
Review Detail of Bisneto in Tales of Demons and Gods: Story of Red Moon Immortal (Hong Yue Xian)

Review detail


I've read up to the 27th chapter and so far it's pretty good. Very few mistakes; Fast paced development; Characters have their own personality; The 18+ parts are nice and not excessive in quantity; MC's personality is actually pretty realistic (though quite horny XD) for someone in his situation. I don't really have any issues so far, except having to wait a month for more T-T.

Tales of Demons and Gods: Story of Red Moon Immortal (Hong Yue Xian)


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Thanks, I edit my work as much as I can, check it and double check it, but sometimes my mind just misses the small ones. I will do occasional checks and edit any I see. About him being horny, well imagine yourself in his situation ;) plus it was kind of hinted that it was partly his ability’s fault. About the month wait, it might not take as long I just don’t want to force myself to write it in haste and raising the readers’ expectations before not delivering on them. If my enthusiasm stays I might write and release the next volume soon. The month is more of a buffer zone to prepare you all for the wait and in case something changes in my life.


I did think that Nie Li's rejection of every other girl, besides Ye Ziyun, for most of the novel was incredibly annoying. It feels pretty satisfying to see a MC that gives them attention (If you know what I mean heheh). Letting Nie Li be in a relationship with Ziyun was a good move imo. Keep in mind that Ziyun's constant rejection of Nie Li in the novel had a lot to do with Xiao Ning'er's affection for him, so she shouldn't have as many reservations in your story. Anyway, can't wait for the next mass release.


Thanks. Yeah, that is why even though I did not mention it, Nie Li was not told to leave by Ye Ziyun, and later that evening he goes to drink with Yang Xin. Instead Hong Yue Xian goes to her, and they do it. Also during the fight it was originally Xiao Ning’er who saves Nie Li, but this time it is Ye Ziyun as she cares about Nie Li more. Anyway I did not concentrate on them much as it would be very stressful to write it and the mc is Hong Yue Xian after all


All women in the Harém of MC 😍😍

WritingDreams:Thanks. Yeah, that is why even though I did not mention it, Nie Li was not told to leave by Ye Ziyun, and later that evening he goes to drink with Yang Xin. Instead Hong Yue Xian goes to her, and they do it. Also during the fight it was originally Xiao Ning’er who saves Nie Li, but this time it is Ye Ziyun as she cares about Nie Li more. Anyway I did not concentrate on them much as it would be very stressful to write it and the mc is Hong Yue Xian after all