parents and the results if they have a child and how they will educate him etc, and don't forget that many of those who abort keep some deep scare. (could have been worse with a child but we (or I at least) don't know). As for why you could read this well it could be of use to define yourself and see how to react on this ( often someone who denies completely something can fail in even easier because of naivety to quote one) but it can go in the two sense (for me it's only for top to bottom movement) and to search of the mores, how the deep and dark desire come to the surface in our era etc. And to discuss with some self righteous people on the comment for the fun of it. Systematics and cultural thinking are often flawed to be of use to a minority.

I never said to stop reading R-fantasies but stop R-fantasies where it includes rape because it desensitized people of the severity of rape. The fact that they read these types and not just of those fantasies where they have consensual sex, shows the affects that these types of novels have on them. But could I really stop people from continuing to read? Impossible. Which is why I labeled it as awareness. Between self-righteousness and conscious indifference, I choose to be pragmatic. Systematics and cultural thinking are often flawed to be of use to a minority, but necessary to prevent disorder.

DaoOfDao:I applaud you for actually responding to most of my claims unlike the previous commenter that responded with evident bias and prejudice. I mean, look at his profile picture and look at his “support”. He quoted “rape” as if it was a made up word, and his description of a rapist is the same you use to describe a young child. What I got from his rebuttal is that rapists are that of a child so that means children are rapists. So I saw no point in responding. Your comment, however, was more thought provoking. And I do have some question: (First paragraph) First, you said it was “very human”? What is very human? Rape? Or were you thinking of something else? Because with the topic we’re discussing, I concluded that that was what you were referring to. Second, why would you compare “very human” to animals? I know that some people describe others as animals, but what is your point in justifying people’s thoughts on rape because when you look at animals “it’s rarely consensual and quite aggressive”? Third, I have doubts on the reasons why you don’t defend rape. So, what you’re saying is that if rape is not “twisted in our society” and that if it didn’t “go against any good mental health culture”, then you’re fine with it? (Second paragraph) First, you said that for you there is no difference between an embryo and a child because of its potential. I understand your logic for I too don’t consider children inferior to myself because they have yet to grow. But, I don’t think it is proper to compare a living child to mass of cells that is yet alive. To “kill” in this scenario is inapplicable. Your reason of potential when comparing a baby to a mass of cell is like deciding whether to save a drowning Albert Einstein versus a drowning baby. One is very distinguished and have accumulated vast achievements and have the potential to gain more while the other has the potential of growing into another Albert Einstein or a possible Hitler. One is alive and has an identity, while the other non-living with too many gray areas. Embryos start to feel pain “as early as 12 weeks”, that is when I consider them as alive. Second, you have considered their potential, but have you considered their environment? What makes you sure that the children won’t be abandoned, abused, or killed after they are born because of their parent’s financial or emotional situation. You do know that some babies are killed after they are birthed because their parents can’t afford to raise them right? Or that they were forced/pressured to birthed the baby so they feel no bond towards them leading to abuse and abandonment? It’s fortunate if someone were to adopt the babies but there are reasons why orphanages exist. If we’re going by morals, I would rather stop the child from being birthed into a life full of abuse and possible murder without them knowing than to actually have them experience it personally and live out their life scarred or dead, not living a full life. (Third paragraph) I have no qualms with your first claim but your second is just, shallow. Please take into account why people abort. People that are forced to an abortion would have a deeper scar/e than those who chose to have them. I just don’t understand how people with no business at all to tell those women to and not to abort when they aren’t the ones carrying. I know that the same could be said to myself and how I am telling people to stop reading these types of books but first look at the degree of the situations. One is pressuring/forcing women to give birth to an unwanted baby, a situation that involves more than one life when it is not theirs to worry about unless they planned to adopt the baby. And the other, my case, is telling people to stop reading fantasies that revolves around the idea of rape. And look where we are, others are still against it because they need to let off some “stress because of this ****ty life in this ****ty world.” And this is the way to do it? I never said

First please don't use me to justify why you don't reply to other it's your choice and I have nothing to do on it. And I don't want you to ''applaud'' me or anything keep your hand for yourself. 1.1)So yes I'm speaking of Rope (no chance in hell I'm getting banned because of using this word if there is a wide scale words search and what not so I will use rope), I wanted to say that it's an old issue and something that can happen sadly quite easily in many situation so a part if human behavior and it was to reply to you saying it's inhuman but I should have been more explicit I guess. 1.2)I spoke about animals because rope could be more of an instinct or an impulse rather than something created by an education or situation, and humans are not more than an animals even with all ours dreams of greatness so they are a base valid of observation. I never justified anything but put the two in front because I think it's relevant and would help you to review you ideals. 1.3)I don’t have a reason nor will to justify or think it’s a good idea to rope someone else. So no I don’t try to uphold this idea. And I think if society didn’t acts against which would be strange for an act of this brutality then yes I would be fine with it, but it would still be like murdering someone (which I curiously think it’s the case by how we let people kill themself slowly with food and destined future but it’s another debate I won’t go in if you have not something new to say) and still the fact I put a value on it show how cultivated by my environment this idea is, it could be something far less important depending of the culture slowly crated around, like a dystopian world were sex would be so free and open without any thought behind that rape wouldn’t exist. 2.2.)You have a strange view on life and you don’t understand my logic. So let’s begin with a metaphor, if you destroy a painting when it’s finished or half done it’s still destroyed you can convince the painter that it’s not that important because it wasn’t finished but I think he would kick your ass because even half finished he had already put all the core parts and he only needed to end the details around, now your question is from were the painting have not been developed enough to be considered important? Well it’s the painter who chose and the painter here would be father nature. The 1 being your paragraph 2.2.1)You think that a cell is less alive than a human? Sure then explain to me why because for me there is no distinction except it’s usefulness to me and a sense of esthetic. And I’m not speaking of a cell but a natural reaction like dry wood could become a fire, an embryo grow to a child, pee on the spark and there would surly be no fire, kill the embryo and the child who in most case would have been born is not. I don’t know why this future child death is less important than a few days later is only betraying oneself to look at it in a biological fact to not feel the weight of a life. 2.2.2) I don’t understand your metaphor with Einstein you would save him rather than the child? And same as above the same grey area can be applied to an ***** with a bit of a twist don’t blind yourself in biological facts else I could kill a new born because he has no experience? Same than killing an embryo because he is not yet alive to me. 2.2.4) thanks I exactly said this in my own comment ‘’Now the real problem is with the parents and the results if they have a child and how they will educate him etc,’’ no need to repeat I think I kept in mind what I wrote. And the question that you replied is would you kill a child because of his future. You said yes, I say no only to be the advocate of satan because in this case you would be a tyrant by choosing if they can live or not depending of an uncertain future. Completely weird me out and the danger of self righteous people winging with their own mental pleasuring idea. And a wrong argume

DaoOfDao:I applaud you for actually responding to most of my claims unlike the previous commenter that responded with evident bias and prejudice. I mean, look at his profile picture and look at his “support”. He quoted “rape” as if it was a made up word, and his description of a rapist is the same you use to describe a young child. What I got from his rebuttal is that rapists are that of a child so that means children are rapists. So I saw no point in responding. Your comment, however, was more thought provoking. And I do have some question: (First paragraph) First, you said it was “very human”? What is very human? Rape? Or were you thinking of something else? Because with the topic we’re discussing, I concluded that that was what you were referring to. Second, why would you compare “very human” to animals? I know that some people describe others as animals, but what is your point in justifying people’s thoughts on rape because when you look at animals “it’s rarely consensual and quite aggressive”? Third, I have doubts on the reasons why you don’t defend rape. So, what you’re saying is that if rape is not “twisted in our society” and that if it didn’t “go against any good mental health culture”, then you’re fine with it? (Second paragraph) First, you said that for you there is no difference between an embryo and a child because of its potential. I understand your logic for I too don’t consider children inferior to myself because they have yet to grow. But, I don’t think it is proper to compare a living child to mass of cells that is yet alive. To “kill” in this scenario is inapplicable. Your reason of potential when comparing a baby to a mass of cell is like deciding whether to save a drowning Albert Einstein versus a drowning baby. One is very distinguished and have accumulated vast achievements and have the potential to gain more while the other has the potential of growing into another Albert Einstein or a possible Hitler. One is alive and has an identity, while the other non-living with too many gray areas. Embryos start to feel pain “as early as 12 weeks”, that is when I consider them as alive. Second, you have considered their potential, but have you considered their environment? What makes you sure that the children won’t be abandoned, abused, or killed after they are born because of their parent’s financial or emotional situation. You do know that some babies are killed after they are birthed because their parents can’t afford to raise them right? Or that they were forced/pressured to birthed the baby so they feel no bond towards them leading to abuse and abandonment? It’s fortunate if someone were to adopt the babies but there are reasons why orphanages exist. If we’re going by morals, I would rather stop the child from being birthed into a life full of abuse and possible murder without them knowing than to actually have them experience it personally and live out their life scarred or dead, not living a full life. (Third paragraph) I have no qualms with your first claim but your second is just, shallow. Please take into account why people abort. People that are forced to an abortion would have a deeper scar/e than those who chose to have them. I just don’t understand how people with no business at all to tell those women to and not to abort when they aren’t the ones carrying. I know that the same could be said to myself and how I am telling people to stop reading these types of books but first look at the degree of the situations. One is pressuring/forcing women to give birth to an unwanted baby, a situation that involves more than one life when it is not theirs to worry about unless they planned to adopt the baby. And the other, my case, is telling people to stop reading fantasies that revolves around the idea of rape. And look where we are, others are still against it because they need to let off some “stress because of this ****ty life in this ****ty world.” And this is the way to do it? I never said

I never said that abortion shouldn’t be permitted only that it’s still killing a life no matter what and can leave a scare but there is many solution and abortion is a kind of escape with considered minimal scare. But on this you don’t really reply to my comment and only blow your horn in front of me. And I told you the reason of not only sensitizing yourself by reading it but a work on yourself and you didn’t reply which was an important part I think. ‘’Systematics and cultural thinking are often flawed to be of use to a minority, but necessary to prevent disorder.’’ Not it’s to make it seem that elite are pushing the world by themself and there is no real meaning to this part only wanted to finish in beauty with a wise sounding comment. I’m sorry the second half of my comment won’t be corrected because I am too tired to do it now and I wouldn’t send it if I do it later because…. You really should care about how you phrase what you want to say your applause make you sound so arrogant in finally all your reply that I had no choice but to do the same, and if you put it in such a academic way it became a real chore to reply and uselessly complicated.

DaoOfDao:I never said to stop reading R-fantasies but stop R-fantasies where it includes rape because it desensitized people of the severity of rape. The fact that they read these types and not just of those fantasies where they have consensual sex, shows the affects that these types of novels have on them. But could I really stop people from continuing to read? Impossible. Which is why I labeled it as awareness. Between self-righteousness and conscious indifference, I choose to be pragmatic. Systematics and cultural thinking are often flawed to be of use to a minority, but necessary to prevent disorder.

Yeah, I apologized for sounding arrogant. People did say that I do come off as strong. (In fact, you also actually came off as strong like me but with more form, especially your concealed {conscious?} snide sarcastic remarks.) I found that we convey our opinions in ways that provokes each other’s ire, like a sly slytherin vs a gaudy gryffindor. But do know that I actually appreciated your comment and am praising you not because I thought that you were in any way inferior or something similar to that but because you actually did make valid, compelling points. I didn’t know how else to show respect while being in opposition except to applaud?? I thought of using emojis but discarded that option. Excuse me for also forming my response in an academic way because that’s just how I put my thoughts in order and get to understand what people actually thought for specific parts. It’s difficult to know what people are thinking without actually seeing their face and hearing their voice intonations. I didn’t expect you to respond in a similar format and really just wanted you to answer them. It seems that there were topics that we have similar opinions of and others that would have been great to discuss face to face for hours, especially in these monotonous time. But do answer this. Did it bring you awareness of “rope”? **: It is incorrect for you to label me as self-righteous because if you do know me, you may/or already discover/ed that I am one that is missing some morals and act as the devil’s advocate to further mold my beliefs. PPS: I think I have an idea of why I find your writing jabbing, you phrase your refuting words as if I said them myself when I didn’t, add in those labels and remarks. Basically, you have a way with words. Nothing wrong with that. You would be a good politician/lawyer or a businessman/woman or any similar professions.

Dechet:I never said that abortion shouldn’t be permitted only that it’s still killing a life no matter what and can leave a scare but there is many solution and abortion is a kind of escape with considered minimal scare. But on this you don’t really reply to my comment and only blow your horn in front of me. And I told you the reason of not only sensitizing yourself by reading it but a work on yourself and you didn’t reply which was an important part I think. ‘’Systematics and cultural thinking are often flawed to be of use to a minority, but necessary to prevent disorder.’’ Not it’s to make it seem that elite are pushing the world by themself and there is no real meaning to this part only wanted to finish in beauty with a wise sounding comment. I’m sorry the second half of my comment won’t be corrected because I am too tired to do it now and I wouldn’t send it if I do it later because…. You really should care about how you phrase what you want to say your applause make you sound so arrogant in finally all your reply that I had no choice but to do the same, and if you put it in such a academic way it became a real chore to reply and uselessly complicated.

Ok I guess you have an opinion of me, and I don't understand why you try to define me rather than answering my idea or my questions, guess you don't want to keep speaking or think it's without a potential resolution so useless, but I find it even more offending the fact I took the time to reply to each of your query without you responding to any of my, I seem to speak in the wind with you being concerned the ''minor'' things I glossed over. so we have a wide subject but no details which was what interested me. I opened a wide field of idea you could have rebound on, like I gave you a reason of why you could read this and use it to work on yourself and it may be important which was the most interesting things because it was the deep debate on your comment. As for arrogance the sole fact of giving attention and thought to something is a show of importance respect no need to exaggerate imagine if you reply to someone and he applaud you. and no it's didn't bring me awareness because I didn't fell like it was a discussion. if you want to know there was in n.ovel update a woman who posted on many girls novel about rape and that made me feel kind of touched and a felt it was interesting our conversation didn't quite reach this **You are self-righteous because of what you have said even if it's partly but if it's as you say and it's the opposite to what you think then it's hypocrisy.

DaoOfDao:Yeah, I apologized for sounding arrogant. People did say that I do come off as strong. (In fact, you also actually came off as strong like me but with more form, especially your concealed {conscious?} snide sarcastic remarks.) I found that we convey our opinions in ways that provokes each other’s ire, like a sly slytherin vs a gaudy gryffindor. But do know that I actually appreciated your comment and am praising you not because I thought that you were in any way inferior or something similar to that but because you actually did make valid, compelling points. I didn’t know how else to show respect while being in opposition except to applaud?? I thought of using emojis but discarded that option. Excuse me for also forming my response in an academic way because that’s just how I put my thoughts in order and get to understand what people actually thought for specific parts. It’s difficult to know what people are thinking without actually seeing their face and hearing their voice intonations. I didn’t expect you to respond in a similar format and really just wanted you to answer them. It seems that there were topics that we have similar opinions of and others that would have been great to discuss face to face for hours, especially in these monotonous time. But do answer this. Did it bring you awareness of “rope”? **: It is incorrect for you to label me as self-righteous because if you do know me, you may/or already discover/ed that I am one that is missing some morals and act as the devil’s advocate to further mold my beliefs. PPS: I think I have an idea of why I find your writing jabbing, you phrase your refuting words as if I said them myself when I didn’t, add in those labels and remarks. Basically, you have a way with words. Nothing wrong with that. You would be a good politician/lawyer or a businessman/woman or any similar professions.

You’re right, you’re right. I saw no point in discussing with someone who has straw man and ad hominem arguments and puts themselves on a high horse. You said you’re here to help improve myself by widening out the field. I get you and I appreciate that, but do you understand that this original awareness review talked about “rope”(on both sexes), how “rope” victims shouldn’t be forced or pressured to keep their child, or hope-emphasized-that these types of fantasies should be removed or censored because they desensitize people of the severity of “rope”? But, then you made it become all about the whole debate on abortion, philosophy of (potential) life, flawed opinions of the minority, while defining me as self-righteous. Your first sentence here already told me that you have very high evaluation of yourself which is great! But to be irked at how I defined you while calling me self-righteous right from the start then ending it with me being a hypocrite- oh the irony! You’re the type of person who sees faults on what other people say (and probably even do) but don’t acknowledge them on what they did well. You repay compliments with criticism. Never did I once see you saying how you agree or even just understood ONE of my opinions. Your only time of “acknowledgement” was telling me how I have a weird view on life. This isn’t a debate but just something for you to convert someone into having your beliefs by deeming theirs less or incomprehensible. You entered this conversation with prejudice and deluded yourself into thinking that you are the teacher of the “discussion” and have the need to teach all of these “self-righteous” plebeians. You “widen the fields”, straying from the main topic, allowing infinite possible expressions of opinions, only to strike down those opinions you deem unfit. And you say I’m the tyrant. I also know for a FACT that you only felt the need to respond on my review because of my opinion on the “lump of cells” and not because you have opinions on the topic of “rope”. My reasons in believing? -First, you can’t even say rape properly- for the fear of being banned?? You do know that this book is about rape but hidden under the premise of hypnosis, right? -Second, you didn’t explicitly talk about rape, I had ask you to clarify it first, and you mainly talked about abortion and potential life. You even wanted me to stray into the topic of philosophical life such as a wood burning. -Third, because you already labeled people, such as I, as self-righteous and felt the need to “correct” our views. -Fourth, and the main reason, you said that all this didn’t even give you an ounce of awareness because YOU FELT that it was not a discussion. You do know that this awareness is aimed towards the subject of rape and not of your thoughts on abortion, potential life, and opinions of the minority. Right? You also know that awareness need not be a discussion but to bring up the subject into people’s minds. Right? You’re a very prideful person and only wants things to go your way. You can’t even accept that it brought you awareness because you “didn’t fell like it was a discussion” (to your liking). If you wanted this to have been a discussion from the start, you could have went straight into talking about the girl in n.ovel up.dates instead of labeling my purpose as self-righteous. I already yielded but maaaaan you just kept on jabbing. What’s annoying is that you don’t even notice it. “Self-righteous” my a**. P.S: I didn’t say that you disagree with abortion, look back as I specifically said “they” as in others. The fact that you responded as if it was aimed at you shows that you felt targeted because you haven’t admitted to those opinions yourself. Or that you are so conceited that you thought only about your opinions through out this “debate”. P.P.S: For someone who sees humans as no greater than animals and also consider wood burning as “alive” to counter the “killings” of non-living mass of cells- th

Dechet:Ok I guess you have an opinion of me, and I don't understand why you try to define me rather than answering my idea or my questions, guess you don't want to keep speaking or think it's without a potential resolution so useless, but I find it even more offending the fact I took the time to reply to each of your query without you responding to any of my, I seem to speak in the wind with you being concerned the ''minor'' things I glossed over. so we have a wide subject but no details which was what interested me. I opened a wide field of idea you could have rebound on, like I gave you a reason of why you could read this and use it to work on yourself and it may be important which was the most interesting things because it was the deep debate on your comment. As for arrogance the sole fact of giving attention and thought to something is a show of importance respect no need to exaggerate imagine if you reply to someone and he applaud you. and no it's didn't bring me awareness because I didn't fell like it was a discussion. if you want to know there was in n.ovel update a woman who posted on many girls novel about rape and that made me feel kind of touched and a felt it was interesting our conversation didn't quite reach this **You are self-righteous because of what you have said even if it's partly but if it's as you say and it's the opposite to what you think then it's hypocrisy.

P.P.S: For someone who sees humans as no greater than animals and also consider wood burning as “alive” to counter the “killings” of non-living mass of cells- then goes on to call someone as self-righteous and a hypocrite. 🤭

DaoOfDao:You’re right, you’re right. I saw no point in discussing with someone who has straw man and ad hominem arguments and puts themselves on a high horse. You said you’re here to help improve myself by widening out the field. I get you and I appreciate that, but do you understand that this original awareness review talked about “rope”(on both sexes), how “rope” victims shouldn’t be forced or pressured to keep their child, or hope-emphasized-that these types of fantasies should be removed or censored because they desensitize people of the severity of “rope”? But, then you made it become all about the whole debate on abortion, philosophy of (potential) life, flawed opinions of the minority, while defining me as self-righteous. Your first sentence here already told me that you have very high evaluation of yourself which is great! But to be irked at how I defined you while calling me self-righteous right from the start then ending it with me being a hypocrite- oh the irony! You’re the type of person who sees faults on what other people say (and probably even do) but don’t acknowledge them on what they did well. You repay compliments with criticism. Never did I once see you saying how you agree or even just understood ONE of my opinions. Your only time of “acknowledgement” was telling me how I have a weird view on life. This isn’t a debate but just something for you to convert someone into having your beliefs by deeming theirs less or incomprehensible. You entered this conversation with prejudice and deluded yourself into thinking that you are the teacher of the “discussion” and have the need to teach all of these “self-righteous” plebeians. You “widen the fields”, straying from the main topic, allowing infinite possible expressions of opinions, only to strike down those opinions you deem unfit. And you say I’m the tyrant. I also know for a FACT that you only felt the need to respond on my review because of my opinion on the “lump of cells” and not because you have opinions on the topic of “rope”. My reasons in believing? -First, you can’t even say rape properly- for the fear of being banned?? You do know that this book is about rape but hidden under the premise of hypnosis, right? -Second, you didn’t explicitly talk about rape, I had ask you to clarify it first, and you mainly talked about abortion and potential life. You even wanted me to stray into the topic of philosophical life such as a wood burning. -Third, because you already labeled people, such as I, as self-righteous and felt the need to “correct” our views. -Fourth, and the main reason, you said that all this didn’t even give you an ounce of awareness because YOU FELT that it was not a discussion. You do know that this awareness is aimed towards the subject of rape and not of your thoughts on abortion, potential life, and opinions of the minority. Right? You also know that awareness need not be a discussion but to bring up the subject into people’s minds. Right? You’re a very prideful person and only wants things to go your way. You can’t even accept that it brought you awareness because you “didn’t fell like it was a discussion” (to your liking). If you wanted this to have been a discussion from the start, you could have went straight into talking about the girl in n.ovel up.dates instead of labeling my purpose as self-righteous. I already yielded but maaaaan you just kept on jabbing. What’s annoying is that you don’t even notice it. “Self-righteous” my a**. P.S: I didn’t say that you disagree with abortion, look back as I specifically said “they” as in others. The fact that you responded as if it was aimed at you shows that you felt targeted because you haven’t admitted to those opinions yourself. Or that you are so conceited that you thought only about your opinions through out this “debate”. P.P.S: For someone who sees humans as no greater than animals and also consider wood burning as “alive” to counter the “killings” of non-living mass of cells- th

I don't understand when I was someone who has straw man and ad hominem arguments, I never said I would improve you but told my view that reading this book could be of use to improve someone (not you particularly) and it has no link with the field because I was speaking of the field of possible and interesting subject we could write about. So yes I think this kind of things shouldn't be censored because it could create naivety and dark fantasy even uglier in people. It may be ironic how I express myself for you but not only I told you the reason of it even if it's for you childish it's because you installed a tone to the discussion that I felt compelled to reply in the kind. And the definition of hypocrisy is using belief you don't have to have a benefit even if this benefit is moral which is exactly what you described when you spoke about your moral lack in some part and trying to define yourself by putting this kind of arguments. Sorry but it's not acknowledgement when I said you have a weird view of life, and I don't see the use of sweetening you by agreeing to what you say because it's already the common beliefs (so most are thinking like you already) and could force you to not search for a change of point of view by staying common. I don't think myself as teacher and it's why I find it offending when you don't reply to my own question after I did it for you it's like complaining that we don't have a equal relationship after being in a situation where I'm the only one giving and then saying I'm the one at fault. I spoke of embryo because you asked to be proved it wasn't only a mass of cell. And I put forth the best I could in the wide fields of possibility what I found interesting, things you didn't reply at all. And i do have an opinion on rope and the fact I don't want to spell it don’t mean anything deep for me it’s only a kind of sweet paranoia. As for the topic a rope I was never really near an act of the kind so I can’t say more than the fact it’s cultural construction. My best clues are parna change the a in o. Were you have no real touch to reality so really weak reasoning expect the fact it’s dark fantasy of human. Again did you reply to one thing I asked? You only questioned my point of view. you are self righteous because of the situation you put yourself in, you go to a novel you think bad to elevate you own ideal and spit on all those who read it. So please explain me the reason of your act if it wasn’t self righteous. I used burning woods as a metaphor because I found it strong and life is often compared to a fire. As for human compared to animals you can have your own view of it, but I personally don’t see it’s greatness, we act like an animals without predator destroy our environment we are a bit lucky that we could give so much significance in our innovation and cultural growth but it stop here for me. Really sorry for the mess that I wrote there, all the ideas are in a messy disorder .

DaoOfDao:P.P.S: For someone who sees humans as no greater than animals and also consider wood burning as “alive” to counter the “killings” of non-living mass of cells- then goes on to call someone as self-righteous and a hypocrite. 🤭

I understand what you are saying but its just a fantasy and it ain't real and I think that's what matters. If people want to read about rape or some type of fantasy involving rape, I think that's fine. Its definitely better then doing it in real life. If you don't enjoy these then don't read them or don't acknowledge them as it doesn't really affect people that much, at least I think - and if it does then I don't know what to say, at the end of the day its just words on a paper. As long as we understand that this is simply a fantasy/wish-fulfillment and are able to differentiate between reality and fantasy then f*ck it. Overall, people are into this because they'd like control over things they cant control in real life. This leads to why we read anything that has to do with fantasy - its because we would all love to be the man in shining armor saving the damsel in distress but a lot of us cant do that or wont so we resort to this in order to live out fantasies or get a feeling from something that ain't real even if its fu*ked up. I definitely think its a good medium considering what others do to "get off". Let me ask you question - "Would you rather people read harmless material online or act out there fantasies in real life?"


Killing is not good right? So there are many books in webnovel that includes murder and genocide. Go and write in all those books about why those books even exists. It'll influence people to do murder in real life right? RIGHT??? Why don't we just ban all kinds of webnovels cuz they are OBVIOUSLY A BAD INFLUENCE.


ok cuck gay


But you didn't respond to his point... Murder is bad but is still advertised. I'm not defending r**e or this webnovel but it is true that most novels contain killing, and often violent killing, but is seen as ok. I think it's just a difference in who the target audience is and their maturity

DaoOfDao:Relative privation. R*pe isn’t murder. R*pe is WAY more common than murder. R*pe sometimes even lead to murder. Why try to stray away from the topic? It’s like you felt targetted at the mention of it. Calm down. You’re giving yourself away.

okay friend , you are a hero of justice and holy, maybe you can start by reporting all novels related to r*pe and demeaning women

DaoOfDao:Relative privation. R*pe isn’t murder. R*pe is WAY more common than murder. R*pe sometimes even lead to murder. Why try to stray away from the topic? It’s like you felt targetted at the mention of it. Calm down. You’re giving yourself away.