
Review Detail of FelesFortune in Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Review detail


The main problem that I find is that Lyrica seems to be ignored by Shiro for the later parts of the story. While at first it's fine since we know that Shiro wants to deal with the problems in the future but when Nan Tian appears she starts thinking about a relationship with him... If Nan Tian actually spent more time with Shiro at the beginning of the story I wouldn't have minded so much however when they first met he stalks her.. It's later explained that this was romantic advice given to him by others but its still creepy no matter how you look at it. After he leaves we don't see him again until a few hundred chapters in which he just communicates through a laptop. After another long while he finally appears and this time pursues her despite only knowing her for a little while and remembering that 'hey aren't you that one kid that saved me.' Despite there being a lot of hints in the previous chapters that Lyrica might have a chance, the Author suddenly kicks her aside when this happens. At this point I'll probably drop the novel because of this build up and sudden change. If at one point Shiro actually realizes that if the situation with Lyrica continues their friendship might suffer, I'll probably come back to it. I'd just rather the Author not drop hints at the beginning and then suddenly change their mind in the later parts because it just ruins it for some readers. Anyway, I'm currently at 610 something chapters, are there any improvements in the recent chapters? If there's any spoilers about the end results for Shiro's relationship I'd appreciate some.

Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?


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My thoughts are the same and ive only read till chapter 55 and he already annoyes me. Thinking of dropping this then saves me the dissapointment. Truly a pity and I liked this


i have the same problem and question. I dropped after nan tian started to appear all over the place.


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Disappointing but it really only keeps getting worse after the 600s, Lyrica might as well not even exist at this point in the story she even goes off on a solo adventure, and Shiro has grown far more dependant on Nan Tian. I also kinda thought that Nan Tian entered and just destroyed Lyrica but hoped it would get better but now I dont see that happening since Shiro seems overly attached to Nan Tian taking care of her, I kinda feel like she developed an overdependance on him unexpectedly.


Shiro is lyrica’s godmother!!!


So What? That dosn't change the fact that Nan Tian was not needed to begin with. And his introduction ruind the Story complitlie. I loved that book, i realy did. Until that id... didn't go away anymore.

Sunbae_Time_1170:Shiro is lyrica’s godmother!!!