
Review Detail of Chenglei in Reincarnated into Warframe Universe: Tyranny of the Tenno

Review detail


This Fan-Fic of Warframe is written pretty well. However, so far from what I've read it seems like the Author is merely following the plot that the Game has set already for players in-game. So it's incredibly boring and dry for those who've already played the game... And some interactions that the main character has done so far seems extremely bland? For example when he is awoken by the Lotus, she is giving the Tenno a set of instructions as what to do, yet the protagonist just ignores her instructions, yet she has no reaction towards that. Like what? Is she just a computer for her to just keep repeating herself autonomously?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ No, you have to giver her a breath of life. Make her react to the protagonist continuous ignoring. Another example would be with the rescuing of Darvo. Everything happened so fast. The main character's interaction with Darvo was so dull, or better yet, there was hardly any interaction at all! The entire sequence was just: 1) Stealthily sneaks in grineer jail. 2) Stealthily kills a few grineers. 3)Stealthily saves Darvo 4)Stealthily gets to ship and leaves. 5) Bam! Mission complete, now onto the next mission. Like what? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Tbh this Fan-Fic looks like it has potential, however you need to give it more life. Instead of the boring old Game Plot... cause so far it just seems like an explanation of what happens in the game...

Reincarnated into Warframe Universe: Tyranny of the Tenno


Liked by 11 people




Hey, I love the story, I just wanna say that the part with the ghetto accent is too funny and it got me lying on the floor laughing.

ChaosSlimeGod:Hi, I've been wondering whether or not to write this reply or not but at the end of the day there's very little in your review that accurately describes my novel. So I feel compelled to set the record straight. 1. Ignoring the Lotus' instructions: There's literally nothing at all that needs to be said in this moment. When I say that he's ignoring the Lotus, it's mostly to convey that he isn't talking back to her, which given the circumstances is completely normal. In the cryopod he's only recieving vague information on the current situation and being told that he eventually needs to kill the Twin Queens. Is he supposed to wake up, from potentially thousands of years of cryosleep, and just automatically be like, "Oh **** girl! Lotus, is that you? Girl I'm just coming outta this cryopod and my Tenno perm is...wait what? You mean to tell me dem Twin Skanks is still Hoe'in it up in that tacky ass Kuva Fortress? Oh my god, girl! Wait til I get out dis muthufuckin cryopod Imma walk over there right now and slap da **** out dem bitches." Obviously, considering the situation there's really no expectation at all that he would respond at all other than making some groaning noises or something. As for when he's out of the cryopod, it's not like he's sitting on the ground playing solitaire he's actively following her instructions while his life is on the line. What use is there in trying to have expanded dialogue in a situation like this? And because he is following her instructions there's no need for her to repeat herself. 2. Dry and boring dialogue with Darvo: Ummm...yeah, you mean the kind of dialogue you would totally expect, in a situation where there's a mind control device attached to your body and every moment it stays on you its effects get worse? Again, what makes you think this is a moment in which expanded dialogue would be appropriate? It doesn't matter how you assess it it just isn't what would realistically happen if you were actually in that situation. 3. Only following the plotline of the original gameplay: Once again, why do you think he would do anything else, especially when I made it a point to have him thinking about his situation and clearly states that going with the flow is the best course of action, until he can get his bearings? Is he just supposed to fly off to Uranus and be like, "Yo, Hunhow! What up, dawg? Oh, you still chillin down here in the depths huh? Das cool, das cool. Me, Oh yeah, I'm just a newly awakened Tenno, you know, just trying to make dis platinum...Huh, oh that? Oh yeah, that's just a mind control device some Grineer put on me. It ain't no big deal I'm pretty sure it'll go away, if I just ignore it." Pretty sure that's not what any reasonable person would do. So, to conclude, pretty much everything you're trying to paint as things that need to be changed are things that any reasonable person would do in the same situation. So, unless you enjoy stories with really dumb MCs that get shot in face in the first couple of chapters because they're staring up at the stars day dreaming while they're getting shot at, there is literally no reason why you would think these things are negatives. Your opinion, if it can even be called that, on the matter is completely ignoring all of obvious dangers he's facing and the fact that I even put all the information you would need to know, to avoid these misconceptions, in the second chapter. The only thing that I can point to, as even remotely reasonable criticism, is that you hint at the idea that things are moving too fast. Well, if that's the case, then I'm guilty as charged because Warframe is a fast paced game and as such I thought it deserved a fast paced novel. If you don't like fast paced novels, you probably aren't going to like this one. Annnnd scene.

Hi, I've been wondering whether or not to write this reply or not but at the end of the day there's very little in your review that accurately describes my novel. So I feel compelled to set the record straight. 1. Ignoring the Lotus' instructions: There's literally nothing at all that needs to be said in this moment. When I say that he's ignoring the Lotus, it's mostly to convey that he isn't talking back to her, which given the circumstances is completely normal. In the cryopod he's only recieving vague information on the current situation and being told that he eventually needs to kill the Twin Queens. Is he supposed to wake up, from potentially thousands of years of cryosleep, and just automatically be like, "Oh **** girl! Lotus, is that you? Girl I'm just coming outta this cryopod and my Tenno perm is...wait what? You mean to tell me dem Twin Skanks is still Hoe'in it up in that tacky ass Kuva Fortress? Oh my god, girl! Wait til I get out dis muthufuckin cryopod Imma walk over there right now and slap da **** out dem bitches." Obviously, considering the situation there's really no expectation at all that he would respond at all other than making some groaning noises or something. As for when he's out of the cryopod, it's not like he's sitting on the ground playing solitaire he's actively following her instructions while his life is on the line. What use is there in trying to have expanded dialogue in a situation like this? And because he is following her instructions there's no need for her to repeat herself. 2. Dry and boring dialogue with Darvo: Ummm...yeah, you mean the kind of dialogue you would totally expect, in a situation where there's a mind control device attached to your body and every moment it stays on you its effects get worse? Again, what makes you think this is a moment in which expanded dialogue would be appropriate? It doesn't matter how you assess it it just isn't what would realistically happen if you were actually in that situation. 3. Only following the plotline of the original gameplay: Once again, why do you think he would do anything else, especially when I made it a point to have him thinking about his situation and clearly states that going with the flow is the best course of action, until he can get his bearings? Is he just supposed to fly off to Uranus and be like, "Yo, Hunhow! What up, dawg? Oh, you still chillin down here in the depths huh? Das cool, das cool. Me, Oh yeah, I'm just a newly awakened Tenno, you know, just trying to make dis platinum...Huh, oh that? Oh yeah, that's just a mind control device some Grineer put on me. It ain't no big deal I'm pretty sure it'll go away, if I just ignore it." Pretty sure that's not what any reasonable person would do. So, to conclude, pretty much everything you're trying to paint as things that need to be changed are things that any reasonable person would do in the same situation. So, unless you enjoy stories with really dumb MCs that get shot in face in the first couple of chapters because they're staring up at the stars day dreaming while they're getting shot at, there is literally no reason why you would think these things are negatives. Your opinion, if it can even be called that, on the matter is completely ignoring all of obvious dangers he's facing and the fact that I even put all the information you would need to know, to avoid these misconceptions, in the second chapter. The only thing that I can point to, as even remotely reasonable criticism, is that you hint at the idea that things are moving too fast. Well, if that's the case, then I'm guilty as charged because Warframe is a fast paced game and as such I thought it deserved a fast paced novel. If you don't like fast paced novels, you probably aren't going to like this one. Annnnd scene.


It's 12AM right now so Im too lazy to write a whole paragraph. So instead I'm just going to say that I agree with some of your points. However, what I was merely trying to say is, you could've come up with something maybe a bit more original? Like I know that sounds kind of stupid considering this is a Fan-fic, but no, I don't mean to sound that way. Hmmm... how about checking out this Story written by Katsuhiro. It's called "Scavengers-A Warframe Story" an excellent Fan-fic that delves deep into the Warframe Lore and truly gives its characters a breath of life. Im not trying to compare someone elses Fan-fic with yours. No, instead, I just wanted to give you an example of what I mean. That you don't need to stick exactly to the Game Plot. But really, I am not saying anything bad about your Writing, or saying that it should change completely merely giving you a suggestion.

ChaosSlimeGod:Hi, I've been wondering whether or not to write this reply or not but at the end of the day there's very little in your review that accurately describes my novel. So I feel compelled to set the record straight. 1. Ignoring the Lotus' instructions: There's literally nothing at all that needs to be said in this moment. When I say that he's ignoring the Lotus, it's mostly to convey that he isn't talking back to her, which given the circumstances is completely normal. In the cryopod he's only recieving vague information on the current situation and being told that he eventually needs to kill the Twin Queens. Is he supposed to wake up, from potentially thousands of years of cryosleep, and just automatically be like, "Oh **** girl! Lotus, is that you? Girl I'm just coming outta this cryopod and my Tenno perm is...wait what? You mean to tell me dem Twin Skanks is still Hoe'in it up in that tacky ass Kuva Fortress? Oh my god, girl! Wait til I get out dis muthufuckin cryopod Imma walk over there right now and slap da **** out dem bitches." Obviously, considering the situation there's really no expectation at all that he would respond at all other than making some groaning noises or something. As for when he's out of the cryopod, it's not like he's sitting on the ground playing solitaire he's actively following her instructions while his life is on the line. What use is there in trying to have expanded dialogue in a situation like this? And because he is following her instructions there's no need for her to repeat herself. 2. Dry and boring dialogue with Darvo: Ummm...yeah, you mean the kind of dialogue you would totally expect, in a situation where there's a mind control device attached to your body and every moment it stays on you its effects get worse? Again, what makes you think this is a moment in which expanded dialogue would be appropriate? It doesn't matter how you assess it it just isn't what would realistically happen if you were actually in that situation. 3. Only following the plotline of the original gameplay: Once again, why do you think he would do anything else, especially when I made it a point to have him thinking about his situation and clearly states that going with the flow is the best course of action, until he can get his bearings? Is he just supposed to fly off to Uranus and be like, "Yo, Hunhow! What up, dawg? Oh, you still chillin down here in the depths huh? Das cool, das cool. Me, Oh yeah, I'm just a newly awakened Tenno, you know, just trying to make dis platinum...Huh, oh that? Oh yeah, that's just a mind control device some Grineer put on me. It ain't no big deal I'm pretty sure it'll go away, if I just ignore it." Pretty sure that's not what any reasonable person would do. So, to conclude, pretty much everything you're trying to paint as things that need to be changed are things that any reasonable person would do in the same situation. So, unless you enjoy stories with really dumb MCs that get shot in face in the first couple of chapters because they're staring up at the stars day dreaming while they're getting shot at, there is literally no reason why you would think these things are negatives. Your opinion, if it can even be called that, on the matter is completely ignoring all of obvious dangers he's facing and the fact that I even put all the information you would need to know, to avoid these misconceptions, in the second chapter. The only thing that I can point to, as even remotely reasonable criticism, is that you hint at the idea that things are moving too fast. Well, if that's the case, then I'm guilty as charged because Warframe is a fast paced game and as such I thought it deserved a fast paced novel. If you don't like fast paced novels, you probably aren't going to like this one. Annnnd scene.

The author deletes comments.


Figures, since he doesn't seem to take criticism well šŸ˜…

David_Drake:The author deletes comments.

Hmmm...it's curious that I managed to miss this comment, since it's six months old at this point. Perhaps you could enlighten me as to what comments I've deleted because I can assure I've done no such thing. As for the guy claiming that I don't take criticism well, it's pretty obvious, to anyone whose actually read my story, that his review is completely misleading and completely fails at offering an honest assessment of its content. I have absolutely no problem with CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM but, when I spot disingenuous and baseless criticisms, I'm obviously going to call you out. Thus, I'll leave you with this: Don't dish it out unless you can take it out. Post whatever comment you want. If it's being deleted, it isn't by me. Just be prepared for the inevitable blowback, if you lie about what I've written.

David_Drake:The author deletes comments.

*eats popcorn*, you know, author makes a good point, I think I'll read this after all.

ChaosSlimeGod: Hmmm...it's curious that I managed to miss this comment, since it's six months old at this point. Perhaps you could enlighten me as to what comments I've deleted because I can assure I've done no such thing. As for the guy claiming that I don't take criticism well, it's pretty obvious, to anyone whose actually read my story, that his review is completely misleading and completely fails at offering an honest assessment of its content. I have absolutely no problem with CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM but, when I spot disingenuous and baseless criticisms, I'm obviously going to call you out. Thus, I'll leave you with this: Don't dish it out unless you can take it out. Post whatever comment you want. If it's being deleted, it isn't by me. Just be prepared for the inevitable blowback, if you lie about what I've written.