
Review Detail of Sly_Lyon in The Depra King

Review detail


I personally don't feel like I am the type of person to read through the novel. It feels like the novel is the type you read if you are already invested in it, not to actually get invested in it. Whilst reading through the text I realize that the text doesn't necessarily pack punches. I think the author needs to work on foreshadowing a bit more in order to make the emotions really come out. Expectations getting broken is usually the way to circumvent the reader's defence mechanism. And it doesn't have to be plot twists or anything. Let's say we got a character, if you make that character act really friendly for the first half of the text and then someones shits on them, it feels more vivid and more offensive. The vocabulary is good, the mystery feeling the author tries to establish comes off really well. It doesn't feel like the author is giving us the whole picture without the colours instead the author gives puzzle bits and lets you add them together which is really well done. On that aspect, the author does a good job. I feel like a large part of the novel is a story not worth telling, again don't get me wrong. There are certain parts that are good, but the book doesn't play off its unique premise enough. That makes it bland and boring. The characters feel fleshed out. I would say the author attempted to make them realistic, but the author confuses what makes a character realistic. In the author's mind, realism is acting how you are supposed to act but I think it's good characters written well. A character that is engaging and consistent becomes realistic to a degree in our heads. Think about the genie from Aladdin, he felt real but the way he acted and what he was wasn't real. Or a dragon could feel real, it's all about how well written it is. The characters themselves don't feel real if they are depicted acting normally.

The Depra King


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"It feels like the novel is the type you read if you are already invested in it, not to actually get invested in it." That's a very interesting way to put it, and I know why you feel like that. Since you're not reading this in chronological order, it would feel as if there is no real reason to feel invested in these characters, but there is a reason why I chose to write these sagas in this order, and once we reach the third saga, you might understand a bit why I chose to do this. Also, I believe the reason you should be invested, if you haven't already, is not the story following Depra, but the story following everyone including Depra. If you do that, you'll get invested really quick. Probably. Also, by foreshadowing, there is so much foreshadowing in this story that I can't tell you about it's not even funny. Also, the emotional moments I write I know I need to put more oomph into it, but think about it this way. Sometimes our most emotional moments in life feel lackluster in the moment, yet when we look back on it, we add a lot more of our own emotions into it, and our boy Depra is heavily lacking in emotions. I can see you only read two chapters, so maybe if you read more, you might change your mind. Lastly, since you've only read the first two chapters and none others, I feel it isn't fair for anyone, including myself, to judge characters based on those first two, especially since you haven't gotten anyone's backstory yet :). While I am clearly biased as the author, I feel as if it may feel I am making characters act as they're supposed to act, but you do have to trust me on this, there's a lot more going on with those characters you met than meets the eye. I'm probably wrong, but I feel as if it's not that you don't find the characters realistic, it's just that you can't relate to them in anyway, since I did base Aether, Hemera, Erebus, Eros, Nyx, and Necessitas around some tropes. I am assuming it's these characters who are the greatest offenders on your list. I hope I didn't sound condescending, but I do hope you reply so I can listen to more of your thoughts, and thanks for the thorough review.