
Review Detail of YesEvil in Way of the Knights

Review detail


Writing Quality: There are a lot of mistakes in any given chapter which greatly hinders the flow of reading. The most blatant mistakes are missing words or incorrect words such as "tales" instead of 'tails' or "of" instead of 'if'. Stability of Updates: I've powered through 50 chapters so I am not up to the update waiting part yet, don't think I will get there though. Checking the history shows it started off daily but has switched to a weekly mass update. Mostly reliable so far. Story Dev: Nothing really stands out, a bit forceful in moving the story along. Still in a stage where it feels like the story is in it's infancy which is fair for only having read 50 chapters. Character Design: Cliche? But at the same time it only feels like we have gotten to know two characters, the MC and romantic interest. A lot of the characters are just there and they don't feel "alive". Just being there for the sake of needing to be there. I will admit I was happy that the MC showed glimpses of quality from his youth, however it just makes it seem like he never changed even with the reincarnation. World Background: Nothing special, but it is early days. A lot to learn about the author's world in the future releases. I am a fan of the 'last bastion' start. Overall I don't really find anything special about this title. My best way to explain how I feel is that I would not use SS or FP to read this novel. My advice to the author would be to improve their writing via properly editing their work and to flesh out characters so the readers will actually care about what happens with them.


Way of the Knights


Liked by 23 people




Thanks this really helps. It seems like a good read but not one worth paying for. I like the objective look at the book rather than mindless praise