
Review Detail of Kerwas in Solo Leveling(Only I level up)

Review detail


It is rare for me that i binge read a whole manga. But as one how has done, read a whole grene section of a public library, i can fairly good tell, if a story is good or not, and this is, for his genre, one of the best i can remember so far. Even if i not used to this pay-per-Chapter thing, this story is it worth. all thou i find this drawing of all this power moves a bit annoying and the development of the MC a bit shallow or ill explained (i have to digest it further to determined it what it is for me), the story arc is plain wonderful executed. right now he is a bit of a marry sue but it is already build up another arc that will come down heavy on him and so i look forward to it. i even consider right now to switch to the LN in english to get the new chapter a bit earlier. sadly i can't read Japanese otherwise i would switch even to the original LN. But One thing that is really annoying thou has nothing to do with the story itself and more with the technical backbone of this side here. Could you PLS make it possible to PRE buy a whole chapter or even all chapters at once, or give the reader the ability to reload a whole chapter without to scroll all that sides down again? It happens to me quite often that some parts not loading and haven't any reload button at all. so i have to refresh the whole side and scroll down the last two chapters or so. it would be very handy lo localize the chapters i already buy so that my read flow doesn't get interrupted all the time.

Solo Leveling(Only I level up)

DUBU (REDICE STUDIO), Chugong, h-goon

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