
Review Detail of Fongletto in Spending My Retirement In A Game

Review detail


For many years I have checked this website for reviews and usually they are pretty accurate. But I have to say the positive reviews for this LN are so overrated I had to make an account for the first just to correct them. This thing was excruciating to read. The first 50 chapters are virtually word for word him doing the exact same thing 5 times over. Nothing happens, there is no conflict. The characters are bland and 1 dimensional. There is no story at all. It's literally a description of someone doing the same MMO daily quest. I got 100 chapters in under the premise all the reviews said it would get better. But it does not. There is nothing about this LN that is even remotely interesting.

Spending My Retirement In A Game


Liked by 1 people




I honestly liked that it took some time to wind up into a more action packed kind of story, it allowed me to get to know Benjamin before his journey truly took off


totally valid tbh, it was the first thing I wrote and I super sucked at pacing back then, I hope that it gets better in the later parts but I understand that you don't want to sit through the most boring parts of it Thanks for the review anyway though!


i mean if you read the synopsis you should have noticed he is a blacksmith/craftsman so there wouldn't be much action besides repetitive crafting or explaining how functions and new abilities work. it is a slow start but the world building is quite good in regards to other mmorpg novels


I love Starlight Necromancer. It would be nice if you would work on it some

DiceVR:totally valid tbh, it was the first thing I wrote and I super sucked at pacing back then, I hope that it gets better in the later parts but I understand that you don't want to sit through the most boring parts of it Thanks for the review anyway though!

-.Kandungan tidak akan disimpan sekiranya anda memu2yrtuskan untuk keluar.Tambah komenNilai kipas

Silakai:I love Starlight Necromancer. It would be nice if you would work on it some