
Review Detail of LongSongGolden in Everything will be my way!

Review detail


So let's start with the good, the actual writing (style, spelling, flow, etc) is good, no broken english or horrible formatting here so that's always nice to see. The world building is interesting, lots of different systems, magic is done via combinations of elements for the most part as pure elements are often less useful. It takes a while but the author is pretty clear in explaining the rest of the world in detail. The MC also has a power that lets him play with his own genetics, which opens up interesting new paths for development. Now the bad. The author has some serious torture kink going on, so basically the first 100 chapters or so are just the MC getting beaten up, healing, beaten up again, tortured, then maybe a little glimmer of hope, nope more beating and torture, rinse and repeat. The character is advertised as a genius but he is often about as intelligent as a pile of dirt. I wish I was joking but this is really a big part of the novel (at least for the most part, it does get better at some points) but while a good novel can make you hate the bad guys, this is a novel that makes you hate the MC for being an idiot. Really it could be better, but it could also be much more. It's not unbearable by any means, but it's a frustrating novel, there is so much potential but also so much of it is wasted with chapters upon chapters of the author just finding new ways to torture the MC like it's some persons fantasy.

Everything will be my way!


Liked by 2 people




it gets worse i read till 330

MoonSon:But even this review also says that the story remains frustrating ...

"Awesome read, I recommend to any one who wants something new and fresh. BEWARE of the frustrating and depressing hero-getting-kicked& nearly-dying arc. I left the book at that ~80-85 chapter, but picked it again. BELIEVE me it gets better still frustrating but better and exciting." Recent review. As you can see, opinions differ.

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But even this review also says that the story remains frustrating ...

Wing_Span:"Awesome read, I recommend to any one who wants something new and fresh. BEWARE of the frustrating and depressing hero-getting-kicked& nearly-dying arc. I left the book at that ~80-85 chapter, but picked it again. BELIEVE me it gets better still frustrating but better and exciting." Recent review. As you can see, opinions differ.

This is temporary. Everything that is lost by the main character will return sooner or later, or will be corrected.

MoonSon:But even this review also says that the story remains frustrating ...

the marina thing is pretty painful since she is kind


Can you explain good sir? Im looking for something to read and from the looks of it, dark themes are to my taste, so i dont really care about that. Im concerned about ntr mostly, as there is a lot of people Talking about the situation with this girl. I did not start it yet, but if you can spoil me some i will be very grateful. Have a nice Day

reestuds:the marina thing is pretty painful since she is kind