
Review Detail of P_C_9856 in Beauty and the Beasts

Review detail


The other comic with a similar name is better. I feel like Qingqing has shown almost no character growth (for me, this is something I prefer to see. Maybe some people don’t like it and want her to have everything from the beginning?). She was cute at first, but it got old (and annoying) after a while. While I understand that some authors like writing “invincible” characters, the fact that Qingqing knows the answer to every weird, obscure “survival” situation is just… not believable. That and the fact that 300 chapters in, it seems like she really hasn’t learned anything in her time in this world- all she does is play the savior of these people. Every. Single. Time. (Or so it seems). Idk. It just seems unrealistic for her to go through all those things but still be… exactly the same. Plot: another case of “good at first, then it just dragged on.” I kept reading because it was good at first, so it was like it had potential. I think I might be wrong. It’s been 300 chapters and it seems like they got writer’s block 150 chapters ago and don’t want to admit it. Drawing quality: the character designs are nice- no complaints there. My only complaint is Qingqing’s blue and purple fur outfit. It’s… kind of tacky and it makes no sense to change to that one. There was nothing wrong with the snake skin outfit (that one was pretty imo- such a shame they changed it)- if the fur was to “keep her warm”… really? It has the same amount of coverage. Idk. If you disagree, imagine seeing someone wearing that blue and purple fur monstrosity on the street. I would cry. Maybe a kid would wear it and it would be cute, but that would be inappropriate. 1 star off for her outfit (after all, she’s the one we look at the most). Also… how old is Qingqing, again?? What is up with some of these stories making the female leads actual children paired with adult men? I get that maybe that’s the target audience age, but whenever I’m reminded of it, it feels… weird. And illegal.

Beauty and the Beasts

Webnovel Comics

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One last thing- if I’m gonna nitpick, I’m gonna nitpick. Was the “she’s even a quarter Russian!” thing in the description necessary? We wouldn’t know or care otherwise. This is a comic, after all. I’m half Chinese and half Eastern European. I get that there’s some kind of fascination with being mixed and that might be why the author chose to say that, but it kind of implies that a fully Chinese girl can’t be that pretty. Why do I say that? There’s nothing about Qingqing’s character that points to that part of her heritage, or even anything about being mixed race (iykyk- it’s not all “oooh you’re mixed! You’re so pretty!!!” It’s also, “you’re not ___ enough” and being looked down on because of that, especially for Chinese culture. Some people who have immigrated to another country or are second+ generation probably can relate to this too.). That means it was chosen for “appearance” purposes, not cultural purposes. It’s uncomfortable for my race to be some sort of stereotypical device. Of course, China isn’t as sensitive about considering these things, but just in case anyone else out there that noticed and thought it was weird- yeah, so did I.