
Review Detail of Jenner380 in I Am the God of Games

Review detail


This story is about a guy reincarnating as a god of games. His followers gets to have a game system and he is the developer. It's a pretty fun concept but i feel like it could have been executed much better. Don't get me wrong, It's a good read and i would recommend checking it out even if it disapoints a bit. It actually made me buy coins for the first time, as the story is premium from chapter 40. The ting that killed this story for me is the almost complete lack of any character development and they way the author rushes through events. You don't really feel any attachment to any of the characters in the story because they feel bland and boring. Also, none of his followers can die because of the revive system and they only lose experince points when they die, so theres no real risk to anything they do. The translation is pretty good compared to others. Overall i would recommend reading it, as it is kinda fun, but don't spend any coins on it as it will only leave you disapointed in what could have been.

I Am the God of Games

Green Pepper Bat Donburi

Liked by 11 people




Indeed you are right there truly is not much or even existing character development in this novel as there is not much risks and them throwing new characters here and there doesn't really help in being attached to the existing characters still it's an okay read non the less


Ur right on the money. I may have some things that bother me here and there, but the only thing that really counts is the fact where there is no risk. It's not so exciting when oh look, u cant die. It's also a bit annoying since its getting into the heads of the players, I can't call them arrogant, but there is no real hierarchy, u have a noble, the og princess which was part of the birth of the god, and a saintess. But players show jack respect because who cares, no one can die! Its fine since the mc is the god not the players, but I still want some to stand out and be held with respect, like oh look its the princess!! I feel like its gotten into the players head, its comedic i get it, but its a bit repetitive where the joke is the players talking about death so casually, and outsiders getting shocked