
Review Detail of BrownMunda in Supreme Magus

Review detail


Couldn't give it 0 rating bcoz of system the app has set. Barely able to read 8 chapters bcoz the illogical, toxic and irrational behavior of characters in novel. so much irrational that its the only impression I have of this novel except prolonged. Tbh wouldn't be bothering to write review of crap garbage like this. But the cunt bitches fan of this story are too toxic. These idiots thinks that just bcoz they are blind, unreasonable and Couldn't see shit writing others also can't see. That's their thinking. So any one who tries to make a criticism,they will start abusing those ppl. Sorry for bad english. Note: Just bcoz novel is Top10 on this app doesn't mean it's good. Literally after LOTM almost 99% novels are trash on this app and this idiotic situation is going up from 2 or 3 years. Literally I checked and saw only one comment of criticism about this novel out of almost 4000 reviews. Bruh even master piece like LOTM didn't have this much privileges.

Supreme Magus


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It's funny to think that how u think that you know everything. How u get to point I didn't even bother with prolonged? Bruh I have read many novels on this novels. I'm like here reading when spirit stones were the currency on this app to read new chapters. I know sometimes you need to read more chapters take judgment and I have done it But with my experience i can see whats reasonable or not. And I don't need your advice on it. Yeah Omniscient reader is good, not taht I have read but I have gut feeling and I have read reviews. and yeah if you had read my comments than you would have known that I really had the high hopes for this novel. But then it's not even only novel which gives one or two savage moments but aren't much in actuality. I know what I say. and comment box is not ur property 😒 so you aren't even qualified to say others what they should comment or not.

Necrodominatus:I saw your comments earlier on supreme magus.. it really showed that you didnt even bother with the prolo gue.. ofc you wouldnt understand what the mcs mentality is.. and what inconsistencies are you talking about i started the story just today and im on chapter 8 as well .. everything the author wrote makes sense to me from the beginning .. you can actually tell that the story is a well thought out story.. people like you should stop reading stories.. you cant judge novels fully by reading 8 chapters but whatever its good that you stopped reading wouldve been eye sore seeing your comments. Side note: Lotm is great ..one of the best ive read so far .. and you’re wrong about webnovel not having good novels in it .. reverend insanity .. Omniscient readers view point .. birth of demonic sword and many more are good stuff

I saw your comments earlier on supreme magus.. it really showed that you didnt even bother with the prolo gue.. ofc you wouldnt understand what the mcs mentality is.. and what inconsistencies are you talking about i started the story just today and im on chapter 8 as well .. everything the author wrote makes sense to me from the beginning .. you can actually tell that the story is a well thought out story.. people like you should stop reading stories.. you cant judge novels fully by reading 8 chapters but whatever its good that you stopped reading wouldve been eye sore seeing your comments. Side note: Lotm is great ..one of the best ive read so far .. and you’re wrong about webnovel not having good novels in it .. reverend insanity .. Omniscient readers view point .. birth of demonic sword and many more are good stuff