
Review Detail of Nier_Xue in Zhanye Black - [Being rewritten]

Review detail


Was hyped up for this novel.. After all, it had one of my favorite genre.. Transportation+system+celeb+popularity..... Well its just like Jay Aslan - Journey to the top..... But well.. what an utter disappointment.. I've tried to read trough even though it had horrible writing quality with grammar missing in most of the sentences.. But i had enough.. -_- I AM NOT JUDGING THIS NOVEL... SURE I CAN TYPE.. But i am not that free enough to produce trash and post it online... I am just sharing my opinion.. DO NOT READ THIS... It should've have a rating of 2.5!! But well.. you know how web novel works..

Zhanye Black - [Being rewritten]


Liked by 15 people




WE ARE NOT BOTS! THIS IS 100% REAL AND YOU CAN SEARCH FOR IT YOURSELF. The writer of this novel is a brazilian youtuber called "Zy" that was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude pictures with an underage girl that was one of his subscribers. She was around 15. Please report and DO NOT consume his content! HE'S A PEDO AND AN ARROGANT MAN!


Agree. And the worst part is the ranking. It has already more than thousand votes 😱😱🤪🤪🤪