
Review Detail of jebel in The Oracle Paths

Review detail


Hello, I am currently around chapter 1000 and I wanted to make a review of the story so far. First I want to say that I like the story so far, the concept is original and the characters make rational desicions. Their developement is also interseting, for example how jake progressively learn how to open to others and then is progressively influenced by the corruption. I like the power scaling up to Quanoth, but after that, I find the jake is progressing at a ridiculous speed. During the ordeal, he goes from physical stats around 1000 to stats around 200 000, so 200 times stronger. In comparaison, the year of training before made jake stats multiply by at most 5. For the romance part, if the female lead is indeed ruby, then I have to say that the fact that she is a digestor is pretty cool, but still, I would have appreciated to see their relashionship evolve a bit faster; they still dislike each other after 1000 chapters ! Finaly, for the 5th ordeal, I like the reintroduction of min ho and amy that we had not seen since the 1rst ordeal, and I hope that we will also see lu Yan and her brother again. Anyway, this is just my personal oppinion, and I want to say again that I find this story very good. Good Luck !

The Oracle Paths


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