
Review Detail of areum_mi in The Fallen Exorcist

Review detail


I don't know which rank this story is on because I only found out about it after stalking someone in WebNovel, and let me say, it's GREAT! Aside from the very few grammatical errors and the author's tendency to unintentionally switch from present tense, future tense and past tense, the flow of the story is truly remarkable. As for the minor mistakes, I'd like to point out one that you made in the first chapter. On the fourth paragraph—the short one, "But to his dismay, his inability to see will soon bring him to his end." I recommend that you pay attention to the tenses of your sentences, I saw how your story mostly went with present tense, so go with that. It should be "his inability would soon", not will. There are other mistakes, butI'm sure you'll figure them out on your own! I hope you rise in the leaderboards, the plot within the first three chapters is intriguing. I'll be adding this to my library soon. Keep it up!

The Fallen Exorcist


Liked by 2 people




Thank you so much! I am a beginner writer so I apologize for that. I started writing feeling like I was forced, but as I write the following chapters I got a hang of it and found my flow. Anyways, thank you for pointing it out! I'll be re-reading and revising my novel shortly.


P.S. I am currently at top 66