
Review Detail of docmoya in Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Review detail


I guess the humor just isn't for me, obviously the main character is meant to be dumb like a lot of other comedy novels but he is separately really unlikable and whiny. I guess this genre is about seeing him as pitiful but still being able to laugh because he's succeeding but i just can't get over how annoying his outlook on things and thought process is. I have come back to it 2-3 times to read more but i always end up stopping after a couple chapters because of how much time we have to spend with this guy that lazes around doing nothing, can't look at anything positively, seeks to use everyone around him, has no interpersonal relations, and is really really dumb. Not only that but the reality of the system setting the bar higher each time, which is the core of the comedy, to me reflects the depressing reality of struggling with a futile task and is genuinely depressing. There was a moment one chapter where he got the results in and it mentioned he felt suicidal; fair enough looking at the money you didn't get for free i think most people would be genuinely suicidal. I almost expected him to jump off the roof. On one hand he's still just being handed money but on the other he's going to have to work harder and harder and nothing goes right for him and its honestly kinda nightmarish. Anyway, i'm sure if you're a fan of this type of comedy the novel is great but it's a hard pass from me

Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt

Liked by 41 people




I've been struggling to read further. I wanted to quit at chapter 11 but kept going till 28. This is so tedious, please let me study or work instead!


This novel is also not for me too. The MC is really dumb and doesn't care about all his employee at all, he is hell bent on losing money even if it means sacrificing the hard works of all his employees . The whole misunderstanding thing is not for me , it is good for first few times but then it becomes genuinely unbearable and the system is just broken.


Well you only looked at the surface

Zian24:This novel is also not for me too. The MC is really dumb and doesn't care about all his employee at all, he is hell bent on losing money even if it means sacrificing the hard works of all his employees . The whole misunderstanding thing is not for me , it is good for first few times but then it becomes genuinely unbearable and the system is just broken.

This novel is not about the mc You should treat the mc as a side character


I guess you haven't caught up to the latest chap yet where the mc is slowly becoming more aware of things that are inevitable like some business becoming successful due to a certain event. Also, it is expected to have some plot holes here and there especially in novels that are content rich as this. Plus those plotholes aren't even that big of a deal.

Zian24:This novel is also not for me too. The MC is really dumb and doesn't care about all his employee at all, he is hell bent on losing money even if it means sacrificing the hard works of all his employees . The whole misunderstanding thing is not for me , it is good for first few times but then it becomes genuinely unbearable and the system is just broken.