
Review Detail of CH405Kaiser in A Hero's Multiverse

Review detail


Updates are okay. If you like stories that make no sense, for example, Son of Superman and Wonder Woman + raised by Batman = tell unknown people that you just met your secret identity and background If one is raised by Batman, what the flying hell happen to all that stealth and cunning training by Bruce Wayne (Batman). Also, Deadpool, who is stranded in a void with the MC who has found himself thrust into the void, decides to break the 4th wall by suddenly dubbing his universe as the Marvel Universe. He even goes as far as gaining knowledge of said universe without any explanation as well as listing other movies related to the MCU. Story develops after the mention of ‘Doom of Heroes’ which is a fanfic event made by the author. There is little to no evidence how the event even happened or who was the start of it, other than the fact that a reporter says negative things on tv as well as a brief mention of Bruce Wayne. Character Design is quite bland as there is nothing that separates the characters other than the author’s words of how one looks through awkward word usage. The author should have the characters be able to express their feelings through facial expressions, gestures, or actions. World background could have been smoother if not for the fact that half the stuff Ethan Wayne supposedly raised by Batman is quite the contradiction when he gives details to his life through unknown people. The fact he doesn’t disappear after first contact is even more disturbing. Overall, I don’t plan on reading this novel as there are too many plot holes that does not give a cohesive story.

A Hero's Multiverse


Liked by 21 people




Thanks for your honest opinion. As for most of your problems regarding character design and plot, I can understand your criticism, but remember we are only twenty or so chapters in. The 'missing' information or explanations like 'Doom of Heroes' or Ethen's training under Bruce Wayne are all part of future plot points. *Also you are right that the 'Doom of heroes' is made up by me, but it is based on a plotline from the DC comics...


same here, I found this novel today and I tried reading and stop at chapter 7 because I can't handle the baby like behaviour from the MC which contradict what the author said about being raised by Batman, he is so stupid that he has to tell everybody he comes from other parts of the universe and become so emotional, I don't think that's how Batman raise anyone, the second one is being captured by Black Widow, Superman is as fast as Flash, hyper senses, x-ray vision, but caught by a mortal then as one of the most powerful heroes he has to work as an intern in SHIELD which is tied down by the government, the MC sound smart but all his action proves he is very dumb, and I really hate SHIELD, Governments are always corrupted. and he has to be tied up with them and be a tool for them, no *******, he could have explored the new world on his own and build up a new storyline with many new things for him as a plot, come into conflict with many organization, maybe hide his identity and try to gain a new foothold and build his own empire, but the author just skip everything just throw him into SHIELD.

Zibarn:Thanks for your honest opinion. As for most of your problems regarding character design and plot, I can understand your criticism, but remember we are only twenty or so chapters in. The 'missing' information or explanations like 'Doom of Heroes' or Ethen's training under Bruce Wayne are all part of future plot points. *Also you are right that the 'Doom of heroes' is made up by me, but it is based on a plotline from the DC comics...

Dunno about the other things but Deadpool breaking the fourth wall is canon


Yeah. It is a widely known fact that Deadpool can break the fourth wall.

Sythcake:Dunno about the other things but Deadpool breaking the fourth wall is canon

Its not the fact that Deadpool breaks the 4th wall. Its the fact that the MC doesn’t question Deadpool of his knowledge and goes to work with SHIELD filled with a number of corrupted spies that are HYDRA agents. So when the MC surrenders to SHIELD, I dropped this novel.

Sythcake:Dunno about the other things but Deadpool breaking the fourth wall is canon

don't forget the author doesn't understand any of the character he writes, like wanda, black widow, captain marvel and a female tony stark all falling in love and willing to share a man after meeting him for not even a day.


Lmao I stopped after mc talks to Fury and tells his life story. But yeah, i agree

DeadEye12:don't forget the author doesn't understand any of the character he writes, like wanda, black widow, captain marvel and a female tony stark all falling in love and willing to share a man after meeting him for not even a day.

Hello author here... I understand most of your criticism mentioned here. BUT first let's get some thinks straight! 1. People change through the experiences they make. Experiences change courtesy to the MCs appearance, so please don't say that I wouldn't know the characters since I am changing them due to circumstances caused by MCs existence or story. (I am inspired here by stories like Captain Americas 'Hail Hydra') 2. I get your criticism about the hole harem thing going one, but let me get things out there, that this isn't your typical harem, because some woman (example Tonya) are bi, so they not only stay with MC because of MC but also the other woman. (In short breake ups and deaths , might happen in the future.) 3. This is a fanfiction and despite me following the MCU story, characters and events are bound to be changed. Thanks for your attention, please continue...🤗

DeadEye12:don't forget the author doesn't understand any of the character he writes, like wanda, black widow, captain marvel and a female tony stark all falling in love and willing to share a man after meeting him for not even a day.

The first meeting between Fury and MC is near the beginning....😑

CH405Kaiser:Lmao I stopped after mc talks to Fury and tells his life story. But yeah, i agree

1. So you are telling me that when a guy appears all girls get rid of their personalities and become horny lust dogs in heat?! No! You don't understand any of the goddam characters you wrote. SON OF SUPERMAN AND WONDER WOMAN RAISED BY BATMAN! Do you even understand how op and smart of a character you would have?!?! no you don't because he does nothing like how he is supposed to be. 2. This is your typical harem, you try saying its not but go read every other stupid and pathetic harem novel on here. Every female in the harem is bi. So get out of here trying to make yourself seem better. You make females who are not one to submit to others and be lustful pigs to magically become one and magically be ok with sharing a man after seeing him for one day. You made wanda fall in love with him and accept polygamy without even talking to him. Your most recent chapter has officially destroyed any hope i had in your story. Complete and utter disregard for the actual characters you write about. 3. This is a fan fiction. Unless you say we are in a multiverse where all girls are submissive to men and fine with sharing there man and all fall in love instantly than please don't say that things are to be different.

Zibarn:Hello author here... I understand most of your criticism mentioned here. BUT first let's get some thinks straight! 1. People change through the experiences they make. Experiences change courtesy to the MCs appearance, so please don't say that I wouldn't know the characters since I am changing them due to circumstances caused by MCs existence or story. (I am inspired here by stories like Captain Americas 'Hail Hydra') 2. I get your criticism about the hole harem thing going one, but let me get things out there, that this isn't your typical harem, because some woman (example Tonya) are bi, so they not only stay with MC because of MC but also the other woman. (In short breake ups and deaths , might happen in the future.) 3. This is a fanfiction and despite me following the MCU story, characters and events are bound to be changed. Thanks for your attention, please continue...🤗

1. I agree, but the OPness of the MC is a struggle I am constantly trying to deal with while trying to come up with interesting story arcs... 2./3. I am not implying that all woman instantly have to bend over for the MC. I take your favorite example (Canada) you are saying, that she is falling to fast for the MC (if I am understanding you right there...). I agree for the Wanda in the later MCU movies you are right, that one wouldn't be so fast, but it is a Wanda who just worked with Hydra, would have worked with Ultron and was very dependent on her brother. Another example you might be rasing could be Carol aka Captain Marvel. There I can only say that I am guilty. I hated her personality in the MCU movie, so I changed it, sue me its a fanfiction. Also regarding my present development regarding Wanda and Natasha... Did you even listen to Diana's speech about love?... Forget it... If you feel like their personality are warped too much for your taste, simply blame it on the concept of Multiverses since such versions are bound to exist. Too tired to further argue. I have chapters to write, bad guys to kill and attempt to deliver some reader satisfaction...

DeadEye12:1. So you are telling me that when a guy appears all girls get rid of their personalities and become horny lust dogs in heat?! No! You don't understand any of the goddam characters you wrote. SON OF SUPERMAN AND WONDER WOMAN RAISED BY BATMAN! Do you even understand how op and smart of a character you would have?!?! no you don't because he does nothing like how he is supposed to be. 2. This is your typical harem, you try saying its not but go read every other stupid and pathetic harem novel on here. Every female in the harem is bi. So get out of here trying to make yourself seem better. You make females who are not one to submit to others and be lustful pigs to magically become one and magically be ok with sharing a man after seeing him for one day. You made wanda fall in love with him and accept polygamy without even talking to him. Your most recent chapter has officially destroyed any hope i had in your story. Complete and utter disregard for the actual characters you write about. 3. This is a fan fiction. Unless you say we are in a multiverse where all girls are submissive to men and fine with sharing there man and all fall in love instantly than please don't say that things are to be different.

I thought it got better later on, but not really.

Zibarn:The first meeting between Fury and MC is near the beginning....😑

I mean like who tells ppl there weaknesses and such. Plus Hydra at the time was still within SHIELD, so I decided to not read anymore because the mc stupidity level was over 9000.

Zibarn:The first meeting between Fury and MC is near the beginning....😑

Ya yeet

Zibarn:The first meeting between Fury and MC is near the beginning....😑


Zibarn:The first meeting between Fury and MC is near the beginning....😑

Why do OP MC if you struggle with this? (I use Google translator)

Zibarn:1. I agree, but the OPness of the MC is a struggle I am constantly trying to deal with while trying to come up with interesting story arcs... 2./3. I am not implying that all woman instantly have to bend over for the MC. I take your favorite example (Canada) you are saying, that she is falling to fast for the MC (if I am understanding you right there...). I agree for the Wanda in the later MCU movies you are right, that one wouldn't be so fast, but it is a Wanda who just worked with Hydra, would have worked with Ultron and was very dependent on her brother. Another example you might be rasing could be Carol aka Captain Marvel. There I can only say that I am guilty. I hated her personality in the MCU movie, so I changed it, sue me its a fanfiction. Also regarding my present development regarding Wanda and Natasha... Did you even listen to Diana's speech about love?... Forget it... If you feel like their personality are warped too much for your taste, simply blame it on the concept of Multiverses since such versions are bound to exist. Too tired to further argue. I have chapters to write, bad guys to kill and attempt to deliver some reader satisfaction...

Wait...bi in harem? Whelp there's my stop.


Man i agree with what is with these supposed smart mc who goes all out saying everything to a person he just met I'd authentic justified like being there with Deadwood for years that would sit well and I don't understand this harem thingy either make the world go that way or give him something that controls mind cuz a harem is just wrong without reason. Plus what is with captured by black widow I mean how is he son of superman or lex Luther the capturing thing just botched the character and unreasonable harem destroyed anything fun from the story turned it into mindless writing. I mean hive reason for everything u say through the story if u wanna write a STORY other wise it's just a dairy of a kus with fantasies