
Review Detail of DiperZ in A Gamer in Multiverse

Review detail


Esta historia es un meh el MC es el típico MC que podés encontrar en un montón de novelas solo que el autor lo quiere hacer parecer más inteligente, nose por qué comprar meditación mágica en ves de comprar la técnica de respiración pasiva que hace que con el tiempo llegues a 100 de estadísticas en todos los campos estúpido

A Gamer in Multiverse


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For those who don't know Spanish, user DiperZ says " This story is a meh the MC is the typical MC that you can find in a lot of novels only that the author wants to make him seem more intelligent, I don't know why buy magic meditation instead of buying the passive breathing technique that he does with the time you get to 100 stats in all fields stupid " - I don't know Spanish too, so I used google translate for it, which means this translation might not be the exact thing user DiperZ tries to say


Oh i see, he definitely makes a point, but he seems to be taking it too seriously because the mc doesn't need to be perfectly strong, but to logical people such as myself who likes to optimize things he makes sense

Ragdin:For those who don't know Spanish, user DiperZ says " This story is a meh the MC is the typical MC that you can find in a lot of novels only that the author wants to make him seem more intelligent, I don't know why buy magic meditation instead of buying the passive breathing technique that he does with the time you get to 100 stats in all fields stupid " - I don't know Spanish too, so I used google translate for it, which means this translation might not be the exact thing user DiperZ tries to say

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