
Review Detail of Dark_Xavy in A Cheap, OP Brawler

Review detail


First of all, thank you Author!! For bringing us your wonderful story here in webnovel, cause its so rare to find a good read, about action/adventure/fantasy/hentai novel out there!! And I commend you for that!! (Thankful) šŸ˜‚ Okay storywise, the world background in my opinion (is still developing, I mean there are still tons of improvements, as of right now in the current chapters) is detailed enough for the current arc? And I think we will discover it as long as we continue to follow the story of Jinma. As for the characters, their all okay for me, I mean its not even a week last the story so yeah, their personalities is just the tip of the iceberg, "currently". And also my only concern is the MC, I hope he will not restrict himself too much, for his so called "MORALS" (like killing and certain MORALS which is cumbersome in his present situation cause he's now in the OTHERWORLD) , which is based on "EARTH", I mean he can still retain it (in a certain aspect) but I hope he understands that he's not on EARTH any more. And yeah that's all. I don't really review much often cause, I don't know how (LOLšŸ˜‚).

A Cheap, OP Brawler


Liked by 3 people




And also Author!! You need a cover for your story!! And I hope its dopešŸ˜‚


Like liberty of speech. If you annoy a cutivator because you think you can talk goodbye your head