
Review Detail of C_Sunlight in The Kuukikage; A Naruto Fanfic

Review detail


This is a dead fic............................................. But I can't delete it. WHHHHYYYYYY?! This is really old, and I don't like it anymore, and I'm forced to get daily reports every day. Which are just a bunch of zeroes. This is kinda off-topic, (need to fill that word count, ugh) but what use do the daily reports even have? I get my comment notifications in the comment section of the Author section, only to get the same information regurgitated at me in daily reports. Like, what's the point? And more importantly... Why can't I delete this?! The only reason I use Webnovel is because of the higher reader traffic, tbh. The editing options suck (I can't even bold or italicize, let alone put a line break in).

The Kuukikage; A Naruto Fanfic


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